What does a mango seed look like? How to grow mango from seed. Video: how to grow a mango tree at home

Mango is a very attractive evergreen tree with dense, glossy foliage that is reddish when emerging and dark green when mature. In their natural form, mango trees reach enormous sizes, but with regular pruning, they can maintain a compact appearance. During the flowering period, mangoes are a beautiful sight, the entire tree is covered with large pink panicles, emitting a wonderful aroma.

Growing mangoes in suitable climatic conditions does not require labor or attention. But if you decide to recreate such conditions at home and plant mangoes from seeds at home, then you will need to devote some time to your homemade mango. It is possible to grow a mango tree of decent size in an apartment, but a seed from a purchased fruit is suitable for planting material.

There are a great many varieties of mangoes of different sizes, with different characteristics of the fruit and the plants themselves. For planting at home, choosing low-growing varieties would be ideal, but it is almost impossible to determine from a mango fruit what the parent tree is. Therefore, for planting you will have to use the first small ripe fruit you come across.

Mangoes are strictly tropical plants and grow where there is no frost in winter and humid hot weather in summer. The plant requires a lot of light and the trees do not need rich soil. They are often planted where other fruit plants are unable to grow normally and bear enough fruit.

How to plant a mango seed at home.

You can purchase a mango seedling from a nursery. But since we are not faced with the task of growing fruits - this is practically impossible in limited home conditions, then a seed can be used quite successfully. Mangoes grown from seed in open ground grow into healthier plants, but bear fruit later than their grafted relatives.

Growing homemade mangoes from seed is quite easy. The main step is to select a ripe, pollinated fruit of a standard shape. It is necessary to cut off the pulp from the fruit as much as possible and wash its remains from the seed flaps. Inside a mango seed there are one or several embryos similar in shape to a bean, each of which is capable of producing plants identical to each other.

The best time to germinate a mango seed is the rainy season in the tropics, that is, the beginning of summer. The easiest way to germinate a mango is to place its seed after two days of drying in a container of water, immersing it 3/4 in the liquid and leaving it in a warm, bright place. After two to three weeks, the living seed will produce one or more shoots, each of which is an independent tree and can be planted individually.

Or you can immediately get rid of the protective shells of the mango pit by breaking them or separating them with a knife. Having reached the embryos, you need to choose among them white and even ones. Gray, brown and wrinkled seeds will not germinate. Each bean needs to be planted individually in different pots for germination. If you live in the tropics, you can plant a mango seed immediately in open ground in a permanent place, which will allow you to initially establish a powerful root system for the tree.

Well-drained potting soil is suitable for growing mangoes in pots. In heavy soils with stagnant water, the mango will quickly disappear. After two weeks, the first shoots of young trees usually appear. A good place for mangoes would be a windowsill on a south-facing window, or a warm balcony with maximum lighting.

The grown tree needs to be transplanted into a pot twice the size, without damaging the earthen ball with roots. Subsequent transplantation must be done after about a year into a permanent large container. Mango does not like frequent transplants and may die.

Caring for a mango tree at home.

A young mango tree loves regular watering, but without stagnant water in the soil. Also, a little fertilizing with humus, which must be applied twice a year to the soil under the tree, will not hurt. This will provide the plant with everything necessary for growth, and in an apartment such feeding will be quite sufficient.

Mangoes respond very well to pruning and quickly restore crown volume. When homemade mango reaches one and a half meters in height, it is necessary to prune once or twice a year to maintain the shape and size of the plant. When commercially growing mangoes in orchards, pruning is done mechanically; in fact, trees are trimmed like ornamental shrubs, indiscriminately and without unnecessary science. If it is possible to leave a tree in open ground without pruning, then it turns into a giant and at the same time bears fruit well.

When growing mangoes at home, you should not wait for flowering and fruiting. Even if you manage to provide enough heat and sunlight, the mango will not be able to develop the powerful root system characteristic of this plant, which will mean that there are no normal conditions for its reproduction. But, despite this, the mango will grow into a beautiful tropical home plant with an unusual decorative coloring.

There are dwarf mango varieties adapted for growing in limited indoor conditions. Such plants are more tolerant of limited resources compared to trees grown from seed. Dwarf mangoes can be purchased from tropical nurseries, and it is possible to achieve fruiting from such trees at home. You can even grow a coconut tree in a walnut pot.

Tell your friends about it.

