Fabulous and festive stencils for window decorations for the New Year. Window decoration for the New Year Paper window gifts

You can create a New Year's atmosphere with handmade items cut out of paper. They are called vytynanki, which means “clippings.” Here you can find silhouettes of New Year's heroes: Father Frost and Snow Maiden, snowmen, gnomes, various Christmas trees, balls and bells, snowflakes, snow-covered houses, figurines of deer and cute animals.

Today we offer you stencils for New Year's decorations of various themes. Let's be inspired by the actions of the masters and the finished works for decorating windows, Christmas trees, postcards, and the New Year's scene. The given templates can be easily printed on a sheet of white paper, cut out and pasted on the window with soapy water, or fixed in other corners of the New Year's interior.

With small cutouts you can decorate a window or create a composition on a windowsill or table; larger cutouts can be used to decorate walls in a room or on a stage.

These are the images you might end up with:

Stencils for the silhouette cutting of the Snow Maiden and Father Frost:

Choose your favorite stencil with the image of Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter. As a tool, you can use thin scissors, stationery knives, you will definitely need a backing board so as not to scratch the table.

Vytynanka Christmas tree

You can cut out the Christmas tree using a stencil as a silhouette, or you can make a symmetrical cutout by folding a sheet of paper in half. We make a standing Christmas tree in one of the following ways: glue two symmetrical Christmas trees onto an oval paper stand, or fold each Christmas tree in half and glue it together.

Snowflakes and ballerinas

Snowflakes are very different. Especially if the master uses all his imagination. So, you can cut out a symmetrical snowflake by folding the paper several times. Look what design was applied in the form of a stencil and what an unusual tip the snowflakes have.

Inside a snowflake there can be a completely independent composition. For example, a New Year's snowman or a snowy forest.

Snowflakes can take the form of light snow ballerinas. To do this, cut out the silhouette of a ballerina separately, put an openwork snowflake on it and hang it by a thread. It turns out to be a very delicate airy decoration.

Christmas balls

Christmas tree decorations can be cut out either in a symmetrical pattern or using an individual stencil. These decorations can be used to complement a composition on a window, decorate a Christmas tree, or attach them with threads to a chandelier or curtain.


We make carved bells using a stencil. If you glue translucent paper, for example, tracing paper, to the inside of the cutout, then such a bell can be used with a backlight effect.

Reindeer, sleigh, cart

Another fabulous New Year's hero is the deer. The delivery of the wizard Father Frost and the Snow Maiden is associated with it. We offer stencils for cutting out deer, carts and sleighs.


Charming good-natured Snowmen should definitely decorate the New Year's house. It’s easy to cut out their figures symmetrically, or you can make a “family photo of Snowmen” or a composition with a Christmas tree and children.

New Year numbers

You can cut out beautiful numbers for the coming New Year using these templates:

Beasts, signs and symbols

You can make a custom New Year's decoration. To do this, we cut out paper silhouettes of our favorite pets, fairy tale and cartoon characters, birds and animals in a fabulous winter forest.

Cut out the figures of the sun and moon using stencils and complete your composition.

Snowy houses

It will be very cozy if there is a snow-covered house on the window in the New Year's picture. It could be a small hut or a whole palace.


Who is looking forward to the New Year and Santa Claus the most? Well, of course, children! Using silhouette cuttings from paper, we make figures of children near the Christmas tree, with gifts, singing and dancing, in a word, we bring the true atmosphere of the holiday!


We offer options for vytynanok - candles. They can be independent or combined with balls, bells, branches and bows.


For Christmas, you can cut out thematic patterns dedicated to the events and circumstances of this event. These can be silhouettes of Jerusalem, images of angels, shepherds and wise men. And don't forget about the Star of Bethlehem!

You can separately cut out the silhouette of the Star of Bethlehem:

The central place among the Christmas decorations should, of course, be given to the Nativity scene - the cave in which the Savior was born. The manger of the Divine Child is comfortably surrounded by hay and domestic animals.

Composition with lighting

With openwork paper cutouts you can decorate not only the window, but also create a three-dimensional panorama on the windowsill. It will be especially impressive if you put a garland or small lights inside the box.

