Alyssum description. Perennial alyssum: description, cultivation, propagation. See what "alissum" is in other dictionaries

Latin name: Alyssum

Other names: Burachok, Kamennik

Family:Brassicas (Brassicaceae).

Name: Latinization of the Greek word "alysson", the name of a now unknown plant used against rabies; "A" - not without and "lyssa" - dog rabies.

Spreading: In southern Siberia and southern Europe.

Bloom: From May until late autumn, so the plant can delight you all season.

The flower has a wonderful honey aroma, which attracts not only bees, but also other beneficial insects that help pollinate fruit and berry crops and other flowers in the garden.

Description: The genus has about 100 species. Annual and perennial low-growing plants with semi-lignified shoots. The leaves are medium-sized, oblong-lanceolate or obovate, pubescent, which gives them a grayish tint. The flowers are small, yellow, collected in rather dense racemes. The fruit is a pod. The seeds are flat, small, 3000-3500 pieces in 1 g, the germination of which lasts up to 3 years.

Care:Loosening the soil, weeding, watering and fertilizing. If there is excess moisture, it gets wet. To preserve decorativeness and increase the duration of flowering at the time of fruit formation, it is recommended to cut the stems by 5-8 cm. After flowering, rock alyssum is cut back by one third.

Moodiness: Unpretentious

Lighting:Photophilous, tolerate light partial shade in the south.

Watering:Drought resistant

Priming:They prefer light, neutral or slightly alkaline, not soggy soils containing organic fertilizers.

Alyssum Iberian prefers soils rich in calcium.

Fertilizer: Alyssum should be fertilized at least twice a year. Use nitrogen or complex fertilizers to feed the plants; this will give the alyssum the strength to bloom all summer and increase the total amount of greenery. In addition, the flowering will be bright and long, and the plants themselves will be strong and resilient.

Reproduction: Alyssum can be propagated by seeds in open ground. Planting must be done in May-June, at a time when the threat of night frosts has completely passed. Sowing is quite simple - the seeds are scattered on the surface of the prepared soil and pressed slightly with your hand. It is not necessary to sprinkle the seeds with soil, since they need sunlight for high-quality and proper germination. Sowing needs to be done sparingly, as the plant will not be planted in the future. When sowing is thickened, alyssum can be affected by powdery mildew. If the seeds sprouted very densely, then the seedlings should be carefully thinned out, leaving a distance of 10 cm between the bushes.

If you want the plant to start blooming earlier, then it should be grown from seedlings. You can grow it in the following way. The soil is prepared for the seeds; it must be nutritious, loose, moist, placed in a special box (special cassettes can also be used). The end of February or the beginning of March is suitable for planting. Gently sprinkle the seeds on the soil, so to speak, “salt” it with a pinch of seeds, then press them a little and water them. Next, cover the box with the sown alyssum seeds with transparent polyethylene and place it in a warm and bright place. The growing season of alyssum is 2 months.

You can grow seedlings not in a box, but in several separate pots, 5-7 pieces per container. You will notice shoots already on days 5-7. At this moment, it is very important to artificially illuminate the seedlings and adjust the temperature to an average of +10 - +12C degrees. Watering the seedlings is required very moderately. Strengthened and matured alyssum seedlings are planted in open ground in May-early June, the distance between bushes is at least 10 cm.

It is also possible to plant the plant before winter. It occurs in exactly the same way as standard seed planting. If the seedlings manage to hatch before the first frost, they should definitely be covered. Plants that survive the winter will produce earlier and abundant flowering in the spring.

Winter:Some plant varieties are winter-hardy, tolerate frosts down to -10C degrees, and some species overwinter without losing foliage.

Diseases and pests: It can be affected by brown rot of roots and root collars, true and downy mildew, wilt, viral mosaic of cauliflower, aster yellows, cruciferous flea beetle, cabbage moth, turnip moth.

Application: Very effective in planting on rocky hills, in mixborders, and when landscaping retaining walls oriented to the south. The grayish-green color of the leaves harmoniously combines with the yellow flowers.