If you are interested in growing mangoes at home, then you need to be prepared for a number of difficulties. It is necessary to create ideal conditions for the plant to bear fruit and grow quickly. At the same time, you need to feed it and prepare the right soil. You need to be patient to get enough fruit for yourself and for sale.

There are many different varieties in nature. Each has its own unique characteristics. It should be understood that not all plants can live at home, since the size of the tree sometimes reaches large sizes.

Table 1. Types of mango

Kind of mangoPhotoShort description
ThaiThere are more than 100 varieties, but the fruits of only 16 of them are sold, the rest are quite bitter. The fruits sold have sourness, and the ripe ones are very sweet.
BalineseIts fruits are yellow in color and have a typical berry taste. The pulp is juicy. This fruit is tasty, but is rarely sold in Russia.
VietnameseExternally it looks like Thai. However, the taste characteristics of the fruit are somewhat inferior.
BrazilianVarieties of this species are quite popular in Russia. The peel is bright, with shades of green and red. The fruit tastes very juicy.
IndianThe most ancient and valuable species. There are more than 200 varieties. The peel of the fruit is orange in color and has a currant flavor.

Important. These are just the views. Each species has at least 5 varieties. Thus, if you provide optimal conditions for growing this fruit, you can create new varieties through selection. However, it is important to understand that on the street in Russian conditions it is quite difficult to create ideal conditions for the rapid growth and development of a tree.

Development of a mango tree in nature

Mango fruits grow on the tree of the same name. In this case, the fruits can appear within 300 years. The tree itself is quite spreading. It has long branches, and the leaves are large and bright green. The height can reach 20 meters. The roots go deep up to 5 meters into the ground.

During flowering, many flowers can be observed on the branches. Their colors depend on the particular variety. When they fall off, small thread-like traces remain. In their places, from two to five fruits appear.

Important. The tree dies if the air temperature drops to +5 degrees. Therefore, it is quite difficult to grow it at home due to its size, and the climate outside in Russia is not suitable. However, some people manage to grow a small tree and get fruit from it.

The fruits themselves can be from 5 cm to 22 cm in length. The form can be varied. The weight of the fruit can be up to 700 grams. The fruit hangs beautifully from the tree when it is quite heavy and ripe. At the same time, they hang on threads from flowers, so it may seem as if they are hanging in the air.

Growing mango from seed

Today it is possible to grow mangoes from seeds or seedlings. The last method involves purchasing it in a specialized store. However, they can be quite difficult to find. This is why most farmers prefer to use the seed. It is worth noting that you will have to be patient to achieve the desired result.

It is important to purchase a high-quality fruit that will be medium in size. It needs to be ripe. The characteristics of ripeness depend on the variety. So, some mangoes should be yellow, others red. Therefore, it is necessary to check in advance on the Internet which seeds you plan to plant.

When selecting a mango, you need to press lightly on it. The presence of elasticity without deformation of the fruit indicates ripeness. It is necessary that the peel is free of stains and mechanical damage.

Important. Ripe mangoes can be identified by the slight smell of turpentine. If there is a smell of alcohol, then the fruit is overripe, and its seed is not advisable to use.

Features of preparing plants for planting

You need to carefully remove the bone. Any mechanical damage can make it unsuitable for growing a tree. It is best to carefully cut the fruit in half, scoop out the pulp and remove the seed. After this, it is washed under running water.

Important. If traces of pulp remain, the pit will rot.

When the seed is dry, you need to carefully open it to remove the plant seeds from it. They resemble beans in appearance. It is not always possible to open the shell, but there is no need to break it. In this case, you need to place it in water for several days. It needs to be changed every two days. In this case, the bone should be kept warm. The optimal temperature is +22 degrees. When the shell swells, it will be quite easy to get the seed.

How to plant mangoes correctly - step-by-step instructions

It is worth considering this process step by step to get the result. If you break the rules, you can destroy the sprout even before its appearance.

Step 1

The seed must be treated with a fungicidal solution immediately after removal from the seed. If this is not done, then there is a high risk of infection.

Step 2

Place the treated seed in a damp cloth. It could also be gauze. It is important to ensure that it does not dry out. In this case, the gauze should not be too wet and sufficient air supply to the seeds is required.

Step 3

Create a small greenhouse to make the seeds comfortable. Typically, a small plastic bag with holes through which air will flow is used. After this, it is placed in a dark place. It is necessary to check the humidity and presence of sprouts daily.

