Features of caring for cacti. How to properly care for a flower at home and in the open ground? How to care for a cactus at home: features of care after purchase, in winter, flowering, reproduction and watering It has the following composition

Every plant standing in a room should decorate it. The cactus is no exception here. Growing cacti at home is not an easy task, but it is quite doable. However, it should be remembered that only full-fledged, healthy plants can decorate your home. Our task is to create conditions for cacti in which they can grow, bloom and bear fruit, as well as provide the cacti with competent care. How to achieve this? After all, they are so different, as we have managed to grow in deserts, and in tropical rainforests, and in high mountain regions, which means that they will have different requirements for sunlight, water, air and soil regimes. Let's talk about the most important factors in caring for cacti.

The site also has material on how to ensure optimal.

Where to place the cactus?

Growing cacti always begins with one question: in which window should the cactus be placed? Full care of cacti will not bear fruit if the plant is in unfavorable conditions. The cactus will react to any deviation from the norm by distorting its appearance, stopping flowering, and even dying. Knowledge about cacti and compliance with the basic conditions for their breeding and maintenance will allow you to avoid possible mistakes and extremes.

WHAT WINDOW? The first thing you have to worry about is choosing a place for the cactus. Cactus grows better on south windows, at least in the southeast or southwest. This is due to its high need for sunlight. Light for cacti is the main growth factor. All pubescent, highly spiny cacti, as well as all species with a developed waxy layer on the surface, need high illumination.

However, it must be remembered that cacti of tropical rainforests grow worse in bright light and need shading. Such types can be placed on east window. Epiphytic cacti will feel at ease there. A window facing north is not suitable for growing cacti. The only case for placing a cactus on a north window is when wintering unpretentious outdoor species of cacti, which are in the garden or on the balcony in the summer. In this case, the main thing is to ensure that the plants are kept cold. North and west windows may be suitable for permanent placement of cacti only if special lighting equipment is available.

ALONE OR IN A GROUP? It is better to place cacti not individually, but in a group. immersing them all in a moisture-intensive substrate (for example, moistened peat) in a plastic or wooden box. In such a cactus colony, more uniform and friendly growth is observed. And in this case it is much easier to care for cacti.

Colony of cacti and succulents

ACCOMMODATION IN WINTER AND SUMMER. The winter arrangement of cacti should be different from the summer one. In summer, we must ensure maximum growth and development of cacti (light and abundant watering). A cool and almost dry wintering should plunge the plant into a state of rest, “winter sleep.” For this purpose, watering in winter is kept to a minimum. A dry winter regime for keeping plants is necessary, since low light conditions should be avoided that can cause unwanted growth (this usually disfigures the shape of the plant, making it less decorative). By reducing watering, they can also lower the temperature on the windowsill to 5-10 degrees using simple devices: you can fence off the window sill from the room with a half-meter plexiglass frame, and raise the box with cacti above the window sill using slats, creating an air gap so that the box does not heated by the central heating radiator.

POT POSITION: Strictly ensure that the cacti are always in the same position in relation to the light; the plants cannot be rotated. This will adversely affect their ability to flower.

Optimal humidity and air temperature for cacti.

AIR HUMIDITY. In the room where the cacti are located, it is advisable to maintain moderate air humidity. Warm, stale air is unsuitable for long-term maintenance of these plants. Similar conditions can be specifically created in the spring to encourage regrowth, but after giving the plant a few weeks of push, you will need to think about air circulation. For this you definitely need ventilation, but without drafts, and spraying plant, especially in the early morning and evening hours of hot summer days. To do this, it is better to use a sprayer with a very fine spray, which will create almost a fog over the cacti, which will vaguely remind them of the living conditions in their homeland, where they receive moisture in the form of night dew.

From spring to autumn, it is possible to place your collection in portable and stationary greenhouses and greenhouses, which can be equipped both on the balcony and in the country house. A very important point here is the problem of soil temperature and regular ventilation and shading of greenhouses. It is especially important to shade plants in the spring, since, having weaned themselves from the bright sun during the winter, they are often sensitive to its rays, which can lead to burns of the epidermis. The first removal of cacti should be postponed until a cloudy day and for a week or two they should be protected from direct sunlight, especially during the midday hours.

