Steamer or iron with a steam generator: which is better, characteristics and reviews. Where and how is a steam generator used? Prices and brands

Every housewife wants to iron faster and more efficiently, so that not the slightest wrinkle remains on the clothes; for this, many of them are already thinking about buying a steam generator. Experts consider it the best replacement for an iron: it is convenient, works efficiently, facilitates the ironing process and saves time. We will explain in detail the structure of the steam generator, its operating principle and advantages over ordinary steaming.

Our ancestors ironed using huge irons made of cast iron, which were heated on a home stove and retained heat for a long time; the wrinkles were smoothed out under their very considerable weight. Then their electric counterparts appeared, but to steam something, housewives used wet gauze. At the end of the last century, products with a steamer began to appear: perforations were made on the sole of the iron, and through them steam could process clothes.

Today on sale there are irons equipped special station, where the heating element for the steam generator is located, a water container, and the created steam is supplied to the device through a special hose. The appearance of the Philips brand mobile steam generator station is shown below:

Important! The steam station plays a major role in a household steam generator - it is there that the steam is heated to the optimal temperature.

How does a steam generator work? The main parts of any similar device, without which its operation is impossible, are presented in the diagram:

  1. A reservoir for liquid where it is heated.
  2. Electric tubular heating element (TEH).
  3. Thermostat.
  4. Temperature fuse.
  5. Switch for pressure regulation.
  6. Safety valve protection cover.
  7. Valve that opens the outlet of steam.
  8. Steam dosage regulator

Some models of similar Philips stations are equipped with pressure gauges.

Principle of operation

For the steam station to function normally, you need to unscrew safety valve cover and pour water into the container, connect the device to a network with a voltage of 220 V. There is a button to turn on the heating element on the control panel, after which the water in the boiler heats up to 160 degrees, acquiring the properties of dry steam.

The pressure does not exceed 0.35 MPa. In a few minutes, the Philips station is ready for use. The protective functions are performed by a thermostat and a fuse: if the steam temperature rises above normal, the thermostat turns off the heating element, and when it decreases, it also turns on the heater. If the thermostat breaks down, its functions are performed by a fuse. When it burns out, it disconnects the entire circuit from voltage - to ensure safe operation, it must be replaced.

There are warning lights on the station panel indicating that the steam is ready for use.

Dry steam perfectly smoothes textile clothes, and it is recommended to use various attachments, a brush or an iron - the result is comparable to the processes used in dry cleaners. Using the Philips steam generator, the operating principle of which we have explained, you can successfully remove stains from wine, juice or coffee not only on clothes, it will quickly remove stuck chewing gum.


Today on the market all types of these devices are divided into three types:

  • with boiler for the formation of steam and its injection due to boiling - the principle of a steam device, which has impressive dimensions;
  • instant steam creation when injecting a small portion of water onto the heating element, they are small in size;
  • with constant water supply from a separate tank - such structures are installed in standard dry cleaners.

As a rule, such a device does not need additional settings for heating the sole - only a steam power regulator, with which you can process all types of fabrics.

It is better to choose a ceramic sole covering, as it is resistant to mechanical damage and is easy to care for.

As you have already seen, the principle of operation of the steam generator is not very complicated; we described in detail how a Philips brand unit works in everyday life. Other models function similarly, although each has its own special nuances.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each product has certain positive and negative qualities - the steam generator is no exception to these rules.


  • The steam is dry, so you can treat any clothes;
  • the device can even smooth fabric folded in several layers due to high temperature;
  • conveniently process bed linen and terry towels;
  • points quickly arrows on trousers that last a long time;
  • significantly reduces the time of the entire process, making it less burdensome;
  • sufficient water capacity does not require constant refilling;
  • delicate attitude towards soft tissues;
  • The control panel allows you to select optimal steam supply modes, which allows you to use the iron, if necessary, like an ordinary household appliance.

  • in some models it is very inconvenient to wind a double wire for storage;
  • capacity is often needed descale;
  • a conventional iron is more compact than a steam generator station in operation;
  • for steam generators it is necessary to use purified liquid(to prevent the rapid formation of deposits and carbon deposits in the boiler tank);
  • the cost of a household steam generator is significantly higher than an iron with a steamer.