Step 4

When roots appear, the seeds must be planted in the ground. This procedure occurs in a standard manner. But it is better to choose a small container and replant as necessary so that the root system does not feel cramped.

Step 5

When the first leaves appear, you can remove the greenhouse protection. The leaves can be of different colors at the initial stage: green, yellow, purple.

It is worth noting that the soil must be prepared in advance. There should be a drainage system made of stones at the bottom of the pot. It is advisable to make it up to 6 cm thick. In this case, the roots will be protected from excess moisture and rotting. This will also ensure a stable flow of fresh air to the roots.

2/3 of the pot is filled with soil. It is recommended to choose neutral. Increased acidity or alkalinity can negatively affect plant development. Mango is a heat-loving plant, so it is worth providing appropriate conditions. It is desirable that the temperature be at approximately the same level, without sudden changes. Then quite quickly the sprout will get stronger, and the stem will begin to grow woody.

Video - How to properly grow mangoes from seeds

How to properly care for a tree

Mango is a demanding plant. If you don't give it proper care, it will die. The tree is sensitive to external changes and quickly begins to shed its leaves. This is why it is not recommended for beginners to grow mangoes. However, professionals may well become the owners of a fruit-bearing tree if they approach the issue of growing it responsibly.

The following must be provided:

  • lighting;
  • soil quality;
  • fertilizers used;
  • air temperature and humidity.

These are the main nuances when growing this plant.

Lighting requirements

The length of daylight hours should not be less than 12 hours. Therefore, it is recommended to place the pot on the windowsill. In summer, it can be moved to the balcony so that direct sunlight hits the plant. Shadows should be avoided. In winter, in most regions of Russia it is impossible to maintain natural light for 12 hours. Therefore it is necessary to use ultraviolet lamps. You also need additional fluorescent lamps for bright light.

Required temperature and humidity

It is important that the temperature is at least 21 degrees. Therefore, if it is cloudy outside, you must immediately move the tree indoors. At the same time, strong winds can also lead to leaf fall and death of mangoes.

Water the soil twice a week or more often if the soil dries out quickly. But you can’t pour too much water, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. It is better to use bottom watering. That is, you need to pour water into the tray on which the pot stands. The roots themselves will take as much moisture as necessary. It is recommended to use settled water at room temperature.

Important. Dry air has a detrimental effect on the condition of the plant. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically spray the leaves with a spray bottle. So, humidity should be kept at 80%. People use humidifiers to make their lives easier.


Getting a sprout is not enough. It is necessary to constantly feed the tree so that the tree grows quickly and develops normally. Otherwise, it will not be possible to receive the fruits. It is important to use growth stimulants and natural fertilizers. Chemical products can destroy mangoes.

Once a month you need to add mineral fertilizers, which consist of nitrogen. It will preserve the natural color of the plant's foliage.

Crown care rules

Domestic trees grow upward. If they are not trimmed in a timely manner, they will become as tall as in their natural environment. Therefore, the main task of a gardener who decides to grow mangoes at home is to prevent strong upward growth. Typically, the ceiling in an apartment is at a height of about three meters. This is significantly less than the maximum capability of this tree.

Thus, it is necessary to periodically trim the shoots to form the crown and prevent the branches from resting on the ceiling. If you do the work yourself, you need to take scissors or pruners. Removal of excess branches begins when reaching 1.5 meters. As a rule, this happens within a year from the moment of planting.

It is necessary to leave at least five powerful branches. All others can be trimmed. It is important to treat the cut area with garden varnish.

Today, specialized agencies are ready to provide crown formation services. So, you can give it the shape of a certain figure or animal. It will look very beautiful. Gardeners are ready to periodically come to the customer to water the plants and provide other care. In this case, you don’t need to worry about what needs to be done and in what order. Specialists carry out everything in accordance with the care requirements.

How to properly replant a mango tree

This must be done periodically when the root system becomes crowded. It is recommended to use ceramic or plastic pots. Mango is very sensitive to various changes, including changes in soil.

Important. You can replant no more than once every three years. Otherwise, the plant may begin to lose leaves due to stress. In the presence of other unfavorable factors, it dies in most cases.

Before transplanting, you need to prepare the soil. It is better to place it along the edges, leaving a recess in the center. After removing the plant from its native pot, its soil is poured into the prepared hole. Then the mango tree is planted in a new pot and watered.

It is highly recommended to use organic fertilizers whenever replanting. This will reduce stress, allowing the tree to take root in its new location. With proper care, after 6 years you can get your first tropical fruit.