Partners: It is good to combine with lower-growing and creeping plants such as aubrietta, rezuha, and phlox.

Lobularia, alyssum, alyssum, aurinia, stoneweed - it’s not for nothing that so many different names have been invented for one unpretentious plant. Low-growing bushes of annual lobularia are covered with a lush honey cap from the beginning of summer until severe frosts. The fragrant flower is planted in balcony containers, boxes, and used to create various compositions in flower beds, to complement rock gardens and rock gardens.

There are more than 100 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants known as alyssum plants, a class of dicotyledons. Garden culture amazes with its abundance of colors. Depending on the variety, alyssum comes in pink, red, yellow, violet, lilac and white shades.

A fragrant and pleasantly smelling flower, with a strong honey aroma, with proper care reaches an impressive size in width, forming a thick carpet or a lush ampel cap. On dense branching stems there are small inflorescences with four petals and long lanceolate leaves. After wilting, fruits appear in the form of a pod. Alyssum has a fibrous, bundle-shaped root system.

Common varieties and types of alyssum

Alyssum belongs to the small-growing perennial and annual plants of the cruciferous group. The birthplace of garden culture is located in the southern part of Europe. Despite the abundance of plant varieties and species, only a few groups of semi-lignified alyssums are used for decorative purposes.

Until recently, lobularia marine was included in the list of the genus Alyssum. After Maritime Alyssum was recognized as the most popular annual plant in cultivation, the flower was identified as a separate plant species.

Alyssum marine

  • Sea alyssum (A. maritium) is one of the most famous plant species. The miniature dimensions of the garden crop are about 20 cm in height and up to 30 cm in width.
  • The inflorescences have a variety of colors - yellow, pink, white, lilac. Sea alyssum grows quickly and forms a flower carpet after pruning.
  • Under favorable conditions, the plant can reproduce by self-sowing; the need for replanting arises only after two to three years. The flowering period is one of the longest - from May to September.

Marine alyssum has a wide variety of varieties:

  1. Bentama is one of the largest representatives of the genus Alyssum, the plant height reaches 40 cm. The flowers are painted in a bright white shade. This category of culture includes Shneeshturm and Weiss Risen.
  2. The compact variety is distinguished by its miniature size. White inflorescences bloom on a crop only 12-15 cm high. The most popular varieties are Capet of Snow, better known as Snow Carpet alyssum and Violetkenigin with compact purple flowers. The main advantage of the variety is its strong honey aroma.
  3. Prostrate lobularia grows no more than 10 cm in height, dense inflorescences are collected in small brushes. The most common varieties are the purple-hued Konigsteppih, pink alyssum-colored Rosie O Day, and the abundantly branched white Schneeteppich with abundant flowering.
  4. The variegated form of alyssum is represented by small purple and yellow flowers, the height of the crop is up to 15 cm in height. A hybrid of Tetra Schneetraben with abundant large white inflorescences.
    New varieties of marine alyssum include about 12 groups, which differ not only in an unusual color scheme, for example, the apricot hue of New Apricot alyssum flowers, but also in the intense flowering of ampelous and ground cover representatives of the subspecies.

Alyssum rocky

  • Perennial alyssum is native to central and eastern Europe.
  • The height of the plant can reach 30 cm.
  • The leaves, colored in a gray shade of various shapes, remain on the stems even in severe frosts.
  • The flowering period is short and early - from April to May.

Only 6 varieties of rock alyssum have been developed:

  1. Compactum is distinguished by its miniature size, the height of the shoots is up to 20 cm.
  2. Plenum - rocky aurinia up to 30 cm in height. The flowers are double, with a golden tint. The long flowering of the variety is longer than that of the main category.
  3. Dwarf variety Procumbes. The shoots resemble a creeping carpet, only 8 cm high.
  4. The Dudley Neville variety has a pronounced yellowish tint with a brown tint.
  5. Citrinum – lemon-colored alyssum flowers.
  6. The most popular variety of rock alyssum is Golden Wave. The lush plant reaches sizes up to 20 cm in height. The flowering period begins only a year after planting alyssum.