In the northern regions, greenhouses are heated from below. The easiest way is to use a regular light bulb, which is mounted in a tray with plants. As the cacti get used to direct sunlight, the greenhouse needs to be ventilated more and more often, and finally, the lid can be removed completely.

Watering a cactus.

WATERING FREQUENCY. The most important element in the life of any plant is water. This is why it is important to know how to water cacti. We know that these plants are succulents and can tolerate dry periods quite painlessly, losing up to 60% of their normal volume. But during favorable periods, they actively use moisture, filling their water-storing organs with it. There is no universal water regime for all cacti; the frequency of watering, quantity and quality of water will depend on too many factors.

But some general principles of watering can be formulated.

  • A complete cessation of watering is permissible only if the cacti are provided with hibernation.
  • If cacti are placed above a central heating radiator, they should be watered 2-3 times a month to prevent the roots from drying out.
  • In spring, watering should begin with moderate doses, increasing them gradually.

How often and how much to water cacti? Answers to these questions can only be obtained from your practical experience and observations. If the cactus is in a period of active growth, then it should be watered constantly and thoroughly, following the principle: better rarely, but plentifully. It is impossible to water little by little, since only the top layer of soil will get wet, and the roots will remain without water and dry out. It is necessary that the entire earthen lump is saturated with water when watering.

Don't go to extremes by overwatering your plants. Another important principle is worth remembering: It's better not to top up than to overfill. Excess water must be drained from the pan, otherwise stagnation of water will inevitably lead to rotting of the roots.

  • If the water is hard, it is better to boil it in advance.
  • Do not water cacti with cold water. Its temperature should always be 5-8 degrees higher than the air temperature at the time of watering. Practitioners believe that the best temperature for watering is 30-40 degrees, this can be easily determined by hand, without a thermometer. The hand does not feel either cold or heat.
  • When spraying cacti, the water should only be boiled and only hot, since with this type of humidification the water quickly cools.

This is also a question that does not have a clear answer. In living rooms and premises you can water at any time. In open ground and in greenhouses, do not water during hot midday hours. Specialized literature recommends watering cacti in the evening hours in summer and around noon in winter. In the middle zone and in the northern regions, evening watering is not always recommended, since the temperature difference can be large and overnight cacti with undried roots in cool weather are more harmful than beneficial.

In addition to watering, periodic warm baths will be useful for adult cacti. Of course, this advice is only good for the warm season. To do this, immerse the pot with the plant in water heated to 40 degrees and, allowing the soil to soak in water, keep the plant in this state for about half an hour.

Irrigation type(from above or below) each cactus grower also chooses for himself. When top watering, water does not always penetrate to the required depth, especially if the soil is very dry. When watering from below, water falls directly into the area of ​​root hairs, which absorb it. Some types of cacti (heavily pubescent) simply cannot be watered from above. Your choice will depend on the soil and dishes used, the microclimate in the room and much more. And one more tip: refrain from watering and spraying the cactus on cold and cloudy days. Do this in sunny weather.

Now you know everything about how to water cacti, let's move on to another important point - the soil.

Soil for cactus

An important soil requirement for a cactus is an indicator of its acidity. In gardening practice, they deal with pH values ​​from 3.5 to 8.5. To maintain the slightly acidic soil necessary for cacti, they need to be watered with water with a pH of 4.5-6 or at least with a neutral pH of 6.4-7.3. The optimal soil acidity regime for cacti is within the pH range of 5.5-6.9. The pH of tap water is much higher, so by using such water, especially in summer with a high frequency of watering, we ourselves worsen the nutrition of our plants.

It is known for certain that damage to cacti occurs more often when the pH is too high than when the pH is too low. For epiphytes, the upper pH limit is approximately 7.2. Such cacti at elevated pH die from chlorosis, which is expressed in yellowing of the plants. The roots of cacti, especially young ones, especially in the upper part, die off. The point here is that alkalization of the earth occurs layer by layer, starting from the upper layers; gradually capturing deeper ones. In Cereus, drying progresses from the crown of the plant. On the surface of the earth, salts appear visible, sometimes even a coating of gray-green algae appears, and a musty smell emanates from the earth.