Video - Mango transplant

How to get mangoes to bloom?

To obtain shoots, you need to graft a mango tree with a cutting; this is the top of the shoot, which is about 15 cm long. You need to trim the top of the tree itself and the base of the cutting so that the cutting angle is approximately the same. Having connected two branches, they are fastened with electrical tape or other material. It is possible to plant the cuttings in a pinch.

The graft must be covered with a plastic bag, making several holes in it. If there is a lack of oxygen, nothing will work. Leaves should be removed from the main tree above the grafting area after the procedure has been successful. Then, during the regeneration process, the entire structure will become one.

By the sixth year, flowers can be found on the mango, after which shoots form. Fertility depends on the size of the plant. Usually it is not possible to collect more than three dozen fruits from a two-meter tree.

Main problems in growing mangoes

This plant is very whimsical. But there are several additional dangers that can harm it.


This is a fungus that attacks weakened plants. It penetrates into the tissues of leaves or stems through minor mechanical damage. They may appear while caring for mangoes. Then dark red spots appear on the affected area, surrounded by a yellow stripe. Small brown ulcers may be observed on the trunk. When indoor humidity is low, cracks appear on the plant. And at high temperatures it begins to actively rot.

As a preventative measure, it is customary to add Gamair or Fitosporin to the water. This needs to be done once a month. Fungicides are necessary when this disease is detected in a tree.


In this case, the leaves begin to darken at the edges, and brown spots may be found on the cut tree. Phytolagin or Planriza are used as prophylaxis. The disease cannot be treated; all affected shoots will have to be removed and burned.

Powdery mildew

The problem appears in the form of a silvery coating on the leaves. If you don’t do anything with it, it thickens, and over time, a cloudy liquid begins to flow out of it. The shoots themselves begin to deform. The problem is that the infection develops from below. Thus, it can even damage the fruits. They begin to crack and rot, exacerbating the process.

Fungicide solutions are considered excellent prevention. It is enough to use them 2 – 3 times a month.

Spider mite

He loves young shoots and leaves. Usually it braids them with thin threads, which are quite difficult to notice. Beige dots gradually appear on them. Over time, plant tissues lose pigmentation and dry out.

If there are not very many mites, then you can get rid of them by spraying the plant daily. Folk remedies can harm the mango tree, so their use is not recommended.

Acaricides can also be used. These are special preparations for controlling various pests. However, this is relevant when there are quite a lot of ticks.

These are small brown growths that appear on leaves and stems. They are oval in shape, but gradually turn red as they increase in size.

All visible insects must be removed manually. In this case, before removing it, it is recommended to lubricate their shell with turpentine or machine oil. The tree itself must be treated with Phosbecid.


These are yellowish insects that cling to the top of the plant. She feeds on the sap of the tree, so it gradually begins to fade. To get rid of it, you need any infusions that have a pungent odor. After treating the tree several times, the aphids will leave.

These are the main hazards that can become fatal when growing a mango tree. Thus, it is necessary to understand how realistic it is to grow a fruit-bearing tree in an apartment. If you don’t have the appropriate skills or don’t have the desire to take care of him for a long time, then it’s better not to start. Having decided to take a risk, you need to decide on the variety, choose seed material on the market and do everything in accordance with the above algorithm.


I want to tell you how to plant mangoes at home from seeds. This is a southern fruit, found in India. Loves high humidity, warmth, and lots of light. Mango grows in the tropics and reaches 40 meters in height. Mango is an evergreen tree. It is quite possible to grow a mango from a seed, like a house flower with large shiny leaves.

Planting mangoes at home

It is better to do this in the summer to get a seed from a ripe fruit. The main ripening period for mangoes is July-August, but there are rare varieties that ripen in December. Therefore, we can try to plant mangoes in winter. Moreover, growing a tree from a seed and watching it grow is a very interesting activity. You can involve children in this. They love to plant seeds from any fruit and see what happens.

Young mango tree

We will need:

  • Mango seed
  • Purchased soil or your own
  • Container for germination
  • Large flower pot

1. Prepare the bone

The seed must be taken from a ripe soft fruit. For the sprout to appear quickly, you need to open it. Carefully open the shell with a knife. Do not injure yourself and try not to injure the seed. You can plant it in a shell, but then it’s 50/50 whether it will germinate at all and wait at least two to three months. It is advisable to disinfect it a little in a pink solution of potassium permanganate so that it does not get sick.