Get involved in the design of New Year's decorations - made of paper with your children. This is not only useful for developing imagination and training fine motor skills, but will also give you a lot of pleasure from joint creativity, and then from contemplating the resulting beauty!

A child lives in each of us, so both children and adults look forward to the New Year. Everyone is waiting for gifts and miracles, and what could be more magical than decorations on the window. Like Santa Claus, you can leave ornate patterns on the glass.

Previously, in anticipation of the winter holidays, in labor lessons, and then at home, we cut out snowflakes from landscape paper and napkins. This activity helps transform an apartment/house into the Snow Queen's winter palace, and also develops fine motor skills, perseverance and attentiveness. Just a wonderful exercise for a child!

Today, cutting out stencil pictures has become a new trend; they are also called stencils. You can make entire applications from them, decorating window glass. Using ready-made templates, they create decorations for the Christmas tree, cabinet furniture, chandeliers, and mirrors.

Tools and methods for decorating window glass.

To work on the stencil you will need:

  • paper (better for a printer);
  • nail scissors, a sharp knife (preferably a stationery knife with a new blade). Take care of the child’s safety - monitor his work with the knife or perform the necessary manipulations yourself, and let the child cut with scissors;
  • substrate - cutting board, board for plasticine.

When you have cut out the embossing, you can apply it to the glass in two ways.

  1. Soap solution. Take a bar of soap, moisten it in water and apply it to the entire surface of the cut out picture. In addition to soap, a weak solution of PVA glue is also used and applied with a brush.
  2. Artificial snow and toothpaste splashes. Hold the stencil with your hand and spray artificial snow from the can onto the glass. Or take toothpaste, dilute it slightly with water and use an old toothbrush to spray it onto the glass. Remove the stencil.

These methods differ in results. In the first case, the picture is not transparent, in the second it is more voluminous and textured. Choose the best way for you and your child. Such decor will delight not only family members, but also random passers-by!


The most popular and practical solution is to decorate windows for the New Year with your own hands. First of all, the idea comes to mind to cut out snowflakes and stencils of a suitable theme from paper.

What is relevant for the 2018 meeting? Of course, the dog who will be the owner next year. In addition, any motives that are somehow related to the New Year, winter, or Santa Claus are suitable. More recently, such decorations were called simply or stickers, but today they are called the colorful word “vytynanki”.

To be fair, it should be noted that vytynanki are used not only for the New Year; their help is sought during celebrations:

  • Halloween;
  • Valentine's Day;
  • March 8;
  • birthday.

The approach of the New Year is evidenced by large decorated windows of restaurants and cafes, stained glass windows of beauty salons and ordinary offices. Well, of course, every owner wants.

Decorating windows for the New Year with vytynankas is today a separate direction in handmade technology. A large number of forums, master classes and videos are devoted to this topic.

How masterpieces are created for windows

How to make vytynanka for the New Year? Decorating windows is a creative process in which all family members can take part. As a rule, ordinary A4 paper is used to make stencils. But people with a creative approach choose other materials:

  1. Tracing paper.
  2. Foil.
  3. Metallized paper.

Snowmen and snowflakes on the windows are already quite boring, so it’s better to come up with a whole composition on a winter theme, where the main characters will be Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, a Christmas tree, handsome deer, bells, forest animals and gifts.

To create New Year's stencils for windows, you can use pictures on the Internet that need to be printed. The master will need a standard set of tools, which includes:

  • sharp manicure scissors (it is better to stock up on two options - with smooth and rounded ends);
  • stationery knife;
  • a simple pencil;
  • ruler and patterns;
  • eraser;
  • glass board for modeling plasticine or other hard surface that will protect the table from cuts and scratches.

All large parts are cut using a stationery knife, and small elements are cut out with scissors.

Advice! You can draw pictures yourself, because not every Internet user has a printer. As a last resort, you can enlarge the image and, by attaching the sheet to the screen, simply copy the drawing.

Ways to use stencils

Stencils for can be used in different ways.