Alyssum mountain or Gmelina

Alyssum gmelinii is a perennial species of lobularia with a green-gray hue. Stems and leaves covered with villi, rhizome thinly woody.

Yellow flowers are more than 5 mm in diameter, fruits (pods) are round and elongated. Seeds 2 pieces per nest. It blooms for only 2 months from April to early June. The culture is widespread in the steppe zone and sandy hills.

Alyssum pyrenees

Pyrenees alyssum (A. pyrenaicum, or Ptilotrichum pyrenaicum) is a perennial plant introduced from the Pyrenees. Reaches a height of no more than 15-20 cm. The inflorescences are large and pubescent. The flowering period is all summer.

Alyssum silver

Alyssum is a perennial plant with small leaves, green on top and ash-colored below. A giant among the classic varieties of alyssum, it can grow up to 80 cm in height. Flowering period - from May to mid-July, lemon-colored inflorescences.

Alyssum Lensky

Herbaceous perennial with branched stems up to 20 cm in height. The variety is distinguished by numerous shoots with dense foliage. Allisum blooms in yellow multi-flowered racemes, the diameter of the inflorescences is more than 5 mm. The homeland of the Lena alyssum is from East Asia to Eastern Europe.

Alyssum propagation

Alyssum does not require special conditions for cultivation; the plant is quite unpretentious, however, if an optimal environment is created, the garden crop can retain its decorative properties for a long time.


  • For the lobularia planting site, the main thing is to choose a well-lit place. In partial shade, the plant will bloom unevenly and intermittently.
  • Most varieties of alyssum are winter-hardy, so it is better to give preference to fertile, light, well-drained soil with an average reaction.
  • The ideal place for growing alyssum is on slabs or stones, warmed up in a sunny place.
  • To green the area, you can plant alyssum on fertilized, nutrient-rich soil. But under such conditions the plant will lose numerous inflorescences.

Planting seeds

There are several ways to plant a plant. One of the simplest and most effective methods is growing alissum from seeds.

  • It is better to sow alyssum in open ground in early spring, after the morning frosts have subsided.
  • The sowing procedure is quite simple - alyssum seeds are scattered over the surface of drained soil and lightly pressed with your hand; there is no need to cover the soil, since alyssum will need a lot of sunlight for fast and proper germination.
  • If the planting area is covered with film, seedlings will appear in 5 days.
  • Alyssum is not picked from open ground, so initially the seeds should not be sown thickly.
  • Thickened sowing of alyssum can cause damage to the fungal plant disease - powdery mildew.

If you grow alyssum in seedlings, the plant will begin to bloom earlier. The most favorable period for sowing is at the end of winter and beginning of spring.

The growing procedure is very simple:

  • choose a special box or peat cassettes with cells;
  • fill the container with moist, drained, nutritious soil;
  • Gently sprinkle the soil with alyssum seeds;
  • press easily with your hand;
  • watered;
  • polyethylene, preferably transparent, is used as a container cover;
  • Place the crops in a lighted and warm place.

The growing season is about two months.

Reproduction by cuttings

Alyssum is also grown vegetatively. Propagation by cuttings is carried out at the beginning or end of summer, provided that the plant is kept in an insulated greenhouse or a special winter garden.

Cut shoots are rooted in the prepared soil mixture, providing shelter and active watering. The resulting alyssum plants are planted at a distance of at least 30 cm between neighboring crops.

Dividing bushes

Reproduction by bush division of alyssum rarely gives the desired result, however, if all conditions are met, the plant can take root. The timing of dividing the bushes coincides with the period of planting seeds - no earlier than April. Old bushes are dug up and cut into several parts (divisions), taking into account a sufficient number of strong shoots at the beginning of development. The resulting cuttings are planted in a specially prepared place. The distance between the parts is about 30 cm, water thoroughly.

Features of caring for alyssum

Plants of the genus Aurinia are used for landscaping borders, flower beds, and grown in open ground. Alyssum is one of the unpretentious and undemanding plants; a garden crop is planted on the sunny side of the site and to decorate faded areas of alpine hills.