2. Planting

Mango seed in the ground

Pour soil into a small container or small flower pot and stick our seed with the root down. Leave 3-4 cm on the surface. Pour warm water over it and cover with something. You can cut a plastic bottle to make a mini greenhouse. Place the pot in a warm, bright place. It is advisable not to open it until germination; water the mango seed as needed. Shoots will appear in about two weeks.

3. Replant

After the leaves appear, remove the cover. Then we transplant the mango into a large pot. This plant is not small, it is advisable to replant it every year in a larger pot. Caring for it is the same as for an indoor flower, only in winter be sure to spray the leaves with water and water with warm water at least twice a week. Mango does not like dry air and its leaves begin to fade.

4. Trim

You know that mango trees tolerate pruning well and its crown can be given any shape. Therefore, growing mangoes at home is quite possible. Mangoes usually bloom in the sixth year of life. Fruits can be obtained from grafted seedlings.

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Or mangifera indica(lat. Mangifera indica, Anacardiaceae family) is an evergreen tropical fruit tree, reaching a height of 10 to 45 m, known for its tasty fruits and high decorative qualities. Refers to long-lived plants: mango trees can reach an age of 100 and even 300 years. It is of great importance as a valuable agricultural crop. Mango ranks among the most popular fruits in the world, including citrus fruits and pineapple. The history of plant culture goes back more than 6,000 years. Today, in India alone, the homeland of mango, there are more than two hundred varieties of this plant. Significant breeding work to develop more cold-resistant mango species was carried out by American scientists. Nowadays, mango is cultivated in most countries with warm climates (India, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Pakistan, Mexico, Brazil, etc.).

In addition to being eaten, mango fruits are also used in folk medicine. Their hemostatic and anti-sclerotic effects are well known, and regular consumption of this fruit stimulates brain activity and has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. In the distant past, during terrible epidemics of plague and cholera, mangoes were used to heal the sick.

A mango fruit can weigh from 0.3 kg to 2 – 2.5 kg. It is a large drupe with sweet and sour, fibrous (in an unripe state) or soft (in fully ripened fruit) and very juicy pulp, covered with a thin peel of yellow, greenish, red and even dark purple, sometimes almost black. The composition of the fruits includes vitamins (A, groups B, C), minerals (zinc, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc.), sugars (sucrose, glucose, maltose), amino acids. Unripe fruits are rich in starch, organic acids (citric, malic, oxalic, succinic), which determine their sour taste, as well as pectin and vitamin PP (nicotinic acid). The consumption of such fruits is not recommended, as they can cause stomach pain and irritation of the mucous membrane. Despite the wonderful juicy and sweet taste of ripe mango fruits, it is also impossible to eat them indefinitely, so as not to provoke allergic reactions and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Mangoes can be grown in open ground only in tropical and subtropical climate zones. In a temperate climate, a plant without shelter dies under the influence of negative temperatures. You can save mangoes only if you create greenhouse conditions for them. Therefore, in mid-latitudes, growing mangoes as a pot crop is practiced. The planting material can be a grafted seedling of a dwarf variety selected in a nursery. Or they use a seed from the fruit of the plant. The root system of mango in its natural habitat is very powerful and reaches a depth of up to 6 m. In indoor conditions, the plant cannot develop fully, which has a significant impact on its fruit formation. But even in the absence of fruit on the tree, mango attracts attention with its bright foliage. The young leaves of the plant are distinguished by their original color; they can be greenish-yellow or yellow-pink, and sometimes bright red. With age, the leaves become denser, acquire a dark green color and a glossy surface.

The plant is very demanding of heat, good lighting and sufficient air humidity. It does not like waterlogged soil, so watering should not be abundant or frequent. To provide the plant with high air humidity, especially in winter, its leaves should be regularly sprayed with water at room temperature. Mangoes have no special soil preferences; the crop grows successfully on sandy loams, loams, podzolic soils, rocky and sandy areas. Mango trees are found even on saline soils and limestone, although soils with a pH in the range of 4.5 - 7 are optimal for them. The main condition for the plant is good drainage. In the case of growing mangoes at home in a pot or tub, it is recommended to use a ready-made soil mixture (sand, peat, vermicompost, mineral additives) intended for palm trees or cacti.