Many users are not deterred by the listed negative aspects of using such equipment, because the steam generator has many more advantages.

Not everyone has a steam generator, but those who have such a device can talk about its advantages. Professional salons and sewing workshops practically cannot do without it. That is, this device is so effective that it is used both for domestic needs and by professionals. It amazes with its versatility; it is used for clothing care, cleaning and disinfection.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with its main characteristics in more detail in order to decide for yourself what a steam generator is, what it is needed for and how to use it.

What is a steam generator and what is it for?

A steam generator is a device that produces a powerful jet of steam. This happens according to the following principle: in the middle of the device there is a reservoir of water. Due to the high temperature, the water turns into hot steam, which is released under strong pressure through the smallest holes, that is, a steam boost is issued.

Directing this couple to specific objects solves a number of everyday matters, in particular:

  • Ironing and disinfection, cleaning clothes. Steam ironing is used in most cases. Very effective for tidying complex items with a lot of folds. The steam penetrates and smooths out small clumps in a way that an iron will not. At the same time, ironing marks are not formed.
  • The use of a steam generator as a means of disinfection or for refreshing (removing unpleasant odors) things that cannot be washed or are difficult to wash. With its help it is easy to refresh a fur item.
  • Cleaning while cleaning. If we talk about using a steam generator for cleaning, then perhaps its qualities are even more effective than for ironing clothes. We are talking about cleaning large upholstered furniture and carpets. Doing this at home is not always successful. Therefore, you have to either take it to a special cleaning salon or invite appropriate specialists to your home. If you have a steam generator, you can handle most problems yourself. But there is also no need to remove and wash the curtains every time. The steam generator will clean them of dust, refresh and restore their appearance.
  • Cleaning hard surfaces. Another piece of work that a steam generator can do is cleaning plaque on tiles and dirt on the floor. In fact, its action can be aimed at cleaning any contaminated hard surface.

The high temperature of a powerful steam jet copes well with grease formations on the surfaces of stoves, kitchen furniture, household appliances (refrigerator, microwave oven, etc.).

The steam generator will easily and ideally cope with dirt in the bathroom, which often occurs in small crevices.

  • Car cleaning. Why spend a lot of money on cleaning in a specialized salon. Imagine that you can clean the inside of your car yourself and with great effect. Cleaning from stains, dust, dirt and neutralizing unpleasant odors. This can be dealt with using a steam generator.

It is impossible to fully cover the list of works that a steam generator can perform. Its use can sometimes come in handy in the most unpredictable cases. For example, you are going to remove old wallpaper. With the help of steam, this process can be speeded up and made easier.

How to use it correctly

Operation of the steam generator is simple and easy. Let's look at the sequence of actions on how to use a steam generator.

  • Pour water into the special compartment of the device.
  • Plug it in. We are waiting for a signal that we are ready for use.
  • We direct the device suitable for use to the desired object. Press the button and steam.

During use, water is used up and should be renewed from time to time.

Security measures

  • Remember, when opening the tank lid, be careful not to get burned. After all, when opened, hot steam may burst out.
  • Do not point the device at a person, especially at naked areas of the body. The approximate temperature of the steam is 100 degrees and in case of damage the burn will be noticeable.
  • Proceed to operate the device with dry hands. Do not wash the steamer under running water.
  • Use the device indoors to avoid exposure to precipitation.
  • Keep the device in proper and well-maintained condition. For effective use, you should ensure that nozzles with slots are not clogged (clogged).

And also, in order for the device to serve for a long time and efficiently, it is recommended to use: boiled, distilled, filtered water.

How to choose an effective device

In order to choose the device that you need, you should know about the main selection criteria.

  • Options. The size of the unit itself matters, because it affects the ability to easily manipulate it. Therefore, if we are talking about home use, then its compact size will be an advantage.
  • Power steam. The quality and duration of cleaning depends on how strong the steam output is. For example, weak steam should be used for a longer time to achieve the effect. If the hot steam pressure is powerful, it saves your cleaning time, because you will achieve high-quality cleaning faster.
  • Tank volume. The optimal average volume of a water container is 1.2–1.5 liters. This is enough for a short cleaning session without adding water. If the cleaning is long, then count on updating the tank approximately every half hour. In this case, the water heats up in a few minutes (5–7 minutes).

