What is a panel in sports. Aerobic and anaerobic thresholds. Measurement of heart rate zone and lactate threshold

The threshold of anaerobic metabolism (or anaerobic threshold) is one of the most important concepts in sports methodology for endurance sports, including running.

With its help, you can choose the optimal load and training regimen, build a plan for the upcoming competition, and, in addition, use the test to determine the runner’s level of athletic training. Read about what ANSP is, why you need to measure it, why it can decrease or increase, and how to measure ANSP.

What is PANO?


In general, there are several definitions of what the anaerobic threshold is, as well as methods for measuring it. However, according to some data, there is no single correct way to determine ANSP: all these methods can only be considered correct and applicable in different situations.

One of the definitions of ANSP is as follows. Anaerobic Threshold This is the level of exercise intensity during which the concentration of lactate (lactic acid) in the blood increases sharply.

This is due to the fact that the rate of its formation becomes higher than the rate of utilization. Such growth, as a rule, begins when the lactate concentration is above four mmol/l.

We can also say that PANO is the boundary where a balance is achieved between the rate of release of lactic acid by the involved muscles and the rate of its utilization.

The threshold for anaerobic metabolism corresponds to 85 percent of maximum heart rate (or 75 percent of maximum oxygen consumption).

There are quite a lot of units for measuring ANNO, since the threshold of anaerobic metabolism is a borderline state and can be characterized in different ways.

It can be defined:

  • through power,
  • by testing blood (from a finger),
  • heart rate (pulse) value.

The last method is the most popular.

What is it for?

The anaerobic threshold can be increased over time with regular training. Exercising above or below your lactate threshold will increase your body's ability to eliminate lactic acid and also cope with high levels of lactic acid.

The threshold increases with sports and other activities. This is the base around which you build your training process .

The importance of PANO in various sports disciplines

The level of ANSP in different disciplines is different. The more endurance-trained muscles are, the more lactic acid they absorb. Accordingly, the more such muscles work, the higher the pulse corresponding to PANO will be.

For an average person, PANO will be high during skiing and rowing, and slightly lower during running and cycling.

For professional athletes, everything is different. For example, if a famous athlete participates in a ski race or rowing, then his PARP (pulse rate) in this case will be lower. This is due to the fact that the runner will use muscles that are not as prepared as those used in the race.

How to measure PANO?

Conconi test

In 1982, the Italian scientist, Professor Francesco Conconi, together with his colleagues, developed a method for determining the anaerobic threshold. This method is now known as the Conconi test and is used for skiers, runners, cyclists, and swimmers. It is carried out using a stopwatch and heart rate monitor.

The essence of the test is a series of distance segments repeated along the route, during which the intensity gradually increases. The speed and heart rate are recorded during the segment, after which a graph is drawn up.

According to the Italian professor, the anaerobic threshold is at the very point at which the straight line, which reflects the relationship between speed and heart rate, deviates to the side, thus forming a “knee” on the graph.

However, it should be noted that not all runners, especially experienced ones, have such a bend.

Laboratory tests

They are distinguished by the greatest accuracy. Blood (from the artery) is taken during exercise with increasing intensity. The sampling is carried out once every half a minute.

Many are of the erroneous opinion that all means are good in the fight against excess weight, meaning any sporting activity. However, after several sessions of the chosen type of training, the result turns out to be zero or ineffective. The point is that there are two types of physical activity that have different effects: aerobic and anaerobic.

What are these loads and what are their differences?

The difference between the presented types of sports activity lies in the energy resource that is used by the body at the time of training:

  • when performing aerobic or cardio exercises, oxygen acts as such a resource;
  • in the case of anaerobic or oxygen does not take part in energy production. It is replaced by “ready fuel” found in muscle tissue. On average, it lasts for 10 seconds, after which oxygen begins to be consumed again, and the workout goes into aerobic “mode”.

Accordingly, the exercise whose duration exceeds 12 seconds, is not absolutely forceful. In this case, there are also no completely power-type loads, since at the beginning of the exercise any energy production is carried out in the absence of oxygen.

Also, the difference between the two types of loads lies in the process of performing the exercises:

  • anaerobic training is determined by an increase in weight parameters, a quantitative reduction in repetitions and rest between approaches;
  • aerobic - determined by a decrease in weight parameters, a quantitative increase in repetitions and minimal breaks.

Correctly characterized by increased heart rate and increased sweating. Breathing also increases. Difficulties in speech reproduction indicate a mandatory decrease in the intensity of the training process. Anaerobic endurance is the ability to perform a load under maximum training conditions.

Effect of anaerobic load

Strength training helps:

  • muscle growth;
  • strengthening and strengthening muscle tissue.

It is important to adhere to proper nutrition, otherwise muscle building will occur at the expense of less involved muscle groups. This does not affect females whose testosterone levels are low.

During exercise, calorie consumption occurs to a lesser extent than during aerobic training. At the same time, their consumption by muscles occurs in large quantities.

In other words, the greater the muscle mass, the more calories are burned during the day, even if there is no physical activity.

At the end of anaerobic training, the metabolic process accelerates, which has a beneficial effect on the burning of adipose tissue. In this case, the effect lasts for 36 hours. Because of this, such exercises are an excellent way. The weight of muscles exceeds the weight of fat, which is why a decrease in body volume becomes possible even in the absence of a decrease in overall weight.

The benefits of strength exercises are as follows:

  • bone tissue density develops;
  • strengthens;
  • the development of diabetes mellitus is prevented. It is possible to use anaerobic exercise for the purpose of complex treatment of the disease;
  • the risk of developing malignant tumors is reduced;
  • sleep and general condition improve qualitatively;
  • the body is cleansed of toxic components;
  • skin cleansing occurs.

Effect of aerobic exercise

Cardio exercises are highly effective if desired, which becomes possible only after glycogen has been completely consumed. The first 20-minute training period is ineffective. The positive effect begins after 40 minutes, when adipose tissue takes on the role of the main energy resource.

Aerobic exercise is a great option for exercise because it allows for maximum calorie expenditure. exercise and following a proper diet for a month, you can get rid of 3 kg of excess weight, after which you should be prepared to gradually reduce the intensity of the weight loss process.

There are three levels of aerobic exercise intensity:

  • weak and moderate, in which the heart and vascular system is involved. Such activities are exclusively “cardio” in nature;
  • high when the load falls not only on the heart organ, but also on muscle tissue. In this case we are talking about complex classes.

Despite the fact that aerobic exercise is effective, its significant drawback is the inevitable loss of muscle mass. For this reason, it is important to observe moderation here, since an excessive number of activities can provoke state of shock, leading to the breakdown of muscle tissue due to a hormonal reaction:

  • increased levels of cortisol, which promotes muscle breakdown;
  • the concentration of testosterone, which is responsible for the growth of muscle tissue, decreases.

Maximum duration of cardio exercise should be an hour. If the specified time limit is exceeded, the mentioned hormonal processes begin, as well as:

  • decreased immune strength;
  • increasing the likelihood of diseases associated with the heart and blood vessels.

The positive aspects of aerobic exercise include:

  • increasing the overall endurance of the body;
  • prevention of diseases affecting the heart and vascular system;
  • removal of harmful substances;
  • skin cleansing.