Indoor flower like calla lilies. Calla lilies in a pot - home care, planting, growing. What does the plant look like?

Many people are fascinated by calla lilies at first sight. Glossy green waxy leaves, long tubular stem, delicate flower with a slight curve. The calla flower is a visual illustration of natural quilling. The blanket gracefully wraps around the peduncle, forming a piquant curve.

It comes not only in a variety of sizes, from dwarf mini bushes to large and lush ones, reaching a height of one and a half meters, but also with a huge variety of colors and shades. Severe black, intriguing burgundy, noble lilac, flirty pink, juicy mango - all this is far from a complete palette of colors.

Despite its exoticism, calla elliot, or as they are also called calla lily, are quite unpretentious, easily adapt to new living conditions, but have a number of features in care:

  1. Moisture-loving. Watery soil is the natural habitat of the wild species.
  2. They do not tolerate direct sunlight.
  3. They need constant feeding.
  4. Prefer acidic soils.

Where and how to grow callas, in a garden or a flowerpot, is up to you. The types and varieties of calla lilies are amazing in their diversity. Colored and white, large and small - all this is a characteristic of an exotic beauty, which cannot be said about other southern plants. Let's figure out how to care for calla lilies at home. Planting a calla tuber in open ground is the same as for other bulbous plants.

If you do not have the opportunity to grow calligraphy in the fresh air, then by taking care of your indoor flower, you can enjoy abundant flowering several times a year at home. Let's look at the rules for caring for calla lilies at home.

Planting and caring for calla lilies

Proper care of calla lilies should begin with choosing a pot. Which pot is suitable for calla lilies? It should be spacious, about 50 centimeters deep, with a radius of 20-25 cm. With good care, the flower grows quickly.

Soil selection

The correct selection of land for planting calla lilies is of great importance. You can make soil for calla lilies yourself from garden and swamp soil. It should consist of a mix of turf soil, humus, sand, peat and clay.

Growing and caring for the garden

How to plant zantedeschia? Growing calla lilies and caring for them in the garden is similar to indoor care. Choose shaded areas for planting.

Growing garden callas on the site is notable for the fact that you can create flower arrangements in the flowerbed. White zantedeschia goes well with yellow gerberas and purple hydrangeas.

How to grow varietal callas? The tuber must be without damage or rotting, have living buds, at least five centimeters in size. The time to plant tubers is the beginning of spring.

Planting calla lilies in open ground is not much different from planting other tuberous plants. Before planting, soak the tubers for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate; this will prevent your plant from possible diseases and help identify defects in the bulb. If there are traces of dry rot on the tuber, remove them with a knife and treat the cut with brilliant green. Plant to a depth of 6-7 centimeters, bud up, water the soil with fungicides. Growing calla lilies in pots requires an air temperature of at least 18 degrees, this will ensure rapid germination of the tuber.

Planting and care in open ground

Planting of prepared calla tubers (preparing a tuber for planting in the ground is the same as for indoor cultivation) is carried out in early May. The tubers are planted to a depth of 7-10 centimeters, at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other; after planting, water the soil generously. The first shoots appear 2-3 weeks after planting. During this time, you don’t have to water the soil; the moisture added to the soil during planting is sufficient.

Planting calla lilies and caring for them is impossible without the main components:

  • Lighting. Zantedeschia naturally grows in marshy, shady areas with well-fertilized soil. In the garden, choose darkened areas for planting; if we are talking about an indoor flower, then the north-west windows will be the ideal place.
  • Moisture. Plants require good soil moisture and frequent spraying.
  • Feeding. Regular application of fertilizers. Zantedeschia loves well-fertilized soil. Apply fertilizers every 2-3 weeks, this will provide you with beautiful and abundant flowering, no worse than in the flowerbeds of Dutch flower growers.
  • Warm. Do not forget that the “African woman” loves warmth, so the air temperature should be at least 14 degrees, and the daylight hours should be at least 10 hours.

To grow beautiful calla lilies at home, you don’t have to be a professional gardener; despite its exotic nature, this flower is not too demanding to care for. Caring for rhizomatous callas is not difficult.

How to grow beautiful callas in a pot? Remember, calla rehmann loves spacious pots; as soon as the calla leaves turn yellow, this is a sign for an imminent replanting. The rhizome of calla lilies grows quickly.

Houseplants calla lilies bloom, like orchids, several times a year in the fall and spring. The intensive flowering period for garden calla lilies planted in a pot can last from November to May, provided that you have selected the right fertilizers for calla lilies. Feeding the calla plant should be done every 5-6 waterings. If the soil in the flowerpot is not acidic enough, you can slightly acidify it by watering the flower with a weak solution of vinegar or water with lemon juice.

Should you grow large callas as indoor plants or outdoors? Calla is an amazing home flower! It is a symbol of happiness, symbolizes calm and sophistication. It is believed that it is chosen by original and sophisticated people.

Callas grown in a pot during the warm period will feel great in open ground. Plant callas, like other plants, in prepared soil. Often, after planting in the open air, zantedeschias begin to turn green and grow profusely. In autumn, calla lilies need to be dug up before the onset of cold weather.

Calla lily fertilizer

Remember, you need to apply fertilizers in a balanced manner; alternate mineral fertilizers with organic ones. As an organic fertilizer, peelings of vegetables and fruits, tea leaves, and mullein diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 can be used. Calla lilies will produce good and strong shoots if calcium is added to the soil. To do this, simply fill the eggshells with warm water and leave for several days, the fertilizer is ready for use.

During the vegetative period of leaf growth, fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen are best suited. When you realize that the bush is well formed and overgrown with large green leaves and is strong enough to force flower stalks, begin to apply fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus in its composition.


How to water calla lilies correctly? This is a question many novice flower growers ask. The answer is simple - abundantly, but in moderation. The soil should be moistened as it dries. This exotic flower loves high humidity and well-moistened soil. A tray with water is perfect for these purposes, in which we place the flower pot. As the soil dries, it will absorb the amount of liquid it needs, and the evaporating water from the pan will provide sufficient air humidity.