The resulting soil situation (alkalinization) must be eliminated. To do this, it is better to use acidified water (with a pH of 4-5) until the soil reaches a normal pH for cacti. For professional gardeners and amateurs, there are instruments for determining soil pH that are sold. But, if there is no device, and alkalization of the earth has become a fait accompli, do not despair. Start watering with acidified water.

  • In the summer, at the dacha, this is rainwater with peat diluted in it (a mug of peat per bucket of water) - after a day this infusion is ready for watering.
  • No peat, add 4-5 g (teaspoon) of 9 percent acetic acid to the bucket, check the acidity using indicator paper and save your pets.

In addition, you should pay attention to undesirable impurities of boron, sodium salts and chlorides in the soil for growing cacti. Even their minimal content in the soil leads to a depressed state of plants, development and growth stop.

It is better to replant already damaged cacti specimens immediately. A nutrient-poor substrate would be suitable for them in this situation. This is necessary in order to activate their root formation.

Cactus care calendar


Autumn is the time for most cacti to prepare for winter dormancy. Caring for a cactus in the fall becomes much easier. The number of waterings gradually decreases, but hardening with good ventilation and contrasting temperatures of day and night continues. The exception is many epiphytic cacti and some “South Americans”, which continue to water as usual. Picking and transplanting is still possible at this time. Before mid-October, final treatment of cacti with contact pesticides is recommended.

When the air temperature drops sharply and night frosts begin, it is recommended to “move” the cacti to winter quarters, where they need to be cleaned and a place prepared for their cool wintering.

At the same time, soil and sand can be prepared for winter-spring work.

A frequent guest in cactus collections and on our windowsills, Schlumbergera (“Decembrist”) is watered very little from mid-September until the buds appear.


During this month, most cacti stop growing, so moving them to a prepared dry and cold room is already necessary. Watering cacti is reduced to once or twice a month, and, if the cacti overwinter on a windowsill above a radiator with central heating, then to two or three times a month. If weather conditions permit, continue to ventilate the room.

Cacti should be placed for wintering according to their genus, species, and varieties to make them easier to care for. Thus, epiphytic cacti, many columnar, grafted specimens and some of the South American species still require good watering.

"Decembrist" with the appearance of buds should receive good regular watering.


Most of the cacti in the collection are in a state of winter dormancy. Caring for them is the same as in November. Regular inspection of the collection is necessary, since even at this time all the main pests can be found on succulent young shoots in warm places: including scale insects. and mealybug and others. The outbreaks must be promptly treated with a brush moistened with diluted alcohol or insecticide, otherwise the pests will quickly spread to neighboring plants. Watering is practically not carried out (with the exception of epiphytes).

This is a fertile time for compiling a card index and studying literature on cacti. You can prepare new and update old labels, make the necessary changes to the journal, and clarify the correctness of plant names.


Continue watering and spraying cacti in the same manner as in December and January. The time has not yet come to switch to more frequent and intensive watering, since the rare sunny days are replaced by cold, cloudy weather. This winter month is especially difficult for cacti: the plants’ strength is already running out, they are weakened, yearning for light and warmth. At this time they are most vulnerable to all sorts of diseases, so be especially careful about cacti at this time.

In February, zygocacti and rhipsalis may still continue to bloom. Provide special care and watering for them.

You can already begin active steps to prepare dishes for sowing and transplanting. It is also possible to begin replanting with a careful examination of the root system. Do not forget that cacti are not watered after transplantation.


This is a time of intense attention and work with cacti. The long and bright days have finally arrived, eh. This means the cacti are growing.

Clean the cacti from accumulated till and damaged parts; Spray the plants with warm water (on a warm day). This will immediately improve their well-being. Cheer yourself up by cleaning the shelves and window sills, cleaning the flower pots, and putting things in order. Remember that you need to increase soil moisture and the intensity of plant lighting in the sun gradually, as necessary and as the cacti gradually get used to the spring-summer conditions. During the midday hours on sunny days, do not forget about shading.

