What are yoga mats made of? What are yoga mats made of, and what material is better? Buy thermoplastic elastomer mats

If you decide to play sports and it doesn’t matter what kind, you will need a mat in any case. But how to make a choice?

There is a fitness mat in every gym, but it is better to have your own, as this is a matter of hygiene and health safety. In addition, mats in gyms are often the cheapest: they slip, tear quickly, and emit an unpleasant odor.

The importance of choosing the right fitness mat

Fitness training, like any other type of physical activity, for example, balance training, yoga, crossfit, requires the use of certain equipment. Most sports require a special rug (mat).

You need to buy a rug for two main reasons:

  • For reasons of hygiene. Bacteria and even fungus can live on a public rug. One touch is enough, not to mention systematic training, to harm your health.
  • A personal mat can provide you with comfort, and sometimes this is very important. Comfort is provided by two factors: material and thickness of the product. In order to save money, sports facilities use the most budget models with minimal thickness.

Therefore, before choosing a fitness mat, you need to take into account the thickness of the product and the material, as well as its size, which we will discuss further.

Which fitness mat is better to choose: dimensions

Fitness mat: which size to choose? The right choice directly depends on the physical parameters and type of training.

  • The length of the product can be from 160 to 210 cm. If the workout takes place at a calm and measured pace, you need to add 10 cm to your height, this will be the optimal length of the mat. If the workout is dynamic and active, add 20–30 cm to your height.
  • The width of the mat varies from 50 to 80 cm. Of course, it is more convenient to practice on a wider mat, but if you have to travel by public transport, a mat with a width of 80 cm will create inconvenience.
  • The thickness of the mat is 1.3–8 mm. The optimal value is 4–6 mm. This rug will be cool, soft and comfortable. There are also thicker models, but on them you will feel bad about your body.

Variety of materials

The market offers rugs made from several types of materials:

  • Synthetics. Often this is PVC. Inexpensive and especially popular material among beginners. This rug does not fade, is easy to wash and lasts quite a long time. But it can slide, so it's not the best option for yoga.
  • Thermoplastic. Softer to the touch than PVC. It is easy to care for, it does not slip, but it costs more than the previous one.
  • Rubber or rubber containing jute. These materials are natural. Rubber models are quite heavy and do not absorb moisture, but they can be used for yoga as they do not slip. Rubber retains its shape for a long time. These types of rugs are heavy and cost above average.
  • Cotton. There are also cotton models on sale that perfectly absorb moisture and are pleasant to the touch. However, they glide, so they are suitable for performing simple exercises.

Currently, there are many articles on choosing yoga mats, but all of them do not reflect modern realities. The market for yoga mats is growing rapidly, and in recent years quite a lot of new products have appeared about the features of which a wide range of yoga lovers are not so aware.

In this article we will try to understand in detail how to choose a yoga mat in 2017-2018. What to pay attention to, what trends and new products exist, how to save money without overpaying for the brand and ultimately choose a reliable and high-quality rug for yourself.

Budget rugs (PVC rugs)

When choosing a yoga mat, many beginners initially pay attention to budget options, which is especially logical for those who are not yet fully confident that they will practice regularly and are not ready to spend more than a certain amount on a new hobby. Let's start with what requirements must be met:

1. Don't slip on the floor

2. Prevent slipping during practice

3. Be durable enough

4. Have a comfortable length, width and thickness for a yoga practitioner

The first 3 points depend directly on the material from which the rug is made. There are 3 generally accepted base materials from which rugs are made. These are: PVC (polyvinyl chloride), TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) and rubber. They can also be combined.

1.PPE. In fact, this is a tourist foam, which, firstly, slides heavily on the floor, and secondly, is not at all wear-resistant. Considering it a yoga mat is completely wrong, even if the seller claims it as a yoga mat

2. Izolon. It’s also more like a travel mat that slides on the floor, is very bulky during transportation, has poor anti-slip properties, and wears out quickly

3. EVA. It slides on the floor and wears out quickly.

The optimal budget options that meet the basic requirements for a yoga mat include, first of all,.

Until 2013, the niche of budget PVC rugs consisted mainly of Chinese rugs. Their advantages include acceptable stickiness to the floor, a large number of colors, and low weight.

Of the minuses, it is worth highlighting: not the best anti-slip properties. But everything is learned in comparison, especially with mats made of PPE, EVA and other unsuitable options.