Calla lily propagation

How should calla lilies be propagated? Zantedeschia indoors reproduces in the same way as garden ones, by seeds and children, the only exception being Ethiopian and varieties bred from this species - it is propagated by dividing the calla rhizome. During the hottest summer period, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow and wither. At this time, a period of rest begins, watering should be stopped. The foliage has turned yellow - we begin collecting bulbs and rhizomes. Dig up the rhizomes and place them in a cool, dark place along with clods of earth. After 7-10 days, the leaves need to be cut off. Plant the root in new fertile soil, starting with moderate watering and gradually increasing its intensity.

It rarely reproduces by seeds - this is a long process and not always effective. It is better to germinate calla seeds in the spring. The collected seeds from calla lilies should be placed in a growth-stimulating solution for several hours, the seeds should be placed on gauze soaked in water, and the other end should be covered on top. Seed germination takes a week; it is important to ensure that the gauze does not dry out. After a week, small shoots should appear that need to be placed in the ground. Place the pot with seeds on a well-lit windowsill and cover with glass on top to create a greenhouse effect. It is not recommended to plant the plant in open ground after the first shoots appear.

The most common method of propagation is by tubers. Tubers are dug up in the fall and stored in a dark and well-ventilated place; the optimal storage temperature is considered to be 5-7 degrees. Adult faded tubers produce young shoots, from which a new young flower subsequently grows.

How can you store calla lilies if you purchased the tubers at an earlier period? You can preserve tubers by ensuring proper storage. You need to choose a well-ventilated, cool, dark place. You can store ripe onions in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator, wrapped in a paper towel. The nodules need to be periodically ventilated and turned over, this will prevent them from possible damage. Calla lilies should be planted in open ground no earlier than May.

How to replant calla lilies

Transplantation should occur without damaging the plant. To prevent possible damage to the root system and leaves, water the flower in the pot generously and leave for 5-10 minutes to soak the soil. After this time, the plant will easily come out of the pot along with the earthen lump. For replanting, choose a pot 3-4 liters larger in volume. Place the bush with a lump of earth in a flowerpot with a drainage layer, fill the voids with substrate.

Types of calla diseases

If not properly cared for, zantedeschias can be affected by fungal diseases. One of the common ones is gray rot. This is a fungal disease that can occur as a result of improper care of your “green pet” and lead to the death of the plant.

The leaves lost their attractiveness and began to fade sharply, the same process occurs with flower stalks - we can talk about root rot. When dug up, the affected bulb has a thin brownish putrefactive coating. The cause, most often, is waterlogging of the soil and the active use of nitrogen-containing fertilizers. With this disease, the substrate is also affected, its further use is strictly prohibited.

To eliminate diseases, you need to get rid of the affected parts of the plant and treat them with special fungicides. The soil in a pot or in a garden plot must be replaced; if complete replacement is not possible, the soil must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or antifungal agents.

Pests often do not disdain potted plants. Leaves and flower bedspreads curl and begin to turn yellow - this is a sure sign of aphids. Both tuberous varieties and varieties with rhizomes are susceptible to aphids. Leaves affected by the disease should be treated with a soap solution - this may cause the aphids to retreat. If the leaves are strongly curled and sticky pest secretions are visible on the calla, then this is a serious lesion - you need to use special chemicals to combat aphids.

Calla lily flowers, photos of which you can find on the Internet, are fascinating. The variety of flowers of this amazing plant, brought to us from South Africa, the homeland of calla lilies, is amazing. There are several types of this plant: snow-white with large flowers and dense rhizomes, reaching a height of up to one and a half meters, and another type, striking in its variety of shades, from pale pink to black. The rhizome of this species is a tuber. Caring for calla lilies does not require a botanist education, it’s simple.

Varieties and types

  • Picasso. About half a meter in height, the bowl of the bedspread is of a deep purple color with a gradé effect, the color saturation smoothly changes and becomes white at the very edge.
  • Black magic (Black Magic) blooms in summer; large yellow blankets with a black center are good in the morning, when the stems and flowers create golden tints. Yellow calla does not mean separation, but speaks of the approach of happiness.
  • Red alert (Red Alert and Red Sox) are decorative varieties. Transplanting red calla lilies into a garden plot is a real pleasure.
  • Captain Rosette and Samur are the true embodiment of sophistication. The pink flower looks very delicate. Pink varietal callas are a symbol of peace and grace - this is how these varieties can be described.
  • Paco (Paco) colored low-growing varieties of lilac color. These outdoor flowers also grow well in pots. In autumn, calla blooms even when the leaves on the bushes are already dry.
  • Purple Sensation (Purple Sensation) plant height 40-50 cm. The bright purple color will be saturated, subject to regular feeding.
  • Capitan romance (Captain Romance) colored bedspreads grow from 50-60 cm. Light cream color is intertwined with crimson. Romance seeds are sold from mid-autumn to spring.
  • Eyed Beauty. Descriptions of the flower cannot convey the beauty of this species. 35-40 cm high, champagne-colored blanket, speckled calla leaves, deep blue spot inside the bowl. It seems that the flower is made of foamiran.
  • Florex gold (Florex Gold). Golden with large covers. In winter, the leaves fall off - this is a sign that the calla bulb is ready for winter.
  • Garnet Glow (Garnet Glow) bright fuchsia color makes the plant simply the queen of the site.
  • Ascary (Ascari) is dark red with a delicate champagne-colored border.
  • Chameleon is a soft cream flower with coral veins.
  • Crystal Blush is a pale pink color that fades to white. Looks great at weddings.
  • Cristal Beauty and Mint Julep. Crystal in your flowerbed! Blooms snow-white.
  • Flame (flame) coral-yellow bedspreads up to 10 cm in size.
  • Sunshine and Mango. Where, if not on safari, can you see such shades of yellow and coral? Medium-length varieties will bloom from July to October.
  • Schwarzwalder (Schwarzwalder) and Captain Prado (Prado) are truly male flowers of dark purple color. With them, any bouquet looks solemn.