Echinolsis and lobivia are still kept dry at this time. They will receive their first watering only when buds appear.

March and April are months of active cacti replanting. Replant the plants that bloomed in winter first. Do not touch those cacti that have filled buds until the end of flowering. Typically, many species bloom at this time, primarily from the genera Mammillaria and Rebutia. When transplanting prickly pears, cereus and eliphyllum, cut off winter shoots. At this time it is good to sow and take cuttings. Those plants that you did not have time or do not plan to replant need to be fed.

The cacti are growing. You provide them with sufficient watering, nutrients, ventilation and good lighting. Plants accustomed to the sun do not even need to be shaded (except for epiphytes). Continue with sowing, transplanting, cuttings and grafting. If necessary, control pests with targeted drugs. In the second half of May, when the danger of night frosts has passed, you can move cacti to the balcony, and cold-resistant species can even be planted in the ground. It is better to transfer plants to their summer residence during a warm but cloudy day. The rate of watering and spraying may be slightly increased. Carry out burning and spraying in the morning and evening hours.


Summer is the most fertile time for the owner of a cactus collection, since at this time a wide variety of cactus species bloom. Care must be taken to create all the necessary conditions for flowering plants. Protect all plants from the scorching rays of the sun and water them daily with air-warmed water. This is a favorable time for grafting and cuttings; sowing is still possible. To obtain seed material, pollinate flowering cacti. Pay attention to the seedlings: create normal soil and air moisture conditions for them. Dive them if necessary. For strongly growing cacti, shape the plants, cut off dry branches, and install supports for thin and long shoots.


Water the cacti as the soil dries out, taking into account weather conditions and the individual needs of each species. Don’t forget that August is the last month of summer and you need to gradually prepare for the end of the growing season. Hardening off the plants must be continued. If cacti spend the summer indoors, then provide them with at least plenty of ventilation, including at night.

Carry out feeding of cacti with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. At the end of August, many South American species will enter their second growing season.

Now you know everything or almost everything about caring for cacti at home, as well as how to water cacti.

The cactus family are beautiful perennial plants that do not require constant care. Not many of the owners of species of this family know that cacti can be made to bloom. However, to do this you need to know a few tricks that will help speed up the flowering process.

Transplant immediately after purchase

Immediately after purchase, the cactus needs to be transplanted into a new pot. This is done so that the plant adapts to new conditions and can grow larger. There are two methods of transplantation:

  • into new soil with complete removal of the old. It is necessary to soak a peat lump in slightly warm water and rinse the roots of the plant. Then it will take a couple of days for the soil to dry out, and only then the cactus is planted in it. This option is good because there will definitely be no pests in the soil, however, there is a possibility that the plant will not be able to adapt to the new conditions, since it will have to spend a lot of effort restoring the roots;
  • replanting and transshipment while preserving greenhouse soil. The advantage of this method is that the plant perceives it as less traumatic and quickly gets used to new conditions. During transshipment, the cactus is transplanted into a new large pot with a lump of old soil, and new soil is poured on top. The disadvantages of this method include drying out of the roots due to the old layer of soil and the presence of pests in it, which cannot always be seen.

Before transplanting, you need to study information about the type of cactus. This will allow you to learn the characteristics of the plant and avoid mistakes when caring for it.

Be careful when it comes to watering

  • It is better to use rainwater, melt water or ordinary purified water at room temperature;
  • in summer, you need to water the cactus three times a week, however, it is important to ensure that the water in the soil does not stagnate, otherwise the roots may rot;
  • the most optimal weather for watering is warm and sunny;
  • in the cold season, it is better not to water the plant at all or to reduce this process to a minimum;
  • In spring, watering the cactus can be increased to 2-3 times a month.

Due to the fact that succulents are able to accumulate moisture inside themselves, they do not require abundant watering and consume liquid gradually when they need it.

Good lighting

Depending on the variety of the cactus family, they require different amounts of sunlight. In general, all succulents are quite light-loving. There are two types of cacti:

  1. Desert. Requires warm temperatures and plenty of light throughout the year.
  2. Forest. During the hot season, it is better to move this type away from direct sunlight, as it prefers to consume a moderate percentage of light.