Top dressing

  • During the period of active growth and flowering, alyssums need nutritious soil. For perennial subspecies of alyssum, it is enough to fertilize in early spring, provided that the plant is planted in light and high-quality soil.
  • Annual representatives need multiple applications of fertilizers over the entire summer period - about four feedings, the first of which is carried out before the flowering of alyssum.
  • If perennial lobularia grow in poor soil, you can add organic matter according to the scheme intended for annual plants.
  • After weeding and soil drainage, the plants receive the necessary light, loose, water- and breathable soil.


Whether alyssum needs frequent watering is a controversial and controversial issue. Provided that the soil is fertile and nutritious, the level of precipitation in summer is not below average, alyssum does not need additional watering. If an excess of moisture forms in the soil, even in the smallest amount, the root system of the plant may become wet. Therefore, even if there is a slight drought, it is worth holding off on watering.

In especially dry seasons, it is better to provide periodic watering to preserve decorativeness and extend the flowering period. Annual representatives of the genus Alyssum, regardless of weather conditions, require systematic watering and a high level of soil moisture.


All varieties and types of lobularia require regular removal of shoots. The pruning procedure promotes strong growth and lush flowering of alyssum.

All types and subspecies of garden crops have their shoots shortened to 8 cm. Rock alyssum is an exception. For rejuvenating pruning after the inflorescences wither, all shoots are shortened by a third.

Pests and diseases

Lack of proper care for alyssum can lead to plant disease.

  • The most common flower disease is root rot. The symptom appears immediately, the leaves on the plant turn yellow. To preserve the alyssum, transplant it to another prepared place. The root system is pre-washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate - pink in color.
  • Despite the hardiness of alyssum, due to improper conditions the crop loses its protective properties and stability. Shoots and inflorescences wilt, powdery mildew and aster jaundice appear.
  • The plant can die from pests - cruciferous flea beetles, cabbage moths, turnip moths. After the plant is damaged, there is little time left to save the alyssum. You can get rid of pests using special chemicals in accordance with the dosage specified in the instructions.

Alyssum in flower arrangements

Garden culture is combined with many annuals and perennials, ampelous and ground cover plants - petunia, Turkish carnation, pelargonium, sulfinia, surfinia.

Alyssum is planted on alpine hills, rockeries, and in mixborders.

Representatives of high varieties are cut and combined with roses, irises, forget-me-nots and tulips.

Photo of alyssum

Alyssum in landscape design

Ampel pot with alyssum

Alyssum in the interior of the site

Alyssum in combination with conifers

Lobularia - the main decoration of the garden

The smell of the plant is reminiscent of honey and spreads tens of meters from the plantings. True, in the forefront only Alyssum Fragrant.

This is an annual plant from the cruciferous family. The genus is also represented by some perennial plants. Among them are not only herbs, but also shrubs. Their aroma is also pleasant, but not as strong. Let's find out what other common traits and features alyssums have.

Features of alyssum

All alyssums are angiosperms, dicotyledonous plants. Simply put, plants. The buds serve for reproduction, and the ovule has a closed, protective capsule. The seeds have two lobes.

Since alyssums are cruciferous, their buds are composed of 4 petals and the same number of sepals. They are arranged crosswise. Hence the name of the family. There are 6 stamens, and 1 pistil. This gives some species the opportunity to pollinate on their own.

But often, alyssums have cross-pollination. Aroma buds does not leave insects, in particular bees, indifferent. That's why, alyssum flowers recognized as one of the best honey plants. The taste of the elixir obtained in the fields with cruciferous plants is also excellent.

With alyssums, whether they are herbs or shrubs, everything is small. Small leaves are covered with barely noticeable fluff. The buds are also small. What makes them noticeable is their association into inflorescences. They are most often yellow or white. But, there are also varieties of purple tones. The foliage color is dark, with a gray tint.