If you have not yet decided on the choice of species, then videos and photos of these flowers will help you.

Today, mysticism and esotericism are so closely intertwined with everyday life that it is difficult to imagine our life without horoscopes and dream books, and our home without amulets and talismans. Why does calla bloom in a dream? Dream books prophesy positive changes in a woman’s life.

Esotericists claim that each plant has a certain set of magical qualities and is capable of bringing health, luck, protection from evil spirits into our lives, or vice versa - bringing disaster. Zantedeschia (another name) is considered a flower that brings good luck in women's affairs. The flower is especially powerful during the flowering period. The white flowers of the Albomaculata variety look like delicate bridesmaid dresses. Surrounded by an intangible aura of calm and tenderness, they have a beneficial effect on the feminine energy in the apartment; only good omens are associated with them. And in the language of flowers, the meaning of calligraphy is admiration.

Calla flower, photos of which can often be seen on the pages of magazines covering interior design and architecture, are not accidental. Masters of the science of Feng Shui, which studies the harmonious arrangement of a house and objects in it, claim that it is better to place zantedeschia in the bedroom in the area where sharp corners and lines intersect. Thus, the flower will smooth out the influence of negative energy, which in turn will improve sleep and bring peace and tranquility to your home.

It is not at all difficult to grow a beautiful and well-groomed flower that will please the eye, the main thing is to follow all the recommendations for care and cultivation.

Calla is a low plant with heart-shaped green leaves (6-12 cm long and up to 11 cm wide) on the stem. It grows tall peduncles, turning at the top into a single-petal flower in the form of a funnel with a spadix in the middle. The flowers are snow-white and colored. Colored callas grow about 50 cm. White ones reach a meter or more in height. Calla lilies for home care began to be cultivated not so long ago. This flower is native to South Africa. Some species also grow in the central part of the African continent (Ethiopian calla). In our latitudes there are wild species that have taken root well in swampy areas.

Common types and photo selection of home calla lilies

Thanks to breeding work, today many different varieties have been bred, among which several of the most popular can be identified.

  • calla elliotta- an ornamental crop that blooms profusely. The flower cover reaches 15 cm. The color is contrasting: the outer part is greenish-yellow, and the inner part is yellow. The heart-shaped leaves have white spots. This variety loves well-lit window sills and regular watering.
  • Ethiopian calla- considered the most common type. The leaves are fleshy, dense and grow up to 45 cm in length. The stem with flower can reach 1 meter. The inflorescence is funnel-shaped, white with a yellowish spadix, which is widened at the apex.
  • Calla remanna- differs in small dimensions. The height of the plant does not exceed 50 cm. The flowers are bright pink or red. This species became the starting point for the development of more variegated shades (lilac, dark purple and others).
  • Calla amethyst- characterized by a violet hue and a refined aroma similar to a sea breeze. Reaches a height of 60 to 120 cm. It all depends on the conditions in which the flower is grown. It was customary to decorate the boudoirs of queens and court ladies with Amethyst flowers.

Features of caring for indoor calla lilies

Following the structural features of this crop and its origin, caring for it has its own differences from caring for other indoor flowers.

Watering and lighting

Calla is very susceptible to watering; if watering is not regular, the calla will stop growing.

Proper watering is one of the main stages of growing calla lilies. These flowers respond very favorably to regular watering and moist soil. Dry soil will stop their growth. White calla, which is accustomed to growing in marshy areas, is especially demanding when it comes to watering. When it is actively growing, it should be watered a lot. This should be done when the top soil dries 1 cm. The remaining water should be drained after 15 minutes.

Colored callas should not be watered so much. It is necessary to avoid stagnation of water in the pan, this can lead to rotting of the roots. Watering is carried out with water at room temperature as the soil dries 2-3 cm.

The plant feels comfortable at a humidity of 70-80%, so it needs to be sprayed twice a day. Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth and place wet expanded clay or moss on the tray.

When the plant fades, the frequency of watering is reduced (for all types). After a month or two, colored calla lilies should be stopped watering altogether. You cannot immediately transfer the crop to the resting phase by stopping watering or cutting off the leaves. The tubers need to be fully ripe. The rest period usually falls from October-November to the end of February. But this time may shift depending on the conditions of the flower.

Calla also needs good lighting all year round. It is better if it is indirect sunlight. In winter, there is a shortage of it. If there is a lack of light, the crop may not bloom, allowing only stems to grow. White callas need to be illuminated even during the rest period. Colored species may lose their characteristic shade if there is insufficient lighting.

Optimal temperature conditions

For blooming calla lilies, a comfortable temperature is 20-24 degrees

For both white and colored callas, high temperatures combined with low humidity are destructive - they are often attacked by pests. Sudden temperature changes entail the cessation of flowering.

During the growing season, white varieties should be kept at +18-20 degrees. When flowering ends, gradually reduce the temperature to 10-12 degrees. The rest period must last at least 2 months. Colored callas feel comfortable at +20-24 degrees. Slight fluctuations in temperature day and night have a good effect on the formation of tubers and leaves. After flowering, for ripening, the tubers are kept for 1 month without watering at +25-27 degrees. When they ripen, they are laid without leaves for dry wintering at +3-5 degrees, sprinkled with sawdust.

Soil composition and fertilizing

During the flowering period, the flower must be fed with urea

Acidified soils are suitable for callas. The optimal substrate is:

  • turf land (2 parts);
  • leaf soil (1 part);
  • peat (1 part);
  • sand (1 part).

In order for the flower to develop correctly, it needs to be fed in a timely manner. Sometimes in the summer callas are planted in open soil, where they receive normal nutrition. But when kept in a pot constantly, complex fertilizers are required. They need to be applied one at a time every 10-14 days.

To prevent the plant from excessively growing leaves (which affects flowering), you should not overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers during the growing season. When flower stalks appear, you need to feed the plant with urea, and during flowering add an infusion of eggshells. You cannot spray the cover of the flower with fertilizers; it may lose its decorative appearance.