The main disadvantage These rugs are wear-resistant; these rugs wear out very quickly and crumble.

The characteristic texture for these rugs is the texture of pimples.

Similar rugs are available in many stores, including chain stores.

They are available under different brands, in different colors and thicknesses. In fact, any company can make such a rug under its own brand. The price of such rugs depends on the pricing policy of the company, brand, size of the rug and sometimes the design on it.

The most important difference between these mats is their density, which determines their wear resistance.

There is also a big misconception about the thickness of such rugs. Very often, beginners try to choose a thicker mat so that they can practice comfortably, but this is a double-edged sword. The optimal thickness for such rugs is 4 mm.

Often such rugs are found with a thickness of 6 mm, 8 mm and even 1 cm. Such thicknesses in this case will most likely not bring comfort, but on the contrary will interfere with practice.

The fact is that with such thicknesses, the mat is simply very foamed, but its density is very low, due to this it is difficult to maintain balance on such mats. They are also not suitable for dynamic practices; the mat is pressed through. Also, similar rugs often have a length of 173 cm. The standard European length is 183 cm

We leave all reviews, including criticism, but don’t forget that this is a budget option, and you won’t be able to get a flying carpet for 550 rubles.

But in terms of price-quality ratio, these rugs will definitely not disappoint their customers.

Mid-price rugs (PVC rugs)

Just a few years ago, in many articles one could very often find the opinion that PVC mats belong specifically to entry-level mats, i.e. the simplest, for beginners, the least durable, etc.

In fact, this is a big misconception, even premium class mats, for example, all mats in the series are made of PVC.

So what is the difference between rugs in the mid-price category, and therefore of higher quality, and inexpensive ones?

Due to their texture, German rugs have better anti-slip properties; due to their denser material, they are more durable. These rugs also have European quality certificates, which also state that the rug is safe for the skin of children under 2 years of age.

In personal practice, such rugs serve for 3 years or more.

As a rule, German mats have 2 thicknesses: 3 mm for more static practices, such as Iyengar yoga, and 4.5 mm for a more universal thickness.

The width of such rugs is standard 60 cm or. Length from 175 to 220 cm.

The most popular models in this price category

Mid-price mats (TPE mats)

Such rugs are produced in China and sold under different brands, including European, Russian, and American.

These rugs are very convenient to take with you. Perfect for both beginners and professionals. It should also be noted that there are a large number of bright, interesting colors in each model.

Natural yoga mats (premium mats)

Rugs made from premium natural materials have recently achieved the greatest variety.

And it becomes quite difficult for an ordinary consumer to understand them. In this price segment, the price does not directly reflect the quality of the rug. The number of different brands and new products can be confusing when choosing a rug. Therefore, we will analyze all the available varieties of natural rubber rugs to help our customers choose the right model for themselves.

1. Rugs made of 100% natural rubber.

Classic models of rubber mats. 100% rubber mats were one of the first to appear on the Russian and world markets, and have won recognition among yoga practitioners.

These mats, as a rule, have an open-pore texture, which is aimed at absorbing moisture. Solid weight, depending on the size of the rug. A standard 100% rubber mat measuring 183 x 60 cm x 4 mm weighs about 2.5 kg

These rugs very durable, have excellent anti-slip properties and adhere perfectly to the floor.

All are produced in one factory in Taiwan. Their cost depends on the size, for example, the most inexpensive of this category are thin ones. Despite the fact that a rug made of the same material will cost 2 times more.

The brand under which the rug is produced also plays a big role.

For example, rugs from well-known American brands will be slightly more expensive than rugs from well-known European brands. Although their quality is 100% comparable

And rugs from Russian brands, with identical quality, will be even more affordable. As a rule, the only difference between brands is the design. The larger and more famous the company under whose brand the rugs are produced, the wider and more diverse the color line of models.

This is due to the minimum number of rugs per color that the plant is ready to sell to wholesale distributors.

We can conclude that they are still one of the best and time-tested yoga mats.

2. Yoga mats made of rubber using latex.

Because The main disadvantage of yoga mats made of 100% rubber is the considerable weight of the mats. Since 2014, they have appeared on the world market new mats from the Spanish factory using latex. Adding latex to the rubber allowed the weight of the mat to be reduced by about 20%

The texture of the rug has also changed. Unlike 100% rubber yoga mats, the texture of a latex mat is closed cell, making the mat easier to maintain. Also, rubber mats with the addition of latex often have perforations similar to the perforations of TPE mats, which creates additional anti-slip properties. The manufacturing plant claims that the latex coating has an antimicrobial effect.