Buying alyssum seeds for decorative purposes, it is worth considering that plants lose their effectiveness after pollination. The petals are falling quickly. The “panicles” of the stamens remain sticking out on the stems.

However, if a carpet is planted from, they are beautiful even in this form. Therefore, alyssums are not grown alone. Even at home, large or elongated balcony-type slides are used. Dozens of seeds are placed in them.

Types of alyssum

The genus includes 100 species alyssum. For growing Only a few are used in garden and home conditions. Basically, these are low-growing varieties.

Although herbaceous shrubs of the genus reach a height of 80 centimeters. In pots, plants of 10-30 centimeters appear. This is, for example, Alyssum Marine. It reaches 3 tens of centimeters, is compact and highly branched. The buds of the Sea View are white, cream, pink or purple.

There are 5 main varieties of Sea Alyssum. Tiny Tim is a dwarf. The height of the bushes is only 8 centimeters. The plant has a good growth rate and is therefore used to cover large lawns.

The Apricot variety has a peachy hue. Salman has pink-salmon buds. Esther Pin is distinguished by purple inflorescences, and Esther Rose is bright pink and blooms especially wildly. The greenery of the bushes is not visible from under the buds.

Planted in pots and Alyssum Rocky. It is distinguished by the flexibility of its stems and their tendency to droop. The buds are also arranged in cascading clusters. Therefore, the grass is ideal for hanging flowerpots and planting on compositions and stones. The plant will fill the cracks between them, reminiscent of natural landscapes.

The rocky view is also called Mountain. The plant always has yellow ones. Another feature is the ability to maintain green foliage under the snow. There are 4 main varieties. Plenum's bud petals are fleecy, like terry ones.

Compactum is short, no more than 18 centimeters. Citrinum is recognized by its pale yellow flowers. And the Golden Wave has bright buds. True, they appear only when the plantings are 2 years old. This perennial alyssum.

By and large, most alyssums are perennial. Plants are able to leave seeds themselves, from which new shoots will grow next year. But flower growers prefer to plant grass only for the season. This allows you to create a harmonious composition, and not be content with chaotically scattered seeds.

Caring for alyssum at home

Alyssum - landing, appearing in full color already 6-7 weeks after placing the seeds in the ground. Their germination rate is over 80%. Doesn't matter, it's planned planting alyssum in open ground, or indoor planter.

Alyssum on photo from gardens appears not only in the form of carpets, but also borders. The grass is simply cut and grows back quickly. This makes it possible to form different shapes from the plantings. The main thing is not to forget about abundant watering in the creative process.

It is necessary alyssum. Priming in a dry state, it becomes a reason for the bud to be dropped, only greenery will remain. But the grass does not pay attention to air humidity. Growth rates do not decrease even in a dry atmosphere.

I wonder what he prefers for evening watering. If you irrigate the plantings in the morning or during the day, they grow less vigorously. With proper care, alyssum blooms from May to late autumn.

Excessive planting density can stall the process. If plants are crowded, they will not form buds. In addition, too dense arrangement of shoots is a risk factor for powdery mildew. This is a fungal plant disease.

Alyssum, care behind which is discussed, loves the sun. Suitable for growth and partial shade. But a lack of light is detrimental to the plant, or rather, to it. The buds will be scanty and few in number.

White is the most fragrant alyssum. Planting and care, photo plants with milky buds are placed under the heading “Aromatic variety”. Although, in fact, white alyssums come in different forms. Of the colorful varieties, only the Pink Queen has a pronounced honey aroma.

The grass does not require fertilizing. It is enough to apply fertilizer 1-2 times a year. Nitrogen solutions are used. They are added to the soil after watering or trimming the bushes.

Alyssum price

Alyssum is in demand among landscape designers. They decorate parks, squares, garden plots, and zoos with fragrant grass. It is more convenient for specialists to buy ready-made seedlings. It is usually sold in cassettes. If there are 10-20 sprouts in it, they pay from 60 to 300 rubles.

The cost depends on the availability of delivery, the plant variety and, in fact, the size of the seller’s markup. We are talking about retail. Wholesale deliveries cost 15-20 rubles per 50 sprouts. These are the offers most often used by landscape designers and large enterprises.