Cacti need fresh air, so in the warm season it is recommended to take them outside.

Maintaining a "rest period"

From October to March it is customary to observe the so-called “rest period”. At this time, cacti are not watered and the amount of light is minimized, since they only need 4-6 hours a day to form buds. This period is created so that the succulent can rest and hibernate for a while. It is also at this time that the future flower is laid.

Careful removal from the “rest period”

The removal of cacti from the “dormant period” must be done gradually. Since they did not receive or accumulate moisture during the winter, they begin to water them little by little and add more light sources.


In order for cacti to grow better, they need to be fed occasionally. The peculiarity of fertilizers for succulents is the presence of a small amount of nitrogen, which does not allow the plant to disappear. It is best to fertilize desert cacti 2 times a month, and forest cacti once. Feeding the succulent should begin two weeks after the first transplant of the plant.

Do not provoke flowering in a young cactus

Most often, cacti are not able to produce flowers in the first year of life. Depending on the species, young succulents bloom in their second or even fifth year of growth. Experts do not recommend specifically provoking flowering in the plant.

It is best to maintain favorable conditions for growth and development throughout the year. It is also worth remembering that cacti do not like frequent changes of location and direct exposure to sunlight. There are several rules that will help the cactus bloom better:

  • during the period of bud formation, you should not fertilize the soil, since the plant may drop its flowers;
  • at the beginning of flowering, it is better not to turn succulents relative to the light;
  • It is better to take the plant out into the fresh air or ventilate the room more often;
  • Apply fertilizers after the flowering period.

Growing a cactus healthy and beautiful is not difficult. Proper care will not only improve its appearance, but also speed up the flowering process. A succulent does not require much time; it is enough to give it a little attention several times a year, and then it will delight the owner with unusual, bright flowers.

Cactus is a succulent plant species. It is able to quickly accumulate excess water and at the same time thrive in arid climates.

Raising this breed at home is quite easy. Its main advantage over other plants is its resistance to stress and unpretentiousness. It needs to be watered up to 2 times a week.

How to properly care for cacti at home? What criteria must be observed in the process of growing this crop? All the answers are presented in our detailed guide.

Varieties of home succulents

Today, more than a hundred species of this culture are known. They can be grown both indoors and outdoors. Each variety has certain differences in its structure, flowering period and base shape.

The following varieties are considered popular types of this crop. These include:

Aporocactus lashed

Caring for such a cactus in a pot is quite simple. It has thin long vines that run down the pot. The thickness of the segments reaches from 1 to 2 cm.

The flowers are longitudinal in shape and pale pink in color. Care includes frequent watering and fertilizing with mineral compounds.

Astrophytum capricornus

It is small in size and spherical in shape. Caring for a small cactus will not be difficult. Here it is necessary to carry out frequent spraying and rare watering.

Fertilizing is carried out in early spring or late autumn. For this purpose, potassium fertilizers are used. It will help start the growing season after hibernation, thereby preparing the plant for abundant flowering. This culture prefers bright sunlight.

Chamecerius Silvestri

It has thin, long stems. During the flowering period, the plant is strewn with large bright scarlet flowers that cover the entire stem. Caring for a flowering cactus is quite difficult. Here it is necessary to avoid through air movement and drying out of the earth mass.

Fertilizing with phosphate and potassium fertilizers will add brightness to flower stalks and prolong their flowering by 2 weeks. The plant prefers soft water when watering. It is pre-cleaned by filtration.

Echinocerius crested

It is a dark green shrub. There are a large number of spines over the entire surface. An adult plant has enlarged sharp spines, the length of which is about 20 cm. During the flowering process, a pleasant aroma is released. The flowers are regular in shape and bright yellow.

How to care for cacti at home?

We bring to your attention step-by-step instructions for beginning gardeners. By following basic maintenance rules, many manage to grow a beautiful plant. These include:

This crop has a negative attitude towards excessive soil moisture. Excessive humidity causes rotting of the root collar and rapid death of the ornamental crop.

Before purchasing seedling material, it is recommended to carefully examine the plant for diseases and fungal infections.