The price for these mats depends, just as with mats made from natural rubber, on the size of the mat and the brand under which it is sold. There are German, Russian, Spanish brands.

We conclude that a rubber mat using latex will be an excellent alternative to 100% rubber mats due to its lighter weight and easier maintenance of the mat.

In terms of price, the cost of mats made from 100% natural rubber and mats using latex are approximately the same.

3. Yoga mats made of natural rubber with NON Slip coating

In 2016, a new product appeared on the Russian market -. Literally NON Slip can be translated as “anti-slip”

A layer of polyurethane is applied to the rubber base, which is a non-slip coating.

This coating has a completely closed texture, on which markings or a pattern are applied, which helps beginners in adjusting asanas. Many patterned rugs are a little more slippery than regular rugs because... applying a layer of paint to the rug changes its texture and

Anti-slip properties. The pattern on the Non Slip coating does not change the texture of the coating itself, because made using a laser. Thus, we get a mat with excellent anti-slip properties, interesting design and markings.

It is worth noting that mats with such a coating have the disadvantage of classic rubber mats - they are quite heavy. Non Slip mats weigh about 3 kg because, among other things, they have an increased width of 66 cm (6 cm wider than classic rubber mats)

All Non Slip mats are identical. The only difference is in the design and the brand under which this rug is produced.

Thus, we conclude: this mat has excellent anti-slip properties and an interesting design.

4. Yoga mats made of natural rubber with microfiber

Just like mats made of natural rubber with Non Slip coating, a thin layer of microfiber is applied to the rubber base, which in these models performs 2 main tasks:

1. Microfiber perfectly absorbs moisture, which is especially important when sweating profusely, as well as during some types of yoga, such as Bikram yoga.

2. Using microfiber, a colored pattern is applied to the rug, which makes these rugs very interesting from a design point of view. Microfiber can be used to apply a pattern of any complexity with any color rendition.

In addition, microfiber has pleasant tactile properties, soft and pleasant to the touch, and does not irritate sensitive skin. Well suited for practices where there are a large number of sliding elements. Beginners with dry palms may find these mats a little slippery compared to classic rubber mats.

Microfiber rug prices vary depending on the brand and size of the rug and the quality of the print. But there is no fundamental difference between them.

5. Cork-coated rubber yoga mats

Just like in previous models, a thin layer of natural cork is applied to the rubber base. Cork absorbs moisture well, and a pattern is also applied to the cork using a laser.

Compared to microfiber mats, they have better anti-slip properties; the cork coating gives such mats an additional eco-friendly look.

The price also depends on the brand and size of the rug.

They also belong to natural yoga mats, but are placed in a separate category. As a rule, they are made in India, but, from a practical point of view, it is difficult to work on them, because Cotton rugs glide across the floor and fold like an accordion. Rather, they are suitable for meditation, rather than for yoga practice.


How to buy the right yoga mat?

Do you even need a personal yoga mat? After all, the gym has communal mats, so is it worth spending the money? "Necessarily! — the “LIVE!” instructor convinced me. according to hatha yoga. - You have a toothbrush, comb, deodorant. A yoga mat is also a personal item because it absorbs sweat. And then, knowing your mat, you will be sure that you won’t “go anywhere” on it during complex exercises or asanas.”

What is the difference between cheap and expensive yoga mats?

The price range for yoga mats is from 300 to 3000 rubles. “The difference is in the quality of the material: the more natural, the more expensive,” says Andrei Epikhin, a consultant for one online store. - In addition, cheap rugs often do not have a quality certificate. The certificate guarantees that the yoga mat does not emit toxic substances, is safe and will not poison the air in the house. Therefore, before you buy, find out if there is a certificate.”

Synthetic mats

Denis Bykovskikh

The cheapest option: such mats cost from 300 to 1000 rubles and are suitable for yoga, fitness, Pilates and aerobics. “People buy them when they are not sure about the duration of classes,” says the “LIVE!” instructor. according to “Children's Yoga” Elena Rozhkova. “It’s not a shame to throw away such a yoga mat after a couple of classes.” It is made of PVC - an elastic, durable synthetic polymer. These mats are not suitable for yoga because they are too slippery. They serve for a maximum of two years. Mats made of thick PVC may be suitable for yoga; they are quite rough, but they also cost more, from 1100 to 1300 rubles.