Alyssum seeds cost from 5 rubles per package. There are options for 40 rubles. The difference depends on the type of grass, manufacturer and the number of seeds in the pack.

Minimum bookmark – 20-30. But there are packages containing 100 or more seeds. Among the offers there is an assortment. One pack contains seeds that produce buds of different colors. Such sets are usually more expensive than standard ones.

Today's possibilities for flower growers to decorate their wonderful gardens and alpine hills are almost limitless. Breeders are developing the latest varieties of plants and flowers with exceptional decorative qualities.

One of the wonderful crops for decorating borders, the perimeter of various terraces and balconies is the magnificent alyssum. This flowering plant of the cruciferous family comprises about 170 species.

A huge variety of alyssum can be observed in European, Asian and African countries. This genus of plants includes annuals, perennials, and small shrubs. At one time, scientists considered the following flowering plants to be the ancestors of this flower: Aurinia and Lobularia.

Alyssum is a highly branched, spreading plant with many tiny white, pink, red and purple flowers. This is a very compact plant, the height of which is a maximum of 40 centimeters. This beauty blooms from May until late autumn, so you can admire it throughout the entire season. In addition to its unusual appearance, alyssum has an unforgettable honey aroma that attracts bees and other insects that help in pollinating fruit crops and other garden flowers.

Alyssum prefers well-lit areas, and if it is planted in a semi-dark place, its flowering will be loose. The soil should be light, fertile with excellent drainage and neutral acidity. Some varieties of alyssum are even frost-resistant, which must be taken into account when choosing a planting site. Excellent flower growth is observed among stones and slabs well warmed by the sun.

How to plant and grow

Alyssum propagated by seeds in open ground. It must be planted after all frosts at night, that is, in May-June. It is quite easy to sow alyssum seeds - simply scatter them on the ground and lightly press them with your hands. There is no need to cover them with soil because the seeds need direct sunlight for good germination. Alyssum should not be sowed very thickly, since later picking is not carried out, and in the case of thickened sowing, powdery mildew can form. Even if the shoots have sprung up very densely, carefully try to thin them out, leaving a gap of 10 cm between them.

If you want flowering to start earlier, plant seedlings, which you can get using the following method:

  • Prepare the soil, which should be loose, moist, and nutritious. Place it in a special box and carefully sow the seeds from a pinch, then press lightly and water.
  • Cover the box with alyssum seeds with plastic wrap and leave it in a bright and warm room.
  • The vegetative period of the plant takes about two months, and the shoots themselves can be noticed already on the seventh day. It is at this time that it is very important to add artificial lighting and create a temperature of +12 o. Watering of alyssum seedlings should be moderate.
  • Planting seedlings in open ground occurs when the alissum seedlings have become stronger. In addition, you can plant the plant before winter to get abundant flowering in the spring.

Flower care

Caring for alyssum is very easy, thanks to unpretentiousness of the plant. The main thing that always needs to be done is cutting and pruning. In spring, it is necessary to remove flower stalks from last year, as well as weak branches and dried foliage. A similar procedure is carried out immediately after flowering. Often this procedure becomes an excellent incentive for secondary flowering of alyssum.

Flower requires constant watering However, without excessive flooding because without the necessary moisture the plant simply drops its flowers. It is considered optimal to water the alyssum with a hose placed under the bushes to distribute it evenly or using a nozzle that creates a semblance of rain watering.

Alyssum requires fertilizing twice a year with nitrogen or complex fertilizers. This gives it strength to bloom and increase greenery, and in addition, the plant will bloom brightly and for a long time.

Pests and diseases of alyssum

Flower capable strike some diseases, for example, its roots and root collar are affected by brown rot. In addition, the plant suffers from downy mildew, viral mosaic (standard cauliflower disease), wilt and aster yellowness.

Speaking about pests of alyssum, of course, we should not forget about caterpillars, white and cabbage moths, turnip white and cruciferous fleas. In order to prevent the proliferation of pests and cure alyssum, flower growers use standard protective equipment that can be purchased in specialized stores.