When choosing, you should also pay attention to the equipment. Different models provide different types of attachments: for cleaning carpets; special spray nozzle for cleaning plants; extended nozzles; for cleaning windows, etc.

A more detailed acquaintance revealed a much wider understanding of the steam generator. The versatility of its use is truly amazing; the presence of this in the house will please any owner.

No housewife can avoid ironing clothes. Previously, this took a lot of time, since it was difficult to achieve a decent result with an iron. Now it has been replaced by a steam generator, which copes with the task much faster. It is widely used both for domestic use and in professional dry cleaners.

Device functions

The original task of an iron with a steam station was precisely ironing clothes. Ironing allows you to smooth out numerous wrinkles that are difficult to deal with with a regular iron. The steam generator makes it easy to direct the arrows onto the trousers, and no traces of ironing remain on the clothes themselves.

But, unlike an iron, the functions of a steam generator are not limited to this. They can easily disinfect and freshen outerwear instead of taking them to the dry cleaner.

Possibility of vertical steaming allows you to use a steam generator to refresh and iron curtains without removing them from the curtain.

Some devices come with special attachments. Using them, you can run a steam generator over tiles, floors (including carpets), and furniture: the surfaces will not only be cleaned of dirt, but also disinfected at the same time.

It is impossible to list all the functions, since they are limited only by your imagination. You can even use it when removing old wallpaper.

However, not every steam generator is able to provide all the functions (it still depends on the cost), so it is important to correctly determine the purpose of purchasing the device in order to choose the best option for yourself.

Device structure

Currently available on the market three types of steam generator:

  • with constant water supply— used mainly in dry cleaners and car washes;
  • with low water supply— devices of small size, but also of low power;
  • with boiler- the most common steam stations.

All types are similar in general structure. Their main components are a stainless steel boiler for heating water, a silicone hose with a high melting point, an iron and nozzles. On the body there is a panel with regulators for steam supply and temperature.

The boiler itself, in fact, is a combination of a container for liquid (there is also an industrial type, but in a much smaller volume), a heating element, a thermostat and a temperature fuse.

How does a steam generator work?

Before starting work, it is necessary to pour water into the tank: preferably purified, as this will significantly reduce the amount of plaque buildup. It will take about ten minutes to heat the water. Under pressure, steam flows through the hose to the iron, through the holes of which it flows out to the surface being treated.

Important! the temperature of the supplied steam is about a hundred degrees Celsius, so you need to use the device carefully to avoid burns. It is strictly forbidden to point the iron towards people or animals!

When used correctly, the steam generator is safe. When the steam overheats, the thermostat “turns off” the heating element; if it breaks, this function is transferred to a fuse that opens the circuit (the device is completely turned off). But despite a good protection system, it is better not to leave a steam generator connected to the network unattended.


The steam generator has a number of advantages over both the iron and its close relative - the steamer.

It allows you to smooth out complex folded products without leaving any traces of creases. Thanks to the powerful jet of steam, you can iron multiple folded items (for example, bed linen), which will significantly speed up the process.

The low humidity of the steam (about 6%) makes it possible to use it for steaming any fabrics, including delicate ones.

What distinguishes an iron with a steam station from a steamer is the ability to use it at any angle, which globally expands its area of ​​application: from ironing curtains to treating floor surfaces and cleaning a car.

The main disadvantages of a steam generator are usually its large dimensions(compared to iron) and high cost, however, this is a controversial issue, since one device can replace several at once, thanks to its wide range of functions.

Steam boilers are used to produce high-pressure water steam for production processes that require saturated steam. A huge advantage of steam boilers is their high productivity, efficiency, and low heat loss.

Due to their qualities, steam boilers are very popular in a large number of light industries and agriculture.