Transplanting home calla lilies

After transplanting calla lilies, you need to gradually increase the temperature

When the dormant period ends, the calla lilies are transplanted into fresh soil. With regular pinching of fresh shoots and replacement of the top layer of soil in the flowerpot, calla lilies can not be replanted for 2 years.

White flowers should be planted in pots that are suitable for the size of the tubers (at least 15 cm in diameter), but not very deep. A 5 cm drainage layer and substrate are placed in it. You can purchase a universal substrate for flowering indoor crops.

There is no need to place the calla rhizome deeply, but it is also too shallow. To calculate the correct depth, the diameter of the rhizome must be multiplied by three. When the plant is transplanted, the temperature should be raised little by little. When it begins to actively grow (after 2-3 weeks), you can begin active watering and fertilizing.

The appearance of new bulbs and the reproduction of calla lilies

Calla lilies have bulbous rhizomes. They divide, there are more of them, they grow and occupy an ever larger area. Excess must be regularly dug up and replanted or thrown away. The bulb is transplanted into well-drained soil. You need to choose a sunny place for planting.

After planting the bulbs, the soil must be watered generously.

The bulb should be planted horizontally. The hole should be approximately 10 cm deep. Water the soil generously so that the tuber begins to grow well. You need to separate the bulbs with your hands. Each one must have at least one kidney.

Growing seeds for seedlings

Typically, calla lilies are propagated in this way by breeders. But if you grow it at home, the seeds are first soaked for 6 hours in a natural plant biostimulator - potassium humate. Then they are laid out on a tray with a damp towel. Cover the top with the same towel and place in a warm place for a week. Make sure that the seeds do not dry out. The towel should be damp, not wet. When the seeds germinate, they need to be sown in trays with soil and left in a warm place until shoots appear. Discard ungerminated seeds. Then you can transplant the seedlings into a pot.

Completion of the growing season

The crop continues to grow as long as it is in moist soil. The growing season ends in September – October. The leaves begin to gradually die. As yellowing begins to appear, watering should be reduced. After 2-3 weeks it should be stopped completely. The leaves should dry out on their own, allowing the remaining microelements to enter the tubers.

If calla lilies grow in a pot, you don’t have to dig them up. Move the plant to a cool place (balcony, veranda). It is important that the rest period lasts at least 3 months. Otherwise, the calla runs the risk of not blooming.

Calla lily diseases and care during this period

The picture shows anthracnose in calla lilies

Most plant diseases are caused by bacteria or fungi, including:

  • Gray rot can spread to all parts of the plant. A gray plaque appears caused by a fungus. A flower can become infected in different ways: through soil, water, wind. With excessive air and soil humidity, the risk of fungal infection increases. The diseased plant is treated with Vitarox, Rovral and other fungicides. Before this, you need to ventilate the room.
  • Anthracnose of calla lilies is characterized by the presence of brown spots on the leaves. The leaves dry out and crack over time. They need to be removed and the plant treated with a fungicide.
  • Root rot manifests itself in the form of calla lilies wilting. If you dig up the plant, you can see dry rot on the tubers. This disease occurs due to waterlogging of the soil. It is necessary to stop watering the flower, or replace the soil with a less moist one. Fungicide treatment is also needed.
  • Bacterial rot occurs due to bacterial infection of the crop. There are no means to combat it, so it is advisable to dispose of the flower.

Note to flower growers

Calla lily leaves often dry out due to improper watering

Why doesn't calla lily bloom?- this question cannot always be answered with certainty. There may be several factors that can cause this problem. The presence of many bulbs that have not been replanted for a long time, frequent replanting, changing the location of the flowerpot, improper care. All this weakens the mother plant, and the calla does not bloom.

There are many reasons for yellowing and drying of calla leaves:

  • freezing of tubers;
  • lack or, conversely, excess watering;
  • deficiency of important microelements;
  • the air in the room is not humid enough.

The calla has faded, what should I do?

If after flowering the leaves are still green, then you need to continue watering and wait for them to dry out. You need to water less and less each time. After the leaves die off, you can send the plant to rest.

Why calla lilies are called “flower of death”

There are many legends associated with this flower. It looks like a blanket that wraps a yellow cob, similar to a candle. Apparently this is why calla lilies are called the flower of death. Indeed, in some European countries death is associated with the color white. There you can often see calla lilies at funerals.

Nowadays, few people remember this superstition. The myth about why callas are flowers of death has not been confirmed, although it continues to scare some people away from buying this flower.

Caring for calla lilies at home is quite affordable and not very labor-intensive. By following simple growing rules, you can achieve regular flowering, healthy greenery, and as a result, additional decoration of any interior. And finally, we recommend watching the video on this flower, we wish you a pleasant viewing.

Lovers who grow plants at home consider indoor callas to be the most beautiful indoor flower. It’s hard to disagree with them; a huge single-leaf flower with a bright spadix attracts attention, and the flower itself pleases for a whole month.

Calla lilies are native to southern Africa, but the modern range of this plant has spread far beyond the continent. Relatively recently, it was possible to find such a flower in our latitudes only in swampy areas, but thanks to the work of botanists, growing calla lilies at home is now quite an ordinary event. The domestic calla plant appears in people's homes, not only for its appearance. This flower is an accurate barometer; drops form on the leaves right before the rain. Let's take a closer look at how to care for your home calla lilies.

Thanks to the hard work of botanists in breeding this plant, today we have the opportunity to cultivate a large number of different types of domestic calla lilies.

Calla elliottiana- a profusely blooming flower variety, characterized by a special love for illuminated places and regular watering. The flower is painted in very contrasting colors: its outer part is yellow-green, and its inner part is bright yellow.

Ethiopian calla (Calla aethiopica)– this variety rightfully ranks first in popularity. Calla lilies flowers are white with a yellow core; the only leaf of the flower is folded into a funnel and widens towards the top. The dense leaves of this species can be up to 45 centimeters in length, and the stem grows up to 1 meter.

Rehmann (Calla rehmannii)– a miniature variety (up to 50 cm in height), distinguished by its bright flower color from pink to deep red. Red calla lilies served as the starting point for developing varieties with variegated colors.