Where is alissum used?

Most often alyssum is king of the alpine coaster due to its versatility because it is not afraid of direct sunlight. It is excellent for camouflaging plants that have already bloomed. Due to the fact that alyssum grows quickly, it is often used as a carpet plant. When it blooms, it looks extraordinary, and also no less beautiful after it fades, due to the amazingly beautiful color of the leaves (photo).

Very often, gardeners use low-growing species of alyssum to decorate borders, paths and flower beds. In addition, experienced florists recommend considering the plant as an element of group planting. Alyssum flowers contrast perfectly with other flowers and complement the picture of the flower bed well. Alyssum is often combined with phlox, irises, and tulips, which bloom late.

By growing alyssum in pots and flower containers, you can decorate your balconies. However, do not forget about the sweet honey aroma, which attracts many bees.

Types of alyssum flower

Types of Alyssum

Professional gardeners highlight two main types of alyssum and its various varieties.

Alyssum marine is an annual plant that produces small rosettes of flowers and grows up to 20 cm in height. The flower is not able to winter in open ground. Wonderful white, pink and blue alyssum flowers delight the eye in May until the first frost.

Certain varieties of marine alyssum:

Some types of rock alyssum:

  • Citrinum is small in size and has pale yellow flowers.
  • Plenum - small stature, small double flowers.
  • Compactum (photo) - the fragrant plant extends to a maximum of 18 cm.
  • Golden Wave - a lush plant grows up to 20 cm, and its fragrant and pretty yellow flowers will perfectly decorate your garden.
  • Mountain gold (photo) - spectacular yellow inflorescences delight the eye right up to frost and prefer sunlight. Great for alpine slides.

Several varieties of alyssum flower

Alyssum (lat. Alyssum) or alyssum is a genus of herbaceous or subshrub low-growing plants of the cruciferous family (Brassicaceae) with an annual or multi-year life span. Includes about 100 species. Representatives of the genus are found in natural conditions mainly in the south of Siberia and Europe.

The etiology of the name is of Greek origin, associated with a plant unknown today, previously used against canine rabies (lyssa - rabies, a - denial)


Plants of the genus Alyssum are characterized by lignification of the lower part of the shoots. The leaves are oblong-oval, with pubescence. The flowers are medium-sized, yellow, white, pink, crimson, collected in dense racemose inflorescences, and have a wonderful honey aroma. Plant height is within 10-40 cm.

Alyssum flowers

The structure of the flowers is extremely uniform: four free sac-like sepals and four loosely attached petals are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The petals are symmetrical along the line dividing them from the edge to the receptacle, with a typical cruciform arrangement. They have six stamens, four of which are arranged in a cross, like the petals, and two are less long than the rest. The pistil is short, consists of two fused carpels, with two lobes. Pollination is entomogamous, i.e. with the help of insects.

The fruits are peculiar capsules in the form of pods, which consist of two valves (modified carpels) with a placental frame with flat seeds attached to it.

The genera Lobularia and Aurinia are closely related to Alyssum and were previously included in it.

Alyssum marine

Species most interesting for floriculture

Alyssum rocky(A. saxatile or Aurinia saxatilis). Perennial, about 25 cm high. It blooms with small bright yellow flowers forming hemispherical inflorescences from mid-April to June; with proper care, repeated flowering is possible. The stems are woody, located at an angle of 40-90° to the ground. Withstands cold temperatures down to -15 °C. Loves non-acidic, close to neutral, soils. In conditions of stagnant moisture, the roots are susceptible to brown rot. Distinctive features are wide petals and strong pubescence of leaves. Light-loving, grows well in areas with good air circulation.

Alyssum creeping(A. repens Baumg). The species is drought-resistant, withstanding frosts down to -18 °C. It is distinguished by dense pubescence of stems and leaves. Elongated inflorescences with bright yellow flowers appear in May and June. Spreading bushes 40-60 cm high. Found in mountains at altitudes up to 2000 m.