For annual flowering, it is necessary to harden the ornamental crop. To do this, in winter the temperature is reduced to 22 o. At this time, reduce watering and spraying the flower.

During the flowering period, it is forbidden to move the plant from place to place. This will create an additional stressful situation, as a result of which flower stalks may fall off.

Before purchasing this tropical crop, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with its variety and the basic requirements for proper maintenance. This will facilitate care procedures during the growing process.

This type of plant prefers sunny windows. Some crops react negatively to the presence of direct sunlight. Severe and deep burns may appear on their surface, which spoil the appearance of the ornamental crop.

Photos of cactus care

Without following certain care rules, flowers with needles can quickly become sick and die. How to care for a cactus so that it pleases others with its exotic appearance?

House cacti are a large family of evergreen plants with original, unusually shaped trunks and sharp, prickly leaves. America is considered their homeland, and the small prickly pets standing on the windowsills of our apartments were artificially bred by scientific breeders.

Flowers, both natural and artificially bred, are divided into several hundred genera and species. The plants are classified as succulents, a characteristic feature of which is the ability to store water and thrive in dry weather conditions.

Many lovers of indoor plants prefer to see cacti in their green corners precisely for this reason - they do not need frequent watering and are easy to care for. However, the existence of these cute thorns cannot be completely left to chance.

The diverse world of flowers

Many varieties of cacti have been classified, which differ in the pace of development, shape, shades of the trunk, as well as the size and length of the needles.

Basically, all cacti are divided into 2 large groups:

  • Group 1 - desert plants. They need sunlight and warm temperatures almost all year round. These are everyone’s favorite Aporocactus wattle, Opuntia, Mammillaria, Cereus, etc. By the way, desert Mammillaria is considered an excellent cactus for beginning gardeners;
  • Group 2 - forest succulents. During the hot season, it is better to hide representatives of forest thorny pets from direct sunlight. They are distinguished by various leaf-shaped stems. Another characteristic feature of prickly beauties is their unusual flowering. Among forest cacti, the most common are Rhipsalis, Epiphyllum, Yubelmania, etc.

Content Rules

Plants of this needle family are quite unusual and require specific and careful care.

The secret of home succulents is that they prefer a warm and comfortable environment, otherwise they stop growing, and the owner of the cactus will never see such an amazing phenomenon as the appearance of buds and flowers of the plant.

What every novice gardener should know about and how to properly care for a flower:

  • all succulents grow in periods - their growth and dormancy periods usually alternate between cold and warm seasons of the year;
  • The vast majority react negatively to excess moisture in the soil. Excessive liquid threatens root rot and plant death;
  • when a succulent begins its growth stage, it is better to move it to a warm and sunny place;
  • flowers need air. In summer, pots with pets can be taken out onto the balcony or into the garden;
  • In winter, the domestic thorn needs a slightly lower temperature (about 15-17 degrees Celsius), rest and slight darkness. This is how it gains strength before the warm season, when it can grow and even bloom.

Helpful advice: before purchasing a cactus, you should carefully examine it so as not to buy a diseased plant.

How to choose a pot

Other important aspects of plant care are choosing a pot and suitable soil. Even small flowers have a fairly branched root system, but they do not require overly large containers to live. Plants that have an above-ground elongated shape grow and develop better in the same elongated pot.

And small desert thorns fit perfectly and grow well in a flat pot . Flower growers advise paying attention to baked clay pots. Their walls allow moisture and air to pass through, so the plants receive enough oxygen and do not suffer from waterlogging of the soil.

Which soil to choose

As for the soil, it is better to purchase it for exotic flowers in specialized stores. You can also prepare soil for needle pets yourself at home.

Important: self-prepared soil should be disinfected in the oven.

You need to select leaf soil, some humus and turf, some sand (preferably river), as well as charcoal and brick chips. This composition makes the soil loose and guarantees excellent moisture conductivity.

Watering rules

Although needle plants are drought-tolerant, they still need watering. If possible, it is better to use warm rain or melt water. In winter, the soil should be moistened in small portions, approximately 1 irrigation every 7-10 days.