Steam boilers provide steam to boiler rooms. One steam boiler can supply thermal steam and hot water at the same time, several at the same time. The first historical notes about steam boilers appeared in the 16th century, in the works of Porta Della. The first examples of steam boilers began to appear in the 19th century. At that time, the design of steam boilers was still simple, however, it already had many design features that are also found in modern steam boilers. The efficiency factor (efficiency) was low, amounting to approximately 0.32. Currently, steam boilers have significantly higher efficiency levels, as they use various thermal shielding systems that help use heat more efficiently.
Steam boilers are distinguished by the method of heat exchange into two categories: water tube steam boilers and fire tube steam boilers. Heat exchange in water-tube steam boilers occurs as follows: water is passed through pipes, which in turn are heated by heat, thereby bringing the water to the state of steam. In fire-tube steam boilers, the whole process occurs in reverse, heat is passed through the pipes, and water is located on the outside of the pipes.
Steam boilers can also be divided according to the type of fuel they consume; they differ: steam boilers for solid fuel, gas, liquid fuel and electricity. Typically, steam boilers, which are used to create saturated steam, run on solid fuel, such as coal. Industrial steam boilers typically use liquid fuels such as diesel or fuel oil. Steam boilers powered by electricity are rarely used, as they have lower efficiency compared to other types of fuel and the high cost of electricity.
Steam boilers operating on different fuels have both advantages and disadvantages - this must be taken into account when designing boiler houses. It is very important to find out which fuel is most available in the region where you plan to build a boiler house. This is especially true for steam boilers that use solid and liquid fuels in their operation. Accordingly, if there is a coal industry in the region, then solid fuel steam boilers are ideal here, even if they are less economical than liquid fuel steam boilers.

A steam generator is a specialized apparatus designed to create dry and wet steam under pressure. Steam generators are mainly used for the service sector and to support production processes.

Industrial steam generators are used in the tobacco, woodworking, light and food industries, as well as in construction, medicine and the fuel industry. Using this device, you can heat treat various tools, process fruits and vegetables, make sausages, and remove ice in winter. In addition, steam generators are used for drying and cleaning lumber, degreasing surfaces, etc.

Steam generator device

An industrial steam generator includes several main blocks:

  • Frame. This is the basis on which all the main functional units of the device are located.
  • Boiler. It is a reservoir that is equipped with special sensors that monitor the optimal minimum permissible liquid levels.
  • Electronics. This is a set of ultra-precise sensors that are necessary for the proper functioning of devices. And also in order to ensure full control over each stage of steam production.
  • Pressure meter. It controls the internal pressure of the device and the pressure of the exiting steam.
  • Electric pump. It is used to supply water to the boiler. It is selected based on the performance of the steam generator.

The unit produces water vapor by heating the working medium (for example, water) with electric heating elements, but there are other similar devices.

Types of steam generators

  1. Electric steam generator - the main feature of this type of industrial equipment is that it converts electrical energy into thermal energy, that is, into steam.
  2. One of the most common methods is the production of steam using heating elements of various capacities. This steam generator has a simple design, is inexpensive to manufacture, is convenient to use, and is easy to replace if necessary;
  3. Electrode steam generator. Its basis is the electrical conductivity of water. The principle of operation of such a steam generator is that voltage is supplied to electrodes immersed in water. This ensures the passage of electric current through the water. Since water is an excellent conductor, Joule heat is released when current passes through it. And accordingly, under its influence, water is converted into steam.
  4. HF radiation. This method is also called induction heating. In this case, the water in the steam generator is heated according to an operating principle similar to the operation of a microwave oven. That is, steam formation is carried out using irradiation of high-frequency waves. Since HF radiation requires special measures to isolate it from others, this method is used quite rarely in industrial-type steam generators.
  5. Gas steam generator. Such generators are capable of operating on all types of gaseous fuel, including liquefied gas. If you have access to the main gas pipeline, then this device will be the best option. The main advantages of a gas steam generator are: cheap energy carrier (gas); high efficiency; compactness; ease of installation and use; environmental Safety. It is also possible to obtain saturated and unsaturated steam at different pressures. In addition, the gas steam generator is explosion-proof, since there is no large water volume under high pressure.
  6. Diesel steam generator. Runs on diesel fuel and fuel oil. This generator has high power. Its steam generator is one continuous spiral-shaped pipe (coil). It has a combustion chamber in which heating elements are located. This type of equipment is autonomous, which allows it to be installed in small container boiler rooms.
  7. Combined high pressure generator. It has the ability to operate on gas and liquid fuels of all types. This is due to the fact that the equipment has burners of different types. This type of industrial steam generator is the most popular in large industries.
  8. There are also open and closed types of steam generators. The first type of equipment is used in an open system where condensate does not return to the generator. The second type of plant produces steam in a closed system, which involves returning the condensate back to the steam generator to re-convert it into steam.