Alyssum marine or marine lobularia (A. maritium, or Lobularia maritime). A perennial in subtropical climates, but grown as an annual in temperate latitudes. The stem is up to 20 cm long, strongly branches, the inflorescences are dense with 5 mm in diameter flowers of pink, white, and purple colors. The upper leaves become pointed towards the stem. Loves sandy soils, direct sunlight, undemanding to watering. Blooms in May-June.

Alyssum pyrenees(Alyssum pyrenaicum). It is characterized by a silvery tint (due to soft dense pubescence) of dense oval leaves and white flowers, shaded by brown anthers.

Photo gallery of species

Growing and care

Proper care of alyssum extends its flowering time, protects against diseases and pests, and improves its decorative qualities.

Main care factors:

  • Feeding at the beginning of the season, before flowering or up to 4 times per season;
  • Water not at the roots and not under pressure, so as not to expose the roots. The preferred method is sprinkling, preferably in the evening;
  • Control soil moisture at a depth of 2-2.5 cm. The soil should not be waterlogged, but also not crumble to dust from drying out:
  • If Alyssum does not grow on rocky soil, then from time to time it is advisable to loosen it to a shallow depth;
  • Pruning the plant, which must be done after the first flowering in late spring - early summer, initiates repeated even more luxurious and protracted flowering.;
  • When growing alyssum as a perennial, before the first serious frost, it must be covered with mulch in an area equal to the half-day shadow of the flowering plant. By that time the stems should be trimmed to 6-7 cm.
  • Alyssum needs loamy and sandy soils with a pH of 5.6 to 7.5.

Despite the apparent abundance of rules, caring for alyssum is technically very simple. The most important thing is to prevent water from stagnating and ensure the flow of solar energy. These tiny flowers are very resilient and cheerful.

Sea alyssum (A. maritimum) on a stone parapet



To grow alyssum from seeds, they can be sown in open ground as soon as the soil warms up to 13 ° C. They germinate in 7 to 14 days. There is no particular need to deepen, one might say, on the surface, sprinkle them with earth and ensure a minimum gap between the strips of at least 15.0 - 20.0 cm. The sprouted seeds form a continuous cover and need thinning.

It is better to sow seeds for seedlings approximately 30 days before the last frost and germinate at a temperature of 18 °C. The accepted practice is to germinate seeds in special pots or cassettes; it is better to treat the soil preventively with a fungicide. Since the seeds are very small, sowing should be done slowly, as if “salting” the soil, then sprinkled with water (or better yet, a solution of a growth stimulator) from a spray bottle.

After the appearance of the second leaf, it is advisable to plant the seedlings into separate containers. To enhance bushiness, young plants should be pinched. Alyssum seedlings can be planted in the ground 25 days after germination.

Pickled alyssum seedlings

By cuttings

When propagating alyssum by cuttings, they easily take root throughout the entire growing season, but the best time for their rooting is the beginning of summer. With nutritious soil and frequent watering, cut shoots take root with virtually no loss. It is advisable to keep the planted cuttings under a transparent cap to protect them from direct sun and maintain soil and air moisture for about a week.

Dividing bushes

The division of overwintered bushes is carried out in early April. Carefully cut divisions can have up to five shoots. The distance between planted bushes should be at least 30-40 cm.

Diseases and pests

Alyssum is susceptible to white rust, powdery mildew, and brown root rot. At the first signs of a fungal infection, the plants must be sprayed and the soil watered with a solution of a fungicidal preparation. At the beginning of the growing season, it is advisable to treat the alyssum with an insecticide, since it is very attractive to aphids.

Alyssum in a landscape composition

Use in landscape design

The carpeting, the spherical shape of the plants and the repeating pattern of multi-colored inflorescences make it possible to plant allisum in a rock garden or a clipped flower border. The alyssum plant can act as a background for brighter and larger contrasting flowers (irises, peonies, lilies, etc.). Harmoniously coexists with viola and forget-me-nots. Alyssum is incredibly beautiful in balcony flowerpots.