As planting material, choose a mango seed from a fully ripened (preferably even overripe) fruit. Having cleared it of pulp and then washed it thoroughly in running water, you should dry it and carefully split the shell without damaging the seed inside. This will facilitate and speed up the germination of the future tree. In overripe fruits, the seed is usually already slightly open, and a small sprout may even form. In this case, you can immediately plantt bone into the ground.

An ungerminated seed is placed vertically in a container of water at room temperature, so that the “top” of the seed (approximately 1/5 of it) is on the surface. For 2 - 4 weeks, until the sprout appears, it is necessaryChange the water regularly and carefully rinse the seed. The sprouted seed is placed in a small pot (about 15 cm high) filled with fertile substrate, at the bottom of which a drainage layer of expanded clay and sand is preliminarily arranged. Place it vertically in the pot, root down, sprinkled with a thin layer of earth (3–5 mm) on top. With good lighting and a room temperature of about + 24 - 26 ° C, seedlings can be expected within one to two months after planting. It is very important to ensure sufficient soil moisture during this period. Drying out the earthen clod is unacceptable, as is its excessive moisture.

With the appearance of the first leaves, the plant is periodically sprayed with water at room temperature. Also this should be done in winter, when the air humidity in the heated room is negligible. During short autumn and winter days, the tree needs additional lighting, for which fluorescent or phytolamps can be used. The room temperature in winter should not fall below +18° C. During the warm period, a pot with a mango tree is placed outdoors if possible, which has a very beneficial effect on the development of the plant.

Mango is a fast-growing crop, so for the first five to six years the plant must be replanted annually in larger containers. The tree reacts very painfully to such an operation, and in order to minimize the possibility of injury to its root system, the transshipment method of transplantation is used. Unlike the vaccinatedmango seedlings, in which fruiting occurs 2 to 3 years after planting, trees grown from seed can produce fruit no earlier than 6 years. In addition, this method of propagation does not allow preserving the maternal characteristics of the plant, and the taste of the fruit may differ significantly from what was expected. But lovers of exotic crops grow mango not only for its sweet fruits, but also for its decorative qualities. The tree easily tolerates pruning, so its crown can be given an interesting geometric shape. Well, bonsai lovers can try to recreate a mango in miniature.

Many of those who have ever tried a juicy exotic fruit have wondered how mango grows, and whether it is possible to plant it in an apartment. It turns out that everyone can do this. You just need to be patient and follow all the recommendations. The home tree is unlikely to please you with its fruits, but it will decorate the house with its unusual appearance.

Preparing a seed for planting. Before planting, it is necessary to remove the pit from the fruit and release the seed. To do this, the mango fruit is cut into two halves, after which the seed is removed from it. It should be washed and carefully opened so as not to damage the contents.

It often happens that the bone does not open. In this case, you cannot split it with a hammer or other tool, because you can harm the future sprout. The kernel should be placed in a container of clean water and placed in a warm, well-lit place. The water needs to be changed periodically. Usually after 2 weeks the bone swells and opens.

A mango seed resembles a large bean. After removing it, it is necessary to treat it with a special fungicide. This is done in order to protect the sprout from diseases.

The treated seed is wrapped in a damp cloth or paper towel, placed in a plastic bag with a zipper and placed in a plastic container. You can add wet sawdust to the bottom of the container and place the seed on top. The entire structure is placed in a dark, warm place until the sprout appears. Germination occurs after 2-3 weeks. All this time the seed should not be allowed to dry out.

Planting a seedling

The seedling is planted in an already prepared pot with an earthen mixture. It is better to immediately take a deeper pot so that the plant does not have to be replanted often. As for the soil, its composition can be universal. The main condition is a neutral level of acidity. Otherwise, the seedling will develop slowly and then completely wither away.

Here's how it's done:

  1. On a house plant, at a distance of 1-2 cm from the root collar, a T-shaped incision is made with a sharp knife.
  2. The edges of the incision are gently opened. The scion taken from the nursery is inserted there.
  3. The connection point is secured with insulating tape.

If everything is done correctly, in about a month the scion bud will begin to develop. In this case, after 90 days the main shoot of the tree should be pruned slightly above the grafting area. The resulting cut must be treated with garden varnish.

After grafting, the plant takes at least 3 years to grow a new crown. Only after this period will it begin to bloom and bear fruit. You should not expect a large harvest, since mango flowers in an apartment are not pollinated very well. Fruit ripening occurs after 3-4 months.

It is quite possible to grow mangoes from seeds at home. Such a tree will be a wonderful decoration for your apartment and will surprise your friends.