  1. Glue the cut out figure or the whole composition onto the glass using laundry soap or paste made from flour and water.
  2. A negative image can be obtained by applying a stencil moistened with water to the surface of the glass and applying a thick soap solution around it with a sponge or brush. After removing the stencil, you can correct the design with a regular toothpick.
  3. First, the main composition is painted on glass in gouache. When completely dry, the picture is completed with paper protrusions.
  4. From a new dish sponge and a toothpick you need to make a brush. Lightly dilute toothpaste with water, which in this situation acts as paint. When the pattern on the glass dries, it will resemble real snow.
  5. To fix the stencil on the glass, some decorators use thin transparent tape. When creating a large composition, you need to follow some rules. For example, all three-dimensional details (Santa Claus, Christmas tree, houses, snow-covered meadows) are glued below. A flying reindeer team will find a place in the middle of the ensemble, closer to the left or right side.

    Here you also need to take into account the direction of movement of the deer. The noses of noble animals should not rest against the frames of the window structure. The remaining elements of the picture (stars, snowflakes, garlands, angels, fir branches with balls) would be quite appropriate at the very top.

    Advice! It is better for a novice designer to take simple stencils. When a person gains experience, it will be much easier for him to cope with highly complex protrusions. By using materials of different textures and textures (postcards, jewelry), you can create a real work of art.

    Winter landscape with toothpaste on the window

    Decorating windows with protrusions for the New Year is a process that can captivate people of different ages. Creating snow patterns on windows using a toothbrush and toothpaste is a fairly simple procedure, but the effect is amazing!

    To implement the idea you will need the following materials:

  • ready-made vytynanka;
  • toothpaste (white or blue);
  • Toothbrush;
  • pure water.

To begin with, it is recommended to choose simple stencils (snowflake, candle, angel, Christmas tree). All internal elements with sharp corners are cut with a stationery knife. The protrusion moistened in plain water or soap solution is applied to the glass, and excess water is blotted with a sponge or soft cloth.

Squeeze a small strip of toothpaste onto a saucer and add a little water. You can use a toothpick to stir the mixture until smooth. Dip the toothbrush in the resulting substance, bring it to the pasted stencil and quickly run your finger over the bristles - you get small splashes that need to fill the entire free space of the window.

When the white mass dries, the stencils are removed by prying them off with the tip of a knife. As a result of this activity, an amazingly beautiful snow-covered landscape appears on the wall.

Creative ideas for the holiday

What else can you think of to decorate windows for the New Year? Stencils are not the only solution; there are other, no less entertaining and attractive decorations.

This method is the simplest and is suitable for very busy people who are not creative. You can decorate windows using ready-made stencils, which are sold in a wide variety in hypermarkets and stores specializing in decorations on New Year's Eve.

These stickers are very easy to stick to glass and other smooth surfaces. The finished composition can be used to decorate the entire window, or you can decorate only a small part, for example, the corners. When the holiday is over and the emotions associated with it subside, the stencils are quickly removed, and not even a trace remains on the glass.

You can make similar stickers depicting New Year's characters and decorations yourself.

To work you need to prepare the following:

  1. Drawing.
  2. Transparent file.
  3. Polymer universal adhesive.

The sheet with the drawing must be placed in a file and glue should be applied along the contours of the image. It will take about 10 hours for the glue to dry completely. After this time, the finished polymer sketch can be removed from the file. There will be no difficulty here; you just need to pry the hardened substance by one edge and pull lightly. The result was a drawing with a convex relief. To fix it on the wall, you just need to wet the smooth side of the sticker with water.

Garlands made of paper, cotton wool and light bulbs

If for some reason the idea of ​​sticking protrusions on windows is not suitable, you can decorate the window openings with all kinds of garlands - both purchased and. The main thing is that the pendant is beautifully fixed and in harmony with the rest of the jewelry.

To make a cheap but cute garland you will need fishing line or nylon thread, white cotton wool. First you need to roll out a large number of cotton balls, and then string them onto the fishing line, leaving a small gap and a knot between each one.

The closer the New Year holidays are, the more efforts are made to decorate the premises. Festive window decoration plays a big role in decorating the interior for the New Year.

How and what to decorate windows for the New Year? Most often, snowflakes and images of New Year's characters are used to decorate windows.