Watering more frequently will have a negative effect on the succulent. In spring and hot summer, daily watering or 1 moistening every 2 days is recommended. In autumn, the flower requires 1 watering per week.

Do cacti need replanting?

From time to time, flowers need replanting. Adults become cramped in pots, so larger containers should be selected for them. Adult specimens are usually replanted after 4-6 years; small cacti require replanting more often.

The procedure can be carried out in early spring before the cactus growth period. Approximately 3-4 days before the planned transplant, the succulent must stop watering. What to do to avoid injuring your hands during transplantation? Spiny specimens should be wrapped in thick cloth or thick gloves should be used.

Feeding and fertilizer

The full development of an exotic pet is impossible without additional feeding. How to properly fertilize a flower? To do this, you need to use only special compounds intended for succulents.

The fertilizing period is spring - early autumn. In the cold season, when the flower is “hibernating,” there is no need to fertilize the soil.

How does a flower reproduce?

Cacti reproduce by shoots and seeds. The first option is simple and effective and is popular among thorn lovers.

The seed propagation method for beginning gardeners will be difficult and most likely ineffective.

What needs to be done to make cacti bloom

Lovers of unusual prickly flowers strive to select plants in such a way that the windowsill is always decorated with blooming specimens. In order for a cactus to bloom, it must be cherished and the following conditions strictly fulfilled:

  1. do not “overfeed” with fertilizers;
  2. do not move the pot with the plant from place to place;
  3. do not replant into a container that is too large;
  4. observe the watering regime and temperature conditions.

With proper care, the cactus will definitely decorate itself with one or more buds, and then with unusual flowers.

Household succulents are a rather “motley” family, each member of which requires its own approach. How to care for a cactus to ensure a decent existence for it? Even if you follow all the care instructions, it can be noted that only love and care will help it bloom or live a long time to the delight of others.

Cactus - photos of beautiful specimens

The cactus is a succulent, which means it can store water and fully exist in arid climates. At home, it has a huge advantage over other plants, since it does not require frequent watering. However, a young gardener should know how to care for a cactus so that the plant does not get sick or die.

There are many varieties of home cactus, which differ in growth speed, shape of the main trunk, flowering time and even the quality of the spines. Some species, when properly cared for, have beautiful flowers on the top of their heads, so they can effectively decorate almost any interior.

Some varieties of cactus:

  1. Aporocactus wattle. Presented with thin hanging stems, the thickness of which does not exceed 1 cm. Blooms in spring. The flowers have an elongated shape and a rich pink color. Easy to grow, looks good in hanging baskets.
  2. Astrophytum capricornus. It has a round shape and dark green color with silver inclusions. As it gets older it becomes more elongated. The spines are long and curved. The main feature is the appearance of a pale yellow daisy-shaped flower on the top of the head.
  3. Cereus Peruvian. This cactus can reach 0.5-1 m in height. The stem is uneven and has many branches throughout its growth. Blooms with long flowers.
  4. Chamecereus Silvestri. Stems are thin, multiple. During flowering, bright red flowers bloom on them, which looks very impressive.
  5. Cleistocactus Strauss. A distinctive feature of this type of succulent is its silver color. Its hue is given by a large number of white fibers and thorns over the entire surface of the stem.
  6. Echinocereus crested. A dark green cactus with small spines, which in adulthood does not reach a height of more than 25 cm. It blooms with bright pink fragrant flowers.
  7. Gymnocalycium Michanovich. It is a bright colored stem that is grafted onto a green cactus rootstock. This variety looks original and very bright.
  8. Cactus Mammillaria Bocassi. A plant with silvery spines that has an oval shape. It blooms with delicate flowers that are located around the top of the stem.
  9. Notocactus Otto. It has a cylindrical stem and very dense spines. It blooms with a large chamomile-shaped flower at the base.
  10. Opuntia fine-haired. The cactus looks like many flattened blades sprouting from each other. The spines are small, white or red.

A succulent does not always bloom, but only with proper care. If no flowers are observed on the plant, it means that the maintenance conditions are not fully met.

How to care for a cactus: basic rules

To properly care for a cactus, you need to know a few basic principles and always adhere to them. You should create the most comfortable environment for the plant for its proper growth and development.