Thermoplastic elastomer mats

Denis Bykovskikh

Suitable for fitness and yoga, they are softer, lighter and more elastic than PVC mats, more pleasant to the touch, and retain their shape well. They do not fade in the sun and are resistant to frost. They do not slip and absorb sweat better, so they are suitable for yoga. Because of their softness, they are also called “female”, although men love them no less. Such a rug costs 1,400 to 2,000 rubles and will last four to five years.

Natural yoga mats

Denis Bykovskikh

These mats are made of natural rubber with the addition of jute or rubber. Rubber is not so light, but it does not electrify at all, does not slip and does not store unpleasant odors. These mats are thicker than synthetic ones, so it doesn’t hurt to put your elbow or knee on them. The rubber mat does not allow the cold from the floor to pass through, it is very sticky and does not slip, which helps to do the same “downward-facing dog” and other asanas with the emphasis of the hands. One of the disadvantages is that natural rugs are heavier. Price - from 2000 to 3500 rubles. They are bought by those who are committed to intensive long-term practice.

How to care for a yoga mat?

PVC yoga mats are durable enough to be machine washed. The rest are best wiped with a damp cloth or alcohol. The main thing is not to wash with soap. Any detergent is absorbed into the yoga mat and is difficult to rinse out. During intense exercise, the soap absorbed into the mat mixes with body moisture, which is why you can roll on the mat as if on ice.

For better squeezing, you can stomp on the mat. After this, air dry.

How to choose a yoga mat?

The length of the rug is chosen by adding 10 centimeters to the height. For some classes you need a longer mat, for example, for Ashtanga yoga it is better to buy a mat 200-220 centimeters long.

To perform exercises at home, in the gym, or in the club, you will definitely need a fitness mat. Even if you go to an expensive fitness club that provides clients with the necessary equipment, for purely hygienic reasons it is better to have your own mat. In addition, you will be able to use not what you got, but what suits you personally in color, texture, and size. How to choose a fitness mat that will delight you during your workouts? More on this later, but first I would like to spend a few words on why it is needed.

Many people don’t even think about how important it is to choose the right mat for fitness. Most often, they focus on the pleasant colors and texture of this equipment. Of course, it does not affect the results of training so much, but it brings more comfort and safety to them.

A fitness mat protects your head, feet, palms, knees, and spine from possible injuries and pain. It allows you to perform the exercise correctly, with a reliable emphasis. In the cold season it will protect from the cool floor.

Of course, other items, such as a towel, can be used as bedding, but fitness mats have their own advantage:

  • They are easy to care for, they wash and dry quickly;
  • do not slip;
  • have a special case.

Similar sports equipment can be found in an online or offline store selling sports goods. For example, Sportmaster offers a huge selection of quality, material, size, and color.

Depending on the parameters of the fitness mat, its price will be different. It also depends on the manufacturer. For example, a Torneo fitness mat will cost much more than a little-known Chinese brand.

Making a choice

How to choose the right rug? First, I would like to warn you: do not confuse travel mats, the so-called karemats, and fitness mats. The first ones are made of special foam, the only task of which is to protect the owner from the cold. Therefore, they slide strongly on the floor and in most cases do not repel moisture. In terms of working out in the gym, this is dangerous and unhygienic.

Wear resistance

As for fitness mats, they do not have any strict specialization. It doesn’t matter what you are going to do, aerobics, yoga, stretching, you can buy one mat for all activities. The only thing is that Reebok specialists recommend starting from the expected intensity of classes. Their product line is designed for different wear resistance. For example, to pump up your abs, it is recommended to take a Reebok ab mats fitness mat. Folding multi-segment workout mats are suitable for gymnastic exercises. For yoga, Pilates, and stretching, mind body models are recommended, which are characterized by increased elasticity.


You also need to consider the color of the rug. Think carefully, your choice of color is a sudden decision when you rush to something bright and attractive, or is it really your favorite tone. After all, you have a lot to do with it, which means the shade should please the eye.


Such sports equipment has several standard sizes:

  • width 80, 60 cm;
  • length 220, 200, 180, 175 cm;
  • thickness 1.5-3 mm.