Amethyst– the choice of sophisticated people. Delicate shades of inflorescences intertwine with the aromas of sea air, creating an atmosphere of comfort and luxury. This variety of flower has become an integral part of royal women.

These are not all types of indoor calla lilies; thanks to selection, new varieties appear on the market every year. New indoor calla lilies are distinguished by increasingly variegated and sophisticated colors.

Features of caring for home calla lilies

Plants of this culture differ in many ways from other indoor inhabitants; this puts a certain imprint on the care of calla lilies. Caring for calla lilies at home is not difficult, but you need to pay attention to all the requirements.


The basis for the full growth of a plant is watering. The nature of this plant implies the presence of a large amount of water in the soil, as well as high humidity. Lack of regular watering will lead to stunted growth. The white indoor calla lily, which is native to swampy areas, loves water the most.

Homemade calla flower, water when the top layer of soil dries 1 centimeter for white callas and when the top layer dries 2-3 centimeters for colored varieties. Colored callas also like regular watering, but to a lesser extent than white ones. The remaining water in both cases is drained after 15 minutes. Water for irrigation should be at room temperature. Flower growth occurs best at high humidity, about 80%. The leaves of the flower are sprayed twice a day or wiped twice with a damp cloth. It is also worth putting moss or expanded clay on the tray.

After flowering ends, the frequency of watering will be significantly reduced, and after a couple of months, watering should be stopped altogether. You cannot immediately put your flower into a dormant state; you must give it time for the root to reach the desired state. The dormant period of a flower is up to three months, but this value can shift depending on the conditions of the plant.


Growing calla lilies at home should be done by providing the plant with sufficient lighting. Indoor callas love light, especially in winter. In poor or incorrect lighting, the plant may not bloom, only stems may grow, colored varieties may lose their bright color. Indirect sunlight and direct morning and afternoon sun are best. Direct sunlight from the summer sun can harm the flower.


Regardless of the type, homemade calla lilies in a pot require maintaining the temperature within normal limits, as well as the absence of sudden changes. During the growing season, white varieties require maintaining a temperature of +18...+ 20 degrees, colored varieties +20...+ 24. After flowering, the tubers stop watering and are kept at a temperature of 25 to 27 degrees for about 30 days, then the temperature is slowly reduced to 10 - 12 degrees. The finished tubers are placed for the winter, covered with sawdust.

Note. A slight difference in temperature between day and night has a positive effect on the growth of tubers and leaves of the plant.

The soil

The soil for calla lilies needs to be acidified, approximately pH 6-6; it is very useful to add peat and sawdust to it. The following mixture is best suited for planting calla lilies:

  • turf land (2 parts);
  • leaf soil (1 part);
  • peat (1 part);
  • sand (1 part).

Often, properly selected soil is not enough for the full growth and development of a flower. Therefore, in summer, care at home involves planting a flower in open soil. An alternative to this method would be every two weeks. Before flowering begins, you should not overdo it with nitrogenous mixtures; when flower stalks appear, urea is added, and with the beginning of flowering, eggshells are added.

Transplantation and propagation

Proper planting of calla lilies is the key to success. Tubers are sold from January to April; when purchasing them, you should pay attention to their elasticity; the skin should be light. Before planting, the tubers are dipped for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This procedure helps protect the tuber at an early stage from diseases and identify damaged areas. If, after dipping into potassium permanganate, defects appear, they can be carefully removed with a knife and then treated with brilliant green.

Growing calla lilies at home will go without a hitch if you choose a wide pot, because this indoor plant loves the space provided to the root system. Planting and replanting occurs as follows: first, a hole is made, up to 5 cm deep, then a tuber is placed in it no deeper than 10 cm. Watering during this period should be treated carefully to prevent the bulb from rotting.

Experienced gardeners know how to grow calla lilies from seeds at home. To do this, the seeds are germinated on a paper towel and, after signs of growth appear, planted in pots, no more than 2 seeds per pot. You should choose the usual soil for seedlings, watering through the bottom of the pot; if the top layer of soil has dried out more than necessary, you can lightly irrigate it with water from a sprayer. The appearance of shoots is a signal to replant the callas, but before placing them in a new pot, the existing roots should be thoroughly washed. The further life of calla lilies in pots follows the rules and subtleties described above.

Note. After planting, indoor calla lilies may not appear from the pot until they have formed a root system, so do not be discouraged if indoor flowers have not appeared within a month.

You can propagate your home calla flower using seeds yourself, moreover, this process can bring unexpected results. This is due to the fact that you will have to pollinate the flower yourself and it is almost impossible to predict the final result.

A more stable method of propagation is to divide the tuber; for this, tuber shoots are separated during transplantation. Considering the fact that the indoor flower is such a sissy and requires replanting after flowering, you do not need to guess and wait for the moment when it is necessary to get the plant and separate the tubers.

Diseases of home calla lilies and care during this period

Even with proper care, callas are susceptible to various diseases.

    1. If your indoor calla lily has been attacked by aphids, it is often enough to wipe the leaves with a solution of soapy water. In case of a strong attack, you can use Actellik or Bison.
    2. Gray rot, which affects all parts of the plant, is fungal in nature, so the flower must be treated with various fungicides (Vitarox, Rovral).

On a note. If your calla lily does not bloom at home, then most likely you made a mistake at the replanting stage. For example, you placed a tuber that was too large in a pot or did not maintain the temperature conditions.

  1. Another popular problem is the difficulty with why calla lily leaves turn yellow. This event may be preceded by both calla disease and lack of soil nutrition, poor watering or excessive amounts of direct sunlight.
  2. If previous diseases of calla lilies had a certain treatment, then bacterial rot, alas, cannot be treated with anything and such a flower must be disposed of.
  3. Calla lilies affected by anthracnose have damaged brown leaves that need to be removed and the plant treated with fungicides.

Knowing how to care for calla lilies at home, you can enrich any windowsill with a beautiful blooming flowerbed of delicate flowers.