On the eve of the New Year, store windows shimmer with an abundance of decorations. The windows of the buildings delight the eye with decorations in the form of snowflakes, multi-colored tinsel and shiny toys.

There are many options for New Year's window decoration, and in this article we will look at the most interesting and popular ones.

Children love decorating windows the most: they enthusiastically take on such a task. The process of decorating premises for the New Year holidays will be interesting for both adults and the younger generation.

To create a festive mood, you only need accessories that add solemnity to the atmosphere. You need to give free rein to your imagination, and then you can easily create a fabulous atmosphere in your home.

Window decoration for the New Year, photo

Snowflake stencils, templates and drawings depicting Santa Claus and other New Year's characters are perfect as decorative elements. You can use a variety of ready-made New Year's ideas for decorating windows, but you can come up with original decorative options yourself.

Handmade holiday accessories are easy to make from simple materials; Colored paper is most often used. Templates can be drawn or printed ready-made. With the help of ready-made drawings it is very easy to create miracles with your own hands - you can see for yourself.

Don't waste time and start creating homemade Christmas decorations now.


One of the simplest and at the same time spectacular ways of New Year's decoration is snowflakes.

Snowflakes on windows, photo

It’s easy to make carved snowflakes with your own hands from plain paper, candy wrappers or cardboard. From the listed materials they create beautiful snowflakes that differ in configuration and size.

Snowflakes can be made either flat or voluminous. Volumetric decorative elements make original garlands, ideal for decorating windows.

Flat snowflakes are simply pasted over the surface of the glass. You can even make curtains from snowflakes, complete with laces and ribbons.

Connect several snowflakes with a white thread, thus obtaining a hanging decoration for the windows.

New Year's wreaths

To decorate your windows in an original way for the New Year, make a Christmas wreath. Cut out a ring-shaped blank from a cardboard base and decorate it with snowflakes or other decorations that match the New Year's theme.

One of the most beautiful options is a New Year's composition, in which white and blue tones predominate. White, along with blue, are considered traditionally winter colors and belong to the cold palette.

To further decorate the Christmas wreath, ribbons, beads and berries are used.

Make your own unique wreath template or use ready-made ones to beautifully decorate your windows in New Year's style.

It is not necessary to make a wreath from spruce branches; you can collect them in a bouquet and hang it on the windows.

Important! Choose a beautiful ribbon for making pendants for spruce bouquets (satin is best). Choose a ribbon so that its color is in harmony with the interior components, for example, textiles.

Fairy lights

Garlands are one of the most popular decorations used to decorate rooms for the New Year, including in window decoration.

Decorative elements in the form of garlands are often used in the design of Christmas trees, and if you also decorate windows with them, you will get a whole New Year’s composition. Moreover, garlands on windows look great both in apartments and in private houses.

Garland on the window, photo

Like other New Year's accessories, garlands can be made with your own hands without much difficulty. You probably made similar decorations as a child, and if not, or have already forgotten about the principles of creating New Year’s decorative elements, use the recommendations from master classes and videos:

A handmade garland can be made from tinsel. Materials such as pine branches, fir cones and multi-colored paper are also suitable for making this type of New Year's decorations.

Original compositions are made from red rowan berries: they add solemnity to the atmosphere. Small stars are made from multi-colored paper, which are attached to the garlands using threads.

Shiny rain, foil and the same multi-colored paper make it possible to make unusual garlands that look beautiful on the windows. To make such garlands you need to stock up on glue, a needle and thread, as well as scissors. In such a matter, imagination is welcome.

How to decorate a window with a garland, photo

A garland for windows can also be created from gifts in small boxes.

On a note! Place decorations at different heights: chaotic placement looks more interesting.

Very often, windows are decorated with electric garlands shimmering in different colors.

The garland can be placed on the window in a circle or in the direction from the cornice to the window sill. Flashing garlands on windows look especially impressive at night.

Decoration with stickers

Do you want to create New Year's window decor without much effort, while spending a minimum of time? Use New Year's window stickers. There are many drawings on sale that correspond to the New Year theme.