It is not recommended to choose a mat that is too wide, as it is difficult to carry. The size is selected based on your height. The ideal length is your height plus 10 cm. The thickness depends on the characteristics of the activity. The thicker it is, the softer it is and the better it retains heat.


Perhaps one of the most important parameters of the cost of this equipment is the material from which it is made. The level of quality and, accordingly, the price of the product depend on it. The choice of this parameter is wide.

PVC, synthetic

The most inexpensive material from which the cheapest rugs are made. If you are not confident in yourself, there is a suspicion that after a couple of classes your enthusiasm will fade away, take a bedding made of this material. It wouldn’t be a shame to use it on the farm or throw it away altogether.

In principle, it itself is short-lived. After just two years of training it will have to be replaced. Another drawback is that the material acquires an unpleasant odor over time. It is considered too slippery for yoga, with the exception of hard PVC models.

Thermoplastic elastomer

Products made from it last up to 5 years, they are pleasant to touch, they retain their shape, do not slip, and do not fade. Chlorine is not used in the production of this material, so products made from it are hypoallergenic. Suitable for Pilates, yoga, stretching.

Natural texture

The most expensive segment of the product, but also the most durable - they will serve you for years. They are made from polyurethane foam, polyurethane, latex with the addition of other natural materials. Plus, they have many other nice benefits.

For example, if rubber or jute was used in its manufacture, it will retain heat, hold securely on the surface, will not become electrified, absorb sweat, or emit unpleasant odors.

In general, you need to choose a mat based on the type of activity and its duration. This determines which models to give preference to: more expensive or cheaper ones.

Proper care

But even the most expensive rug can quickly become unusable if it is poorly or improperly cared for. The basic rules for proper care are as follows:

  • you need to practice on the mat barefoot;
  • after an activity, especially an intense one, when you sweat a lot, it must be washed and treated with an antibacterial solution;
  • You can wash it only by hand and under no circumstances in a washing machine;
  • do not use detergents for washing, they are absorbed into the surface and make it slippery;
  • After washing, it is advisable to dry the rug in the fresh air and only roll it up after complete drying;
  • The equipment should be stored twisted, but not allowed to bend.

A simple device requires difficult decisions when choosing. But the right equipment helps you fully devote yourself to training.

If you decide to do yoga, you need to have a special mat. Now there is a large assortment of these products, as well as other items for this hobby. You need to know how to choose yoga mats. There are several criteria that you should focus on when purchasing.

Why is the product needed?

Before you learn how to choose yoga mats, you need to know what they are for. If classes are performed irregularly, then you don’t have to buy the product. To do this, you can take a blanket, a fitness mat, or a travel mat. But with constant training it is necessary.

The mat is needed to maintain personal hygiene rules. Performing various exercises on the floor or on the ground is dangerous to your health. The product allows you to make classes comfortable so that there are no unpleasant sensations. In addition, with it the risk of injury is minimal. The need for a mat is associated with the tradition of yogis, who always had them for their classes.


How to choose yoga mats? To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of products. They differ in material, weight, thickness. According to their intended purpose, the products can be intended for beginners and professionals. Weight also plays an important role. There are products with different weights on the Russian market.

Based on the basis, the rugs are divided into the following:

1. Synthetic: latex - made from rubber. The rugs are expensive and heavy. Although they wear out over time, they are considered non-slip and environmentally friendly.

2. Natural - made from cotton, wool, jute fiber. Quickly absorb moisture.

Thermoplastic elastomer - has low weight and excellent softness.

Polyvinyl chloride is inexpensive and has high wear resistance.

Which yoga mat is better to choose? It is advisable to prefer natural products, as they are the most practical and convenient. But in any case, each product requires careful and regular care.


Common sizes include a length of 183 cm and a width of 60 cm. The first indicator must be selected based on the person’s height, to which add 10-15 cm. If dynamic exercises are performed, a length of 220 cm is required.

Many people prefer a width of 80 cm. Large parameters of the mats increase the usable area for practical activities, but complicate their transportation.


How to choose yoga mats to make them comfortable? When performing dynamic exercises, a person assumes unstable postures. The sticky property of the mat will help protect your body from falling. This is necessary for its adhesion to the floor and body. But you need to remember that the sticky product wears out a lot. For beginners, it is advisable to choose synthetic mats.


When doing yoga, a person sweats, so the product must absorb moisture. High humidity causes slippage. Which mat to choose for yoga? It must be made from natural materials or latex. Then the carpet will have a porous structure and excellent moisture absorption.