It is generally accepted that the birthplace of the beautiful calla lily is South Africa. However, the Ethiopian variety is native to its central part. It was in the tropical swamps of Africa that this charming and mysterious flower was born. Let's find out why it is called the flower of death.

The question of why calligraphy is called the flower of death remains open to this day. According to one theory, this name contributed to his appearance– the yellow center is associated with a candle, and the white blanket resembles a shroud.

The unusual appearance of a plant can evoke both negative and positive emotions.

According to another theory, the name came from Europe, because in many European Catholic countries it is an invariable companion to funerals; they are brought to the cemetery or a bush is planted on the grave.

Perhaps the connection with funerals also arose due to the fact that calligraphy blooms at night - at the most mysterious and mystical time of day.

In Russia there are also often brought to funerals, but at the same time, other flowers can be seen at the funeral ceremony.

It is possible that this name arose due to the words of eyewitnesses who claimed that the callas in their house bloomed before the death of one of the family members. Even if this is the case, then you don’t need to throw it away, but on the contrary - consider it your amulet and talisman, because it warns against possible trouble.

Calla: can you keep it at home?

There is an aura of divinity around the pet; in the Bible there is a mention that he grew up near the cross of the crucified Jesus. She has been depicted in paintings and sculptures throughout history as Virgin Mary flower or the Angel of the Annunciation.

According to one of the beliefs, keeping a flower in the house is good luck

There is a belief that they protect the house from evil and negative energy, bring peace and prosperity, so you can and should keep them.

If you suddenly had a fight with your spouse, leave the calligraphy in the bedroom for a while, soon in your family peace will come.

Another sign advises growing calla lilies if someone in the house has heart problems. These mysterious flowers will help the patient and have a beneficial effect on his well-being.

No less interesting is the fact that they facilitate business negotiations and put the interlocutors in a friendly mood. Therefore, if you place calligraphy in the office, you can hope for conclusion of a profitable contract.

Legends of origin

There are many legends of the origin of calla lilies. Here are some of them:

Generally accepted

One of them says that a long time ago, when the Gods descended to earth, the daughter of a powerful Deity fell in love with an ordinary earthly guy. He reciprocated, and the young people began dating. The girl's father, having learned about this, became angry and forbade his daughter to go down to earth.

But can anything stop the lovers? Having learned about his daughter’s disobedience, God turned her invisible. But this did not stop the girl. Every day she went down to the young man. The guy, in order to somehow feel and see his beloved, wove a blanket of beautiful flowers and threw it over her.

The lovers cried for a long time about their fate when they saw this, father had mercy and lifted the curse.

The blanket fell off the girl, and after some time charming flowers grew in this place. Since then, calla lily has been a symbol of purity and purity.


Another legend dates back to Greek mythology. The myth tells that Zeus brought his newborn son Hercules to the sleeping goddess Hera to give him milk.

Waking up, the goddess unexpectedly pushed the baby away and spilled milk, which formed the milky way. A few drops fell to the ground and turned into beautiful, majestic flowers of snow-white purity.

Seeing such perfect plants, the goddess of beauty and passion Venus was jealous of their charms and imposed a curse. As a result, a large thorn (pistle) appeared in the heart of the flower. Thus, the goddess wanted to disfigure and deprive him of his purity.

A large pestle also appeared according to legend

According to one of the most famous legends, a barbarian leader fell in love with a girl from a poor tribe with snow-white skin and big eyes. Having found reciprocity, he became angry and, in anger, threatened his chosen one to destroy her tribe if she did not marry him.

The girl, having a kind heart, accepted the offer so that save your loved ones.

On the wedding day, on the way to the groom, the bride saw a large fire that was lit for the ceremony. Without hesitation, she decided to throw herself into it, but as soon as the beauty took the first step towards the fire, she immediately turned into a snow-white flower.

Since then they protect girls from the bad look and evil of ill-wishers, they give confidence and guide you on the right path. They help you find happiness in love and protect you from quarrels.

Facts and signs about the plant

Calla – poisonous plant. Since ancient times, tinctures from its rhizome have been used against the bite of poisonous snakes.

Calla lily tincture was once used as an antidote

That is why the image of a flower on clothes, on the doors of the house is endowed with magical meaning and can protect against the poison that surrounds us - anger, envy, disease, quarrels.

Calla is a faithful friend and assistant to creative people. It can inspire new ideas, give confidence and encourage achievement.

If you cannot reveal your talents, create a creative atmosphere in your apartment, using in design variety image.

Such a bouquet will be an excellent gift for a friend who is unlucky in love due to her indecision or self-doubt, or overwhelming doubts. Bed linen with images of these flowers will also help to bring a magical feeling into life.

Only there is a condition: when falling asleep, a girl should represent her chosen one. Such a pet will provide irreplaceable help, and on the first date, in order for it to go well, you need to take the image of the calligraphy with you.

Calla helps to reveal sexual energy, promotes transformation disadvantages into advantages.

The bride's bouquet

Callas are very feminine, delicate and romantic flowers with an unearthly appeal. Fragile and immaculate, they will adorn the bride and the wedding ceremony.

There is a sign according to which they will protect the bride from the evil eye and bring happiness and prosperity to family life.

At the beginning of the 20th century, calla lilies were indispensable component of wedding bouquets, because according to legend they served as a strong bond between spouses.

Calla lilies of different colors can be used for the bride's bouquet:

The flower is often found in wedding bouquets. Variety Red Variety Purple Variety Yellow

In a wedding bouquet, calla lilies can become both the basis of the composition and an addition.

Callas were and remain flowers around which there are many myths and legends. Some consider them talisman and companion of happiness, others - a curse and a flower of death. However, there is no evidence that they are dangerous. Each of us has the right to determine how to relate to this mysterious and aristocratic plant.

Calla is an exotic-looking perennial plant that can thrive both in the garden and at home in a pot. In our climate, calla lilies are often grown at home, thereby adding a refined touch to the interior.

We will learn how to properly plant calla lilies in a pot, how to care for the plant so that it will delight you with long, delightful flowering.