    Basically, to produce saturated steam in heavy industry, they use: gas, solid and liquid fuels, as well as combined devices.

    What should you consider when choosing equipment?

    The most important aspect when choosing an industrial steam generator is its performance. It is characterized by the amount of steam generated in the equipment in a specified time period (one kilogram of steam per hour). Based on performance indicators, three groups of steam generators are distinguished:

  • Low-power. Provide steam production up to two tons per hour.
  • Medium power. They create steam up to 16 tons per hour.
  • High power. The productivity of such a large boiler plant ranges from 16 to 82 tons per hour.

For small businesses and consumer services, For those who only need to produce a small volume of steam, a mobile steam generator is best suited. It is indispensable in facilities that are remote from stationary heat sources. They can be mounted in containers and moved by transport. Some models of mobile units have tanks for fuel and water. Others are capable of drawing water from external sources.

Well suited for medium and large industrial facilities stationary steam generators with a capacity of at least 10 tons/hour.

When choosing equipment, in addition to performance indicators, you should carefully consider the pressure of the output steam the generator has. Depending on the field of activity, steam is used at different pressures. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a type of industrial apparatus that would best meet all the requirements of a particular industry. Based on the pressure parameters, the following groups of equipment can be distinguished:

  • A device with a low pressure indicator, no more than 1 MPa. It is used in greenhouse farming, the meat and dairy industries, and in construction. At pharmaceutical and oil refining enterprises, such installations are used for disinfection and for treating various surfaces. Household dry cleaners use them to steam items made from different fabrics.
  • Device with medium pressure, from 1 to 10 MPa. Mainly used for heating in homes and industrial facilities, as well as for the purpose of servicing the work process of small companies.
  • High pressure device, from 10 to 22.5 MPa. With the help of such equipment, administrative, industrial and residential high-rise buildings are heated. In addition, this unit supplies steam to electrical generators and industrial equipment.
  • Supercritical pressure devices, greater than 22.5 MPa. These are used in heavy industry in various fields, from metallurgy to oil refining.

Steam generators with iron

An industrial steam generator with an iron is used in a mini-laundry, studio, mini-hotel, as well as in clothing production and ironing shops. It serves to iron large volumes of fabric efficiently and intensively. An iron with a steam generator has a heating sole and steam supply. This is a professional device in which a boiler heats water and the resulting steam enters the iron. This combination has the maximum effect when ironing:

  • Fast;
  • Comfortable;
  • High quality.

Plus, such devices are very durable, practical and multifunctional.

In what areas are mobile and stationary steam generators used?

All medium and high pressure steam generators are successfully used in almost every industrial segment:

  1. In the mining complex and oil refining. With the help of steam generators: they inject steam into the layers of oil deposits, equip installations for the extraction of minerals, and clean the surfaces of pipelines and tanks.
  2. In the construction industry. Reinforced concrete products are steamed in specialized chambers, and crushed stone and sand are heated in winter. Asphalt concrete mixtures are also produced using steam equipment.
  3. Chemical and pharmaceutical plant. Steam generators carry out sterilization and create a favorable microatmosphere in a biological laboratory.
  4. Food production. Constant steam generation is necessary for working conditions in the production of meat, fish, sausage and milk.
  5. Woodworking industry. The equipment is used for drying lumber in steam chambers, as well as for the production of pulp and paper.

The industrial steam generator is used everywhere. The scope of its use is quite wide and is not limited to the above industrial segments. A large range of equipment with different functionality allows you to select a steam generator that will be fully adapted to the work processes at a particular facility.