How to choose the right yoga mat? A quality product should not stretch. Therefore, it is reinforced with lavsan fibers. They serve as an internal frame that protects against stretching.


You need to choose an indicator of 4-6 mm. But beginners also acquire a thickness of 6 mm. The products are soft and do not allow the cold to pass through. Reviews show that professionals prefer thicknesses up to 3 mm. They will be easy to transport since they just need to be folded.

How to choose a good yoga mat? All the above parameters must be taken into account. Reviews show that it is better for beginners to choose synthetic carpets. They have average characteristics, quite suitable for beginners. With the transition to professional activities, you will need a custom carpet.

Single sided or double sided

How to choose a yoga mat? Reviews say that the product should be different on both sides: one is in contact with the base, and the second is intended for the body. When practicing, you should not use different sides, because this is considered dangerous to health.

The bottom part, according to reviews, should not be slippery, even if the surface is smooth, for example: varnished parquet, wet tiles, laminate. You need to choose one with a front side that is adapted to the body: absorbs moisture, does not irritate the skin, and does not cause allergic reactions. Therefore, the lower part should be made of non-slip material with a textured surface, which is necessary for adhesion to the floor. And the natural top coating protects against slipping.


If you are interested in how to choose yoga mats, you need to pay attention to their weight. They range from 900 g to 3.3 kg. What is better to buy depends on the regularity of use. A solid model is suitable for the home, but for girls to carry, a product weighing no more than 1.5 kg is required so as not to overtighten the shoulder.

Men can choose a yoga device weighing 2-2.5 kg. If it will be used in the hall, then it is better to purchase a folding version, which can easily be converted into a roll and placed in a case with handles.

Aesthetic properties

How to choose the right yoga mat and which one is better depends on your desire. For many people, the beauty of the product is important. This applies to color, material texture, design. There are no rules for such parameters; it is important that the device pleases its owner.

Experienced yogis advise not to choose bright items, as this will distract from your practice. It is better to choose natural color and texture, then the events will be effective. Considering these parameters, you will be able to determine how to choose the right yoga mat.

Where to buy?

The range of rugs is varied. It can be difficult for beginners to choose something suitable. Almost all products are produced in China and Thailand. The exception is the Spanish products Salamander, as well as the German ones - Wunderlich. The following products are offered on the Russian market:

  1. Salamander - 4800-6900 rubles. The product is of excellent quality, made of natural rubber. The surface has excellent grip. The products are non-toxic and do not contain allergenic substances. There are wide products - 66 cm, long - 200 cm, thin - up to 2 mm, and thick - 6 mm.
  2. Comfort Pro - price about 5,400 rubles. Parameters - 200*60*0.6 cm.
  3. Ashtanga Master XL - cost 1,700 rubles. Parameters - 220*60*0.6 cm.
  4. FT-YGM-PVC-3,5-DR - price 440 rubles. The product has a non-slip antimicrobial coating. Dimensions are 172*60*0.35 cm.

Experts do not recommend purchasing goods in supermarkets or sports stores. They often offer low-quality products at high prices. It is advisable to purchase yoga mats at yoga centers or online stores.

Care and storage

How care will be performed depends on the type of material. The product should not be changed frequently, as it retains the owner’s energy for a long time. It is forbidden to exercise in shoes, as well as to fold the mat several times and in half. It is rolled up with the back side inward. It is best to fold it in the opposite direction.

Rugs made of synthetic materials should be washed with warm soapy water after purchase. You can use regular unscented soap, such as laundry or baby soap. After removing the factory grease, the mat should be blotted with a towel and dried.

It should be washed every 2-3 months. You can wash the product in a machine, but with the gentle mode turned on, without powder and spin. Natural materials should not be washed or washed. They are wiped with a damp cloth. Latex mats should be hung for ventilation.

Modern technologies have penetrated into many areas of people's lives. A new product is SmartMat - a “smart” mat. Although it is not on sale yet, the company has received a lot of pre-orders. The cost of production is about 250 dollars. The manufacturer claims that such a product will be convenient for regular exercise for those who want to make it effective. Product features include:

  • yoga voice motivation;
  • assessment of body position and weight distribution;
  • diary function.

Although there are such new items, you can still purchase a classic rug that meets all the characteristics. Then the classes will be interesting and comfortable.