Calla is a flower found in nature on the banks of water bodies. Translated from ancient Greek, its name means “beautiful, beauty.” Native habitats are river banks and swamps in countries of both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Externally, the plants are very beautiful: both the foliage of the calla lily and its flowers are original and exotic. The leaves are bright green, dense, smooth, arrow-shaped. At the base, the leaves expand, acquiring a heart-shaped shape. The flowers are unisexual, located on a vertical thick stem. The flowers are given a special decorative appearance by the bract surrounding them - dense, encircling the flowers with a kind of collar.

The most common calla lily in indoor floriculture is white, however, now colored varieties of the plant are also coming into fashion. Particularly popular are Elliot's decorative calla lily with orange-golden flowers and Remman's calla lily with petals in pink, lilac, and burgundy shades.

Note that colored callas and white callas are grown differently: both flowers have distinctive features and care requirements. They also have different periods of rest. It is therefore important to take this nuance into account when purchasing a plant. It should be noted that white callas are not tuberous plants, while colored ones are just that. Whites reproduce by bulb.

Landing conditions

Let's find out what conditions must be met when planting home calla lilies.


Calla lilies are usually planted before the plant enters active growing season.

Choosing a pot

The best habitat for an indoor calla lily will be a pot with a height of at least 60 cm with a radius of at least 20 cm. Calla lilies grow quite quickly, so you will need enough space for the free development of roots.

The container should be quite wide: therefore, if you are in doubt whether to prefer a narrower or wider pot diameter, choose the second option. The volume of the selected pot should not be less than 3 liters, including for young calla lilies.

Calla loves a moist substrate, so initially place the pot on a tray with sphagnum moss, expanded clay or pebbles moistened with water. Moisten the tray from time to time so that the plant is always in the most favorable conditions.

A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the pot, a layer of at least 5 cm. The following materials are suitable for the drainage layer:

  • expanded clay;
  • broken brick;
  • small pebbles.

Soil composition

It is advisable to plant calla lilies in acidic soil. A soil mixture with the following ingredients is considered optimal:

  • turf soil (garden) - 2 parts;
  • foliage substrate - 1 part;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • coarse river sand - 1 part.

Requirements for conditions of detention

Let's get acquainted with the most important nuances of keeping indoor calla lilies.


Calla has high demands on the level of illumination. Perhaps this is the most important point when choosing where to place a flower at home.

Sunlight should be plentiful, but indirect. It is good to keep calla in partial shade under conditions of sparse lighting. In summer, it is better to place the plant near a window, but do not forget to protect the delicate flower from direct sunlight.

In the dark winter time, callas acutely feel the lack of sun. And even during the dormant period, plants must be sufficiently illuminated - otherwise development, flowering, and other negative consequences may be delayed.

In general, for normal development and growth, calla lilies must be illuminated for at least 12 hours a day in summer and 8 hours in winter. If your apartment’s climate and location cannot provide such conditions, you will have to additionally illuminate the calla lilies artificially.


In nature, callas grow in warm climates, so they cannot tolerate low temperatures. The optimal year-round temperature is +15-25 degrees: in summer +22-25, in winter +15-18.

White callas love cooler temperatures - during the growing season they should be kept at +18-20 degrees, in winter - at +10-12 degrees. The transition from summer to winter temperatures should be gradual, without sudden jumps.

Sudden temperature changes should not be allowed, as such shocks are detrimental to the plant. In the mildest case, the calla lilies will stop blooming. Too much heat is also unacceptable, especially in combination with dry air: such a microclimate can lead to calla lily damage from pests.

It is permissible to grow a flower on the balcony only in summer, but in winter you should definitely move the plant to a heated room.

Air humidity

This parameter should be high - dry air is not suitable for callas. The ideal humidity level for the plant is 70-80%.

And if in summer it is possible to provide the flower with normal living conditions, then when winter comes, working batteries often make the air in the apartment dry. To avoid problems, spray the air around the plant with a spray bottle. You can also place the pot on a tray with expanded clay pebbles moistened with water. Use the same measures in the summer if the weather is dry.


Let's learn how to plant calla lilies at home.

Selection and preparation of planting material

At home, callas are usually propagated by dividing the rhizomes - this is the simplest and fastest option. In order for calla lilies to take root safely, the tubers of the mother plant must be healthy and dense, without damage.

The calla needs to be removed from the pot and its roots cleaned from the ground. Then, using a sharp, disinfected knife or scalpel, the plant is divided into parts. It is important to ensure that each division gets part of the healthy roots.

To minimize the risk of rhizomes rotting in the soil before germination, before planting they are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate (weak). This procedure disinfects the plant and makes all defects and damage visible. You can simply cut off growths, rot, and other affected areas with a knife. But if you had to cut something off, be sure to treat the cut areas with brilliant green.

Planting process

A hole is dug, approximately three times the volume of the tubers. Each division should be planted in a separate spacious container. The depth of the rhizome is 5-8 cm. The soil around the plant is compacted so that there are no air pockets left in the pot.

The first days after planting, calla lilies are not watered, but it is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out. If the top layer is dry, spray the soil with a spray bottle.

You cannot expose calla lilies to bright sunlight for the first week or two after planting; it is better to keep the plant in a subdued, shaded place for the first time. This will help the flower quickly adapt to new conditions.

Important: do not forget that calla lilies are a poisonous plant. Planting and all other work with this flower should only be done with gloves.


Let's find out how to care for calla lilies growing in a pot at home.


This is one of the most important aspects of caring for indoor calla lilies. If you do not provide regular and sufficient soil moisture, calla lilies will stop growing and flowering. White callas are especially sensitive to watering. The earthen ball in a flower pot should always be moist.

In addition to watering, it is also important to ensure sufficient air humidity in the room. The optimal level of air humidity is considered to be 70-80% - it is clear that achieving such conditions in an ordinary apartment is quite difficult.

To ensure optimal living conditions for the plant, spray it more often - at least twice a day, paying special attention to the procedure on dry days. It is also correct to moisten the leaves with a napkin soaked in water from time to time.