What you need to know before buying a succulent:

  • the cactus grows in periods, the slowing of growth and elongation of the stem are quite pronounced;
  • the plant does not tolerate excess water in the soil, which is why the root system can rot;
  • during the growth period, it is better to choose a place for a flower pot that is thoroughly illuminated by sunlight;
  • in winter, the plant requires lower air temperatures and shading;
  • before purchasing, you need to carefully examine it for the presence of diseases, pests on the surface and evaluate its appearance;
  • To properly care for a cactus, you need to know exactly its type.

However, in addition to these rules, there are many more nuances that must be taken into account when caring for a succulent. It is necessary to choose the right pot and substrate, ensure optimal air temperature, watering and fertilizer.

Optimal plant conditions

Cacti in the house require no less attention than any other plant. First of all, you need to choose a suitable place for them that will meet all the requirements put forward by the plant.

  • It is recommended to approach the purchase of a succulent pot with special care. Its volume should not exceed the diameter of the root system by more than 1 cm. Those cacti that have an elongated rhizome need elongated dishes. If the plant's roots do not go deep, it is better to choose a flat pot.
  • The cactus should be placed on a windowsill on the southwest side - there should be a lot of sunlight. Some species can tolerate shade, but most plants die from this.
  • The succulent also needs a large amount of fresh air for full growth. It will need to be moistened during the hot season.
  • Room temperature is suitable for cacti, but in winter they need to be kept cool.

How to water correctly at different times of the year?

You need to water the plant correctly, as its appearance directly depends on it. In summer, liquid should enter the soil more often than in winter.

  • On hot and sunny days of summer, watering is carried out once a week. If it is not hot outside, you can water the cactus once every 1.5 weeks.
  • The winter period is a hibernation period for succulents, so you need to water the cactus once every 2 weeks or even less often.

Replanting a cactus at home

To replant a succulent, you need to choose the right pot and use a suitable substrate. The container for transplantation must be made of clay or plastic. Clay dries faster, so it is suitable for mature plants. Rooting is better done in a plastic container, since the liquid from it evaporates more slowly.

For replanting, you can purchase special soil for succulents or prepare it yourself.

It consists of the following components:

  • leaf soil;
  • turf;
  • humus;
  • coarse river sand;
  • charcoal;
  • brick chips.

This composition provides the substrate with friability and good moisture conductivity. Homemade soil must be disinfected in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

How to properly replant a succulent:

  1. In a few days you need to completely stop watering. This will ensure good separation of the root system from the substrate and pot.
  2. Place a good layer of drainage at the bottom of the new container. They can serve as broken brick chips or any small stones.
  3. Then comes a layer of charcoal, which will ensure disinfection of the root system and soil.
  4. After this, pour soil into the pot and make a hole in it the size of the roots.
  5. Using gloves, carefully take the cactus by the trunk and separate it from the previous container. You can shake off some of the excess soil with your hands.
  6. Place the plant in a new pot, cover it with soil and level it.
  7. Cover the plant with a jar for 3-5 days and water it daily with a small amount of water during this period.

Proper feeding and fertilizer

Feeding should begin after wintering, no earlier than March, and end in September. For fertilizer you need to use only special compounds that are intended specifically for cacti. Regular house flower food contains a lot of nitrogen, which is harmful to succulents. It is necessary to fertilize the soil no more than once every two weeks.

How to propagate and plant?

The easiest method of propagation is cuttings. At a certain period, “babies” appear on the cactus, from which you can quite easily grow a new plant. They must be carefully separated from the mother trunk using a sharp knife or other suitable object.

  • For a succulent, you will need to lower the air temperature, and it is also advisable to put it in a shaded place.
  • The room temperature should be about 5-15 degrees, but not higher. If it is not possible to move the flower pot, it should at least be protected from the battery using a protective structure. You can build it yourself from a glass sheet.
  • Watering is reduced to 2 times a month, and fertilizing is completely limited until March.

With proper care of the cactus, it will definitely bloom and will decorate the interior of any home with its appearance. This succulent blooms with beautiful buds, but the gardener will have to try hard to enjoy this amazing sight.