Among the most popular stickers are Christmas trees, houses covered with snow, Santa Clauses, reindeer, and snowmen of various sizes. It’s easy to create spectacular New Year’s compositions with these stickers.

Characters from famous fairy tales are great for window decoration, because the New Year is a time of magic, which means that fictional characters will organically fit into the interior decorated for the holiday.

Another option is to create a pattern on paper and glue it to the window glass with soapy water.

Gouache and artificial snow

Gouache is perfect for New Year's glass decoration on windows. Using paint, you can create amazingly beautiful designs that imitate real winter patterns.

Toothpaste is also used to imitate frosty patterns. Children will be delighted if you entrust them with painting the windows.

Drawings for the New Year on windows, photo

Artificial snow from a spray can opens up great possibilities in decorating windows for the New Year holidays.

Make a snowflake out of paper and glue it to the glass using water. Make sure there are no creases, and blot excess water with a cloth so that it is absorbed.

Using water from a spray bottle will help make free areas on window glass transparent.
Decorate snowflakes with decorative snow. Wait until it dries and carefully peel the snowflakes off the paper. Thanks to this technique, snow patterns will be obtained on the windows. Even if there is no snow outside, you will create a skillful imitation of it on the window glass.

New Year's window decoration, photo

An alternative to snowflakes can be Christmas trees and other New Year's symbols.

Patterns made from artificial snow or watercolors can be complemented with beads, fir cones, pine branches and Christmas balls.

When the New Year holidays come to an end, you can easily remove decorative snow from the glass with a damp cloth.

Decorating the cornice and window sill

New Year's window decor is not limited to glass decoration. Don't forget to decorate curtains, cornices and window sills in a festive manner.

Handmade snowflakes are perfect for decorating curtains.

To get a full-fledged New Year's composition, decorate the curtains with Christmas tree balls and rain.

Be sure to decorate your windowsill for the New Year. Decorative candles are ideal for this purpose.

Candles will attract the main attention, and use garlands made of colored paper and tinsel as additional decorations for the windowsill.

Take your time and make a candlestick for each candle, decorating it with snowflakes and iridescent rain.

Important! When choosing a design for a window sill, be guided by its size. If the window sill is wide, you can install a mini Christmas tree on it.

The Christmas tree is a traditional New Year's decoration, but it can also be made unusual by showing imagination. For example, make a Japanese kanzashi Christmas tree with your own hands. A miniature Japanese Christmas tree will be a wonderful decoration for a windowsill.

New Year's window, photo

To decorate the cornice, make a composition of Christmas balls, connecting them into a garland and hanging them on ribbons. This composition is suitable for any room, be it a living room or a bedroom. The advantage of this decoration is that it is easy to remove and there will be no traces left.

Decorative elements for windows from scrap materials

To make most of the New Year's decorations, you don't need expensive components, there are enough materials that are at hand, so you don't have to worry about expenses: homemade New Year's decorations are cheaper than store-bought ones.

If you have artistic abilities, be sure to show them by creating New Year's window decorations. Draw the kind Grandfather Frost, his beautiful granddaughter Snow Maiden, snowmen, bunnies.

If there are small children in the family, you can draw their favorite cartoon characters and decorate the windows in the house with them. Homemade New Year's decorative elements will bring joy to your home and decorate the premises.

New Year's stars

Make beautiful New Year's stars with your own hands: this work will not take much time, and the result will delight both you and those around you.

The good thing about decorative elements on the windows is that they can be admired not only by those who live in the house, but also by passers-by.

To make New Year's stars you will need the following materials:

  • dentifrice;
  • thick paper;
  • sponge and scissors.

Draw a star on the paper base. This can be done either in a computer program or with a pencil. If the contours don't turn out perfect, that's okay.

Cut out the star so that there is a small distance around the edges.

Prepare paint to decorate the star. Add water to the toothpaste (the solution should have the consistency of sour cream) and dye.

Place the workpiece on the surface of the glass and then coat it with the prepared paint. You can create a composition of stars of different sizes.

There is another option for making New Year's stars - from felt.
To make the second type of star decor, prepare the following materials:

  • star stencils;
  • felt of different colors;
  • thick paper;
  • multi-colored cardboard;
  • threads;
  • igloo

To make felt stars, use stencils of several sizes. It is also recommended to use material of different colors.