Top dressing

The plant develops quickly, and soon after planting, the roots of the calla lily almost completely fill the flowerpot. At the same time, they suck out all the useful substances from the soil. Obviously, the flower will not last long without additional fertilizer.

Attention: the cooler and dimly lit conditions the calla lilies are grown, the more the flower needs feeding.

The flower responds favorably to complex mineral compositions applied during the active growing season once every 10-14 days. Before flowering, calla lilies are fed with urea, eggshell infusion, then with potassium and phosphorus.

“Overfeeding” calla lilies is unacceptable - such a careless approach can even lead to the death of the plant. The first symptom of too much fertilizer is yellowing and drying of the edges of the leaves. At this stage, it is urgent to replant the calla lilies into another soil before the plant dies.

If you overdo it with nitrogen, the calla will actively grow foliage and forget about the need to flower. A lack of nitrogen can lead to drooping foliage, loss of shine, and reduction in the size of individual leaves.


Calla lilies are not pruned - the procedure is permissible only for dried leaves. The foliage is trimmed during the calla lilies' dormant period, that is, in the summer. During the period of active growing season and flowering, there can be no talk of any pruning.


The procedure is carried out when the roots of the plant have already completely filled the volume of the pot and there is no maneuver left for further development. Mandatory - after purchase, in addition, replanting is necessary and when the plant is overfed with fertilizers, sometimes in case of diseases and pest damage.

Typically, transplantation is carried out annually - after the next dormant period ends. Annual replanting is of particular importance for young calla lilies, as they grow surprisingly quickly.

Choose each subsequent pot with a diameter slightly larger than the previous one, literally by several centimeters. If you transplant calla lilies into a pot that is too large compared to the old one, the plant will direct all its energy to the formation of green mass, and you may not expect flowering this season.

It is not advisable to replant flowers with weak or damaged shoots - calla lilies may not tolerate the procedure. First, it is advisable to treat the plant and let it get stronger. The composition of the soil in the new pot should be close to the old soil - this will facilitate the adaptation of the flower.

Before replanting, the roots of the plant should be freed as much as possible from the old soil - for this, the roots are usually washed. It is especially important not to ignore this measure when replanting due to contamination of the old soil by pests and pathogens. If the roots are not washed, the infection will spread to a new pot.

Autumn is usually chosen for transplantation, since at this time the mother plant has flowered, and the procedure for dividing the tuber can be painlessly carried out.

Some flower growers resort to tricks so as not to carry out another transplant. To do this, they pinch off the side shoots of the plant and simply replace the top layer of soil with a new one. You can’t do this all the time, but as a one-time way out of the situation, it’s quite acceptable.

Care during rest periods

When purchasing a young plant in a store, you should immediately determine when it will have a period of activity and when it will have a period of dormancy. As a rule, calla lilies sleep starting from October-November and wake up in February-March. Depending on the type of flower, conditions of detention, and other reasons, the dormant period can last from two months to six months.

There is no need to artificially immerse the plant into the dormant period too early. You should not prune leaves early or reduce watering - this can negatively affect the overall development and growth of calla lilies. Negative consequences are associated with the fact that if the dormant period is introduced too early, the tubers do not have time to ripen.

Care during this time should include the following measures:

  • maintaining the required temperature;
  • regular, but not too abundant watering;
  • moderate lighting, excluding direct sunlight on the flower;
  • maintaining sufficient air humidity by spraying and using a wet tray;
  • feeding is rare, but complete.

When the time to go to sleep has come, the pot is removed to a cooler room. Frequent feeding is not needed at this time, nor is frequent watering. We are talking about white callas.

Colored varieties do not need watering or fertilizing in principle during the dormant period. These plants are treated as follows: stop watering, waiting for the natural drying of the foliage and tuber. Then the foliage is cut off, and the tuber is removed from the pot, placing it in the sand. Thus, the flower overwinters until the next growing season.

The container with sand and tuber should be kept in a cool room during the dormant period. And around mid-March, they take the tuber out of the sand, plant it in the ground, start watering it, and then feed it. Soon the flower wakes up and begins to gain green mass.

During the dormant period, callas also grow, but at a slower pace. Interestingly, the white varieties bloom in spring and winter, but not in summer. Colored callas bloom in summer and go dormant in winter. And most often, flower growers try to grow white callas, as this allows them to enjoy flowering in winter.

Diseases, pests, other problems

Let's look at the main problems that arise when growing this wonderful indoor plant.

Elongation of stems

This problem occurs if the room temperature is too hot, or if there is not enough sunlight. They solve the problem by eliminating the causes that cause it.

Leaf petiole fragility

A problem arises due to illiterate feeding. It is important that the flower receives nutritional minerals in a complex - a lack of microelements leads to fragility of leaf petioles.

No flowering

Usually this problem is caused by improper maintenance of the plant during the dormant period or the absence of a pronounced rest period.

Powdery mildew

This fungal disease can also affect the flower. A symptom of the disease is a white coating on the foliage. If you notice this alarming sign, you should urgently treat the plant with a solution of potassium permanganate (0.3 g per liter of water), or a solution of colloidal sulfur. The drugs Topaz, Skor, Vectra, and a solution of calcined salt with laundry soap can also help.

Gray rot

This is also a fungus that causes a gray coating to appear on the stems and foliage. You need to get rid of the problem without delay using fungicide solutions:

  • Vitaros;
  • Fundazol;
  • Rovral.

Root rot

This is a serious, dangerous disease that can lead to the rapid death of the plant. The disease is transmitted through the soil, so when making your own soil mixture, the ingredients must be doused with boiling water. Excessive soil moisture can also lead to root rot.

A symptom of the disease is the sudden and almost complete shedding of leaves and flowers. To get rid of the disease, watering is stopped, the soil is replaced with a new one, and the plant and its roots are treated with Ridomil or Previkur. Areas affected by rot must be cut off.

So, we found out how to properly plant calla lilies at home. We also learned how to care for this wonderful plant. There is a lot of wisdom - however, the calla flower is unusual and exotic. Using the recommendations from the article, you can grow beautiful, healthy calla lilies at home and enjoy its unique flowering for a long time.