Having made several stars, connect them to each other using a thread and a needle. You must form an imitation of a garland of multi-colored stars. Glue the resulting garland to the window frame on both sides.

Multi-colored cones

Conifer cones are a common New Year's decoration. But you won’t surprise anyone with ordinary pine cones - make them colored!

In addition to the cones, you will need paint, rod (wire) and newspaper.

Secure the wire rod around the fir cones so that they can dry properly after painting. When the cones are dry, remove the wire and tie them on a thread.
Gather several cones together, like a bunch, and hang them on the window, securing them with tape. Cones can be painted either completely or partially.

In a room decorated with glowing garlands, colored cones on the windows look very presentable.

Fun pompoms

To create this decoration you need small pompoms of different colors, strong threads and a needle.

Thread the pompoms into long threads, creating an imitation of garlands.

On a note! Pompoms can be replaced with thick woolen threads woven into a ball.

Attach pompom garlands with tape to the windows. Decorative elements made from pompoms can also be used to decorate a New Year tree.

You can learn how to make pompoms with your own hands by watching the video below:

New Year's balls

To make original balls for New Year's window decoration, you will need balloons, threads and glue.

Inflate small balloons, cover them with glue, and then wrap them with threads. Poke the ball with a needle to release the air and carefully remove it.

Decorate windows with balls of thread.

On a note! You can use both white and colored threads. White thread balls evoke associations with snow, while colored ones enliven the interior with their brightness.

There are a lot of options for decorating windows for the New Year holidays. This article provides the most popular examples of holiday decorations and window treatments. Almost all of the listed decorative elements can be made independently from simple and available materials - without much difficulty and spending a minimum amount of time.

The process of creating window decor elements is very exciting, and all family members can take part in it.

Prepare for the holiday by beautifully, unusually and New Year's-style decorating the windows in your home, and please those around you with original decorations!

The main thing in the article

Window decorations for the New Year holidays: how to make it yourself?

Since the times of the Soviet Union, every year on the eve of the New Year we make snowflakes and decorate the windows with them. For information on how to cut them, read the article: “”. This is the easiest way to transform a home, but far from the only one. You can fantasize about this topic quite a lot. Here are several options, in addition to standard snowflakes, for decorating a window with your own hands:

  • using toothpaste to paint on glass on a window;
  • beautiful garlands;
  • DIY Christmas themed wreaths;
  • paper garlands;
  • painting with gouache, as once before in schools and kindergartens;
  • vytynanka is an interesting technique that is often used to make New Year’s decorations.

You can also purchase ready-made New Year stickers in special departments of stores.

Materials for New Year's window decorations

We can say that the most basic material for creating New Year's window decorations is paper. Snowflakes are cut out of it, garlands and beautiful decorations are made for the windowsill.
Actively used in jewelry making:

  • cotton wool;
  • threads;
  • ribbons;
  • cones;
  • rain;
  • beads;
  • balloons;
  • other available materials.

A little imagination and a few of the ideas below will certainly help turn your window into a New Year's fairy tale.

Snowflakes on windows for New Year 2018

Before decorating the window with snowflakes, you need to make them. It is best to use white napkins - such thin material will stick perfectly to the glass. It is known that there are different snowflakes:

  • four-pointed;
  • five-pointed;
  • six-pointed (considered the most common);
  • seven-pointed;
  • eight-pointed.

To cut out each type, you need to fold the paper in a special way, but there is an easier way to make a beautiful snowflake:

New Year's window decor using toothpaste: instructions with examples

There are two ways to use toothpaste to decorate window glass. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Snowflakes and toothpaste lettering

To make the decor you need to cut out a snowflake from paper. Afterwards, perform the following steps:

Paste drawings on the window

To make drawings with paste on glass, you should prepare the following props:

  • toothpaste;
  • a sharp pencil or skewer;
  • foam rubber or dishwashing sponge.

Using the same “stencil” principle, you can cut out a New Year’s themed inscription and, applying it to the glass, fill the voids of the letters with paste.

Stickers for decorating windows for the New Year 2018

To decorate a window, you can purchase stickers in a store or online. Today's market offers everything your heart desires. These stickers can be used to decorate a window or other glass surfaces in the house (cabinet, mirror). They look very impressive, immersing the imagination in a New Year's fairy tale full of adventures.
Stickers can be:

Decorating windows for the New Year with Christmas wreaths

You can decorate a window in an interesting and unusual way using a Christmas wreath. You can purchase it ready-made or make it yourself.

To make a wreath you need:

Such a wreath hanging on the window will delight the eyes of both the owners and people passing by your windows.

As an option, you can make a spruce bouquet with New Year's decor and place it on the windowsill. Such bouquets can also be hung on elegant satin ribbons.

Vytynanka - an original way to decorate windows for the New Year

First, let's figure out what vytynanki are?

Vytynanka is a direction in the art of paper cutting. We can say that vytynanki is a Russian version of the origami direction called “kirigami”, where a three-dimensional picture is created from one sheet with the help of cuts. When making protrusions, the picture turns out flat, so it is convenient to place it on vertical surfaces.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, such decorative and applied art began to be actively used in the manufacture of decorations for holidays, including the New Year.

The protrusions have taken root perfectly on the windows. For example, on a large window from such decorations you can create a large thematic composition in which Santa Claus will ride through the forest on reindeer in a sleigh, or make a round dance of fairy-tale characters leading him around a beautiful Christmas tree.
To make a decoration in the form of a protrusion, you need to have a design template and a stationery knife with which to make the slits.

Since in 2018 the mistress of the year will be a dog, this particular animal is relevant in compositions on windows in the vytynanka style. You will find templates for such decorations below.

How to decorate a window for the New Year with a paper garland?

If you think that a paper New Year's garland is just rings made of colored paper that are glued together, then you are very mistaken. You can make a stylish paper garland to decorate a window with a little imagination. But we will give you a few ideas.

We invite you to watch a master class on making an unusual garland.

How to print Christmas decorations for windows?

Everything is very simple. Find a pattern you like - it could be a snowflake, a vytynanka, an angel. Copy the drawing onto an A4 sheet. Afterwards, enlarge it to the desired size and print it on a printer. Cut it out and the decoration is ready!

Window decoration templates for New Year 2018

DIY stencils for window decorations for the New Year

In addition to the templates that are already available on the Internet, you can make them yourself. To do this, you need a little imagination and minimal pencil skills in order to draw a stencil on a sheet of cardboard.

Alternatively, you can print the design you like on paper, then transfer it to cardboard and cut it out. This stencil can be used to decorate windows many times.

Window decorations for the New Year from scrap materials

It is quite possible to make jewelry from scrap materials. We offer several options for a non-standard approach to how to decorate your home.

Option No1: Figures made from threads.

  1. Draw a star, Christmas tree or snowflake on cardboard.
  2. Secure needles (pins) on all protruding edges.
  3. Soak the knitting thread in PVA glue and pull it according to the pattern. The photo shows an example of how to do this.
  4. Wait until the glue dries and the decoration is ready.

You can make a garland from such figures and hang it on the window.

Option No2: Snowflakes from plastic bottles.
For these snowflakes you will need:

  • clear and blue plastic bottles,
  • scissors,
  • white gouache.

Such snowflakes will look great on a Christmas tree standing on the windowsill, and they can also be fastened together in the form of a garland.

Option No3: Pasta decoration.
Today you can buy pasta in all kinds of shapes in the store. With a little imagination and using super glue, you can create original jewelry. After the glue on such a decoration has dried, it can be painted using a spray can.

Option No4: Painted cones.
What could be easier than making a decoration from a pine cone? You just need to color it. You can attach a ribbon to a painted cone and get a single decoration, or collect such cones on a ribbon. And, as an option, such cones are folded into a transparent flask and placed on the windowsill.

Option No5: Pom-poms-snowflakes.
To make these snowflakes you need to make a pompom. There are two options for their execution:

New Year's window decorations 2018: photo selection of the best ideas

Video: how to decorate windows for the